Box Sign - Combine Executed Signed Docs and Signature Log
Currently, when you send a document to be signed, the signed executed document and signature log are saved as separate files. It would be nice if the signed doc and signature log were one document and saved as an updated version of the original document. Currently, it turns 1 document into 3 documents, and clutters up the folders.

Anonymous commented
This would be very helpful for us as we need one single file to add to our clients records. The whole push to use Box Sign was to help us from emailing and downloading files - it would be amazing to just keep one file and move it through a flow. We currently need to download both to combine and then re-upload to move into the record.
Anonymous commented
This would be a huge help for our organization. We're currently having to use a third party signature integration instead of Box Sign due to the separate files it creates.
AdminAnonymous (Admin, Box) commented
This is a major need. It's clutter for users and creates frustration for end users upon migration from Docusign to Box Sign, and is a very bad first impression.
Tom commented
We need this as well. We attach signed documents to records in our accounting system. Unfortunately, accounting system only supports 1 pdf per record.
Anonymous commented
Clutter in folders is the main issue, 3 signed forms turn into 9 documents with very similar names. While the ability to combine documents may be useful, and we would be happy if we could set a default location for signing logs to be saved.
Anonymous commented
Do you have a timeline on this?
Anonymous commented
I would like the ability/option to have the signing log merged as part of the completed document.
Anonymous commented
This is seriously needed.
Anonymous commented
Agreed. Please append the signing log into the same file as the executed document. It should not be a separate document...
Anonymous commented
Yes! And why create a new file name for the same file that was uploaded for signature? (For example, a file named "Customer Needs to Sign This.pdf" comes back as "Customer Needs to Sign This.1.pdf". Would be nice to have a feature that writes over the original file sent for signature. It's annoying to have multiple versions.
Anonymous commented
We need this function as well. Signed docs and signature log as one file similar to docusign.
Anonymous commented
We need this option as well. Why is the signing log a separate document?