Send a "here's how your items are shared" report to each user periodically
One of the most common sources of security breaches is due to a user inadvertently sharing an item more broadly or for longer than they intended.
A simple way to help limit those sorts of security breaches would be for Box to email every user a report periodically (configurable by the admin, but roughly monthly) that said "Here's how everything you own is shared with other people, and here's a link to the KB article that'll tell you how to fix it if it's not what you want", then showed a report of their folders, files, and shared links, with an emphasis on more-dangerous practices (like folders or custom shared links that are shared with the public).

Jeff Hunn commented
This would help us remove a custom script we had to create as we do this quarterly today but it is inefficient. We require users to review their shared content, particularly external, so this would be a nice add.
Anonymous commented
A variation where a user could set the "should I see this email" and for frequency of this email might be nice, to help forestall spam complaints. Minimally, I'd love to see this type of report for "on demand" access.
boxsfdc-integration boxsfdc-integration commented
Chris’ comment is on target. If this could be limited to items classified as sensitive (per each organization’s rules) that would help keep the notices under control.
It would be nice if the notices could be delivered both via email and within the web interface. A Slack integration, with a button leading to the details on the web, would be nice to have.
Chris Mueller commented
I like this suggestion, but more focused on just the high risk, if it was everything it would be overwhelming for some of our users.