Hide folders from Box Drive
hide a set of folders from box drive while leaving them available on Box for office and Box online

Hi all,
We are currently working on the ability to hide certain folders in Box Drive on your desktop, allowing you to see only the folders that are important to you.
We will keep you updated on our progress here.
Anonymous commented
Hiding folders is essential to managing the desktop and decluttering! Just dumbfounded that the Box.com folks have not included this feature on Box Drive from the get go!!!! If you all don't figure this one out (and remove Box Sync from use), then I am GONE!
Anonymous commented
make this happen. company has 100's of shared folders... i dont want to see or have access to any of that on my machine... just a few.
Anonymous commented
Holy cow I just got a new laptop with Box Drive instead of Sync and it has already slowed my productivity by having to wade through the mess of folders available in our company. Whoever thought it would be a good idea to make folders and files available to everyone rather than only the ones who use them really missed the boat! That's like having access to every single network shared folder on every internal server, and every IT department is smart enough to not do that.
Anonymous commented
A workaround would be to right-click the Box folders you want to view/access frequently and "Pin to Quick access" . These will appear up top in File Explorer.
Anonymous commented
Wow. Still haven't resolved this? This seems to be a no-brainer....
Anonymous commented
How did you miss that simple feature ?
Anonymous commented
While I like this, I have hundreds of folders and I'd rather enable what I want to see rather than have to select the ones that I want to hide. So the inverse of this would suit me (and many colleagues in my company) better
Anonymous commented
Hiding old folders or being able to move old shared folders to an Archive folder of one's own creation - or preferably both - seem like basic functionalities if you want to bring out a product and have it operate in a professional way that works for large organizations. Like a major university! Please expedite these two changes if you possibly can. It's getting out of control in here. Thank you for considering.
Anonymous commented
aaaargh.... I was forced to give up Box Sync last week, to fix some other computer issues, and in its place, here comes Box Drive. I went from having two folders I needed to see to over 40. Why this is even "under consideration", instead of "Ooops, we should have had this from Day One" is beyond me.
Anonymous commented
In addition to the comments many have made about only needing access to a fraction of the folders they have access to, Box drive only works when you have Internet access. If I am in an area without internet or on a flight without wifi I cannot access the files at all. This defeats the purpose of syncing to your local machine.
Anonymous commented
I hope this function "Hide folders from Box Drive" will come soon!
Steven Kimes commented
We have users that refuse to move to Box Drive because of this exact issue. We have users that OWN old deleted user folders so cannot just remove access. They absolutely do not need to wade through all of those useless folders everyday in their box Drive folder to get to their active projects.
John Lever commented
Being able to view the whole of the root directory has some benefits, but it makes navigation cumbersome, especially on laptops where the screen size is restricted. I tried to use tags but again unnecessary scrolling is time consuming. If the folders are used are yours and used regularly they should be offline available, so why not separate the view into offline and online content?
Anonymous commented
Our organization just migrated from Box Sync to Box Drive. In Box Sync, I was able to select only the handful of folders that I'm currently working on to store offline. In Box Drive, I've just inherited 454 folders that have all been shared with me. On the Mac, I have associated Tags to the folders I'm actively using, and that seems to work (I don't know how the tags get sync'd back to Box), but a feature to view only favorites would be useful.
Anonymous commented
The option to hide folders on Box Drive is essential to me for 2 reasons:
1. I collaborate in a lot of folders and need less than 2% for my routine work
2. some folders are sensitive and for information security reasons shouldn't have access from my laptop. -
Vincent commented
From a security perspective, that could boost Box Drive adoption. In our case, one issue we have with Box Drive is that confidential files & folders stored on Box become accessible on multiple local hard drives either when Box Drive caches those or if people mark that content for use offline, which is a major security issue. Having the ability to implement policies preventing access via Box Drive (based on metadata maybe) would certainly be a step in the right direction
Anonymous commented
The lack of this feature is enough to send me back to dropbox. Please release this feature ASAP!
Anonymous commented
This "missing" feature is a critical missing option that was available with box sync. Dropbox has this feature which in my mind is not really a feature but a fundamental and necessary component of this kind of file sharing program. I want to use only one file sharing system but do NOT want all my file and folder names accessible on each computer on which I have Box installed. Pictures of my fishing trip should not be visible on my work desktop while meeting notes from a committee I am on do not need to clutter my home desktop computer. THus I recommend not only instating a hide/show option but also to allow it to be customized for each computer using a particular box account,
Anonymous commented
I am the supervisor of a team of 8 people. It's company policy that I have access to all their files. However, I NEVER look at them unless there is a major problem with something. And I mean, in 5 years, I've NEVER opened any of them. With Drive, I now have to negotiate through them to get to the 4 folders I use DAILY.
One of the reasons we don't use Google was the customizable organization that each user had with Box Sync. I love the functionality of Drive, but having to scroll down to a folder that I use daily through never used folders is really making me consider shifting everyone to Google since there is much easier editing functionality with that platform. I have the option to make certain folders available offline. It only seems that the functionality to hide certain folders from off line would be there too.
Anonymous commented
Please add this functionality. I have folders and files on Box.com that I do not need to see on Box Drive on my machine.