Menus are cut off and unusable
When I select one of the files closest to the top of the list, the menu options for "open with" and sometimes "download" are cut off. No matter how I resize my screen I can't reach those menu items. This is an issue across multiple computers, usually using Chrome.

Anonymous commented
The cutoff happens on the majority of files in a given folder in your window. If there are files in the folder that you can select the menu for near the very bottom of the screen, you'll be lucky enough to get all the menu options. If it's a file on the vast majority of the remainder of your window space, you're out of luck. Take Microsoft Word -- Depending on your mouse's physical location/what the mouse is interacting with, just have the menu populate according to the mouse's relation to the window as a whole. If you're below halfway on the screen, menu pops up above your mouse, same for if the mouse is higher - menu pops up below the mouse. And Dear God, if you need to, add a scroll function within the menu. You have a ton of options inside that thing. All of the solutions people are proposing on this thread have been used across different types of media for a long time, and plenty of them have been cloud and/or internet-based. Please please take time to fix this.
Anonymous commented
Hi, right-clicking on the file does actually create the same problem. I work in BOX extensively and this is a big hinderance in terms of efficiency and ease of use. I have to left click on the file, then once inside that item, use the top right selection in the window to "open with" to populate it in a new tab to edit, then click back in the original window to get back to whatever BOX folder I was in to grab the file from. It's so clunky. Again, my issue is occurring in the same order as this person said, but it IS with the right-click menu. Please continue to look into this.
Anonymous commented
There seems to be a glitch when trying to view document options. For example, when clicking the three dots beside the document name in a folder, the first document will display the additional options downward, where all options are visible. Every document listed below the first, however, will display the additional options up, towards the search bar. This blocks many of the options and is a frustrating display. Please fix this so that the other options can be seen and used without having to click into the document.
Anonymous commented
This is terrible design and quite annoying. Simply putting the most common items at the bottom of the list would mitigate this.
Anonymous commented
This is very annoying and really affects my development time having to play around with the windows or waiting for the menu bar to change so I can download my files.
Anonymous commented
When I click on the three dots next to a file to select the "Trash" option, the menu that pops up is cut off on my screen and I can't see half of the options, including "Trash". The solutions are to change my zoom (which still doesn't always show the whole menu), or to manually drag the file to Trash, but it'd be easier to just be able to see the whole menu easily, especially if I need to do something other than Trash a file.
Anonymous commented
I have been using box for years and this issue has driven me insane!
Sean Sedacca commented
Same issue here, and I can't believe it hasn't been resolved yet. What are they doing? This is such a fundamental flaw that creates huge hassles for users. Very disappointing.
Anonymous commented
Cannot vote for this enough. Super frustrating usability issue!
Anonymous commented
I came to report the same thing. on chrome on macOS. This impairs usage of the entire program and should be high priority.
Emily H commented
I have the same issue and am a Firefox user. Would definitely appreciate a fix for this, it's really annoying!
Anonymous commented
This affects all browsers and is likely due to ****** javascript referencing window size since it has to decide if it's going to display the popup dialog "up" or "down". Super annoying since you can't always resize your window appropriately to make it pop the other direction.
Anonymous commented
For the pop-up menu that appears when you right-click from the file list, even though you want to select "Select and open application" from there, part of the menu may be off the screen depending on the size of the window, and Since you can't scroll, you have to double-click to open the file on the preview screen and then select the application. I wondered if the pop-up menu would appear if I changed the right-click location, but it didn't change no matter how much I clicked. It is extremely inconvenient to use.
Anonymous commented
A workaround that works well for me is to first select the file (click anywhere in the row that highlights the file, but doesn't change the arrow cursor). Then, above the list of files it should now indicate that your document is selected, and there should be a three-dot "More Options" button to the right that functions correctly (opens below).
Tammy Papin commented
This has happened to a few of our users while using a Windows machine using Chrome. The users are experiencing intermittent cut off menus in Box.
The browser window is fully maximized and they are at the top of their document list. This happens when the user clicks on the ellipsis (3 dots on the line of the file name) of a file that is at the top of the list in the folder.
Sometimes they are able to sort the Name or Updated field asc/desc so the file gets sorted to the bottom and then they should see the full menu. But most times sorting doesn't work as the file will still be at the top or near the top of the list.