Include Path Collection in the result of Event API
Event API does not include the path collection for updated files. Thus, to get the updated files, another File Info API should be called.
This situation increases the number of API calls and causes the complexity of the client program and the performance issue.
Could you include the path collection in Event API results?

President Elect Lynn commented
The little links are so tiny I don't actually have big sausage fingers. I accidently clicked wrong box and ended up flagging my own question duh. I don't even know how to troubleshoot they've made it so difficult. What the what? Can't access local in my system files. Can't rename anything anywhere. Submitting problem even an event. Why is post comment even difficult?
Admineumenhofer (Admin, Box) commented
This is critical if you ever want to find a unique event such as a trash event, but you only have the original folder ID.
Anonymous commented
Relatedly, the path_collection should be included in FILE.TRASHED and FOLDER.TRASHED webhook events