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1067 results found

  1. Matching display with Box Notes shared link settings

    If the Admin Console [Shared Link Permissions] is set to type "File: Can view and download" and type "Box Notes: Can view and edit",
    Depending on where you create a Box Notes shared link, the settings and permissions displayed do not match.This is the current specification.

    Created a shared link from a file list: The permission "View only" is displayed because the type is "File", but it can be edited.
    Creating a shared link from the Box Notes share button: The "Can edit" permission is displayed to refer to the type "Box Notes".

    We feel that this specification causes confusion…

    9 votes
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  2. In the Enterprise settings for device protection, add the global IP address used during client connection to the device trust requirements.

    I would like to add the global IP address that the client connects to as a target in the device trust requirements of the policies that can be set in the Enterprise settings for device protection. Currently, it is possible to apply for allowed IP addresses individually on a tenant basis, but it is not feasible to respond appropriately each time. By making it possible to set this as an item in this function, it will be possible to respond quickly and control the target in a limited manner, thereby improving operational management convenience and enhancing security. Please consider this.

    8 votes
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  3. We want group administrators to edit tracking codes

    Currently, tracking code information can only be accessed by Admins and Co-Admins with permission.
    We wish it was possible to give group admins the ability to edit tracking codes.
    Alternatively, We would like it to be possible to be a co-admin while being a group admin.



    12 votes
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  4. We want to enable a custom app partially by specifying users/groups

    A feature has been released for integrated apps that allows you to partially enable them by specifying groups or users, but we would like a similar feature for custom apps.



    12 votes
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  5. MFA timeout settings for external collaborators

    The following features currently only have settings that can be applied to managed users:
    However, in order to strengthen security, we believe that limiting the scope of application to managed users is insufficient.
    Please apply this setting to external collaborators as well (especially those with free accounts).

    For example, if the requirements are not met, the collaboration status will be "pending."

    Box is adding configurable MFA timeouts:




    3 votes
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  6. Extension of the number of versions limit when using Governance

    We would like to be able to extend the maximum number of versions that can be set in the management console to about 2000-3000.

    When we subscribe to Box Governance, we can choose to have unlimited versions of files or 1~100 versions.

    We are currently using unlimited, but sometimes we find that files with many versions (e.g. restoring from the Recycle Bin) are slow.
    Since each file version has its own ID and is tied to the original file, I believe this is possible due to the mechanism, not my imagination.

    Therefore, we would like to set an upper limit,…

    4 votes
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  7. Register another group to the group

    Currently, in Box, groups can only be added by user.
    For example, a user who displays “BoxHubs” in the service menu is in Group A, and a user who has the “BoxAI for Hubs” privilege is in Group B. If we could add Group A to Group B, we would be able to add users who can create Hubs and use AI in Hubs, and users who can use AI in Hubs.
    If we can add Group A to Group B, we can have “users who can create Hubs and use AI in Hubs” and “users who can create Hubs…

    3 votes
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  8. add sorting option to status for managed users

    Under managed users tab, you can sort by email but cannot sort by status. Would like the option to sort by status to organize managed user by status

    2 votes
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  9. Add sorting option to email

    Under Managed users tab, would like to be able to sort status like you can sort email

    2 votes
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  10. toggles in gui are grey, making it difficult to determine what is enabled

    All the toggles in the admin GUI are shades of grey, making it difficult to determine what is actually enabled or not

    2 votes
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  11. Addition of the ability to enforce “file request” expiration dates.

    Currently, users can set an expiration date at their discretion in “File Request”, but there is no function for the administrator to enforce the expiration date setting. In order to deter external attacks and to ensure more secure operations, it would be ideal to have a function that allows the expiration date to be enforced.

    3 votes
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  12. 【New UI】 Ability to limit authorization settings by co-administrators.

    After the change to the new UI, co-administrators are no longer able to grant or revoke co-administrator privileges to other users for security reasons.
    Some users have voiced a lack of convenience because they are no longer able to do things that were previously possible with co-administrator authority.
    We would like to see a restriction feature added to allow operation only by some co-administrators.


    36 votes
    on roadmap  ·  0 comments  ·  Admin Console  ·  Admin →
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  13. We would like to search by the entered email address from the selected user in the drop-down list.

    Recently, a new feature has been added to the Admin Console, allowing users to filter by selecting 'External Users' and 'Unmanaged Users' from the drop-down list in the 'Users & Groups' tab. This is a fantastic improvement.

    We would like to request the following three additional enhancements:

    1) When 'External Users' is selected from the drop-down list, it should be possible to search by email address in the top search field, and the results should display only 'External Users'.

    2) When 'Unmanaged Users' is selected from the drop-down list, it should be possible to search by email address in the…

    1 vote
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  14. Add an exportable report for External Users

    a Download Report button in External Users, within the Admin Console - Users and Groups. There is a button for Managed Users. We need one for External Users that includes who added or invited the External User and when.

    4 votes
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  15. Feature Request: Flexible Expiration Settings for Shared Links

    I would like to submit a feature request for Box Plus.

    Currently, we have set expiration dates for shared links in the management console for links that anyone with the link can access. Users are not allowed to extend or make these shared links permanent.

    However, there is a demand from multiple departments to embed teaching links as QR codes so that on-site materials can be referenced locally, and also to permanently publish documents on Box publicly. Therefore, I would like to request some features that allow partial access.

    For example:

    Set exceptions for expiration dates only for specific folders.

    1 vote
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  16. IP address restriction setting in admin console

    We would like to be able to configure IP address restriction setting in admin console.
    It cannot be set up IP address restriction without a service request to product support.
    Therefore, any customer have to wait long time to set it and also is inconvenient.

    19 votes
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  17. Ability for Admins to find the owner/creator of a custom app, regardless of auth type

    Admins should be able to find out who created an application. Right now we can only see the authentication types that are authorized through the admin console. OAuth applications are not easily researched. If the application was created outside of the 7 year reporting window, we also aren't able to create an activity report to determine which user created the application. If an app is making calls in our Enterprise, we should be able to figure out who owns the app in case there are any issues and they need to be contacted.

    1 vote
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  18. Make setting a password for shared links mandatory.

    Currently setting password for shared links is not mandatory. We would like to have the ability to set a global control that requires all public/open ('people with the link') links to be password-protected.

    2 votes
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  19. Request:Unmanaged users Behaviour

    There is a folder whose collaboration is allowed for only internal ( At folder settings, Restrict collaboratio within our company is checked )
    One unmanaged user who uses company email domain but is associated with free box account is invited the folder, he/she is successfully invited. But auto expirtation for external collaborators ( which is set on enterprise settings) is also adopted to the user. This seems unnatrual and it is not reasonable.

    This is said by design, but could you consider improvng either 1 or 2 ?
    1. if a folder is only allowed to collaborate internal, please restrict…

    2 votes
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  20. Creating accounts containing double-byte characters should not be allowed, which violates RFC5322

    Creating accounts containing double-byte characters should not be allowed, which violates RFC5322

    Currently, it is possible to create a new account containing double-byte characters in an email address, but it cannot be activated because it cannot receive mail. However, as a result, accounts containing double-byte characters exist like zombies.

    In some external cloud services (Salesforce), this causes errors when retrieving the user list, but the root cause of this problem in the first place is that Box can create new accounts containing double-byte characters, which violates RFP5322 "3.4.1. Addr-Spec Specification," so I would like to see this specification changed.

    7 votes
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