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1067 results found
Greater granularity for co-admin privilages
A co-admin should be able to manage the whitelisted domains for external sharing which is currently only possible by the main admin. Similarly for Shield alerts, only an admin can currently unlock a file. Whilst an admin should be the only one able to change the set up, decide on the alert settings etc a co-admin should be able to manage existing alerts. The lack of granularity of what a co-admin can do makes it difficult to manage as the only alternative is to give co-admins full access to config which isn't a viable option.
8 votes -
Make it less difficult to remove licenses
Make it straight forward to remove licenses right from the admin page.
1 vote -
Change the target of "Application Restrictions" (shared link creation / DL, etc.)
If "Restrict to applications" is turned on, all users will not be able to perform operations such as DL, editing, and creating shared links at once.
We would like to see a change so that the target of "Application Restrictions" (shared link creation / DL, etc.) can be specified.【日本語】
「アプリケーションへの制限」の適用対象(共有リンク作成 / DL等)が指定できるようになるよう変更してほしい。2 votes -
Privileged Identity Management
I would like to see the ability to apply PIM for Box Admin and Co-Admin roles; a mechanism whereby the Admin role is granted for a minimal amount of time based on the Just in Time principle.
We would like to see minimum privileges, minimum time, and consistent with the company's zero-trust strategy.
Box管理者、共同管理者のロールについて、PIMを適用できるようにしてほしい。Just in Time の原則に基づき、最小限の時間だけ管理者ロールが付与される仕組み。
1 vote -
Improve Print to PDF conversion to avoid extra pages
When sending single page .tif files to print as .pdfs, Box web app conversion scaling creates extra pages due to imperfect margins. Manually adjusting the scaling down to 70% brings the image size down to fit on a single page.
We would like to see either improved automated scaling or a way to set a default scale in the Admin Console to avoid overburdening end users having to set the scale by hand every time they need to print.
1 vote -
Box Device Trust Domain Requirement Azure AD tenant ID
Really simple suggestion for documentation and the Device Trust config page. In December 2023, for companies with no local domain but using Azure AD , I needed to fill in the "Tenant ID" into the Device Trust policy domain requirement field in order to successfully connect. I grabbed mine from my Microsoft Entra overview page, but there are other ways to get it like running "dsregcmd /status" on a joined laptop.
1 vote -
When outputting a report from the Admin Console, the user interface for searching folders cannot uniquely identify folders with the same fol
When narrowing down the user activity report to activities under a specific folder, a search is performed by folder name, but if there are many identical folder names, it is not possible to uniquely specify the folder.
I would like to be able to display the folder path from the root or specify by folder ID.(Japanese)
4 votes -
Bandwith warning
As there are quite dire consequences for overstepping the monthly Bandwith Limit, it would be good to have get some kind of Warning before it happens.
Maybe an E-Mail Notifikation saying something like "you've already used 80% of your Bandwith this month."Or at least have a graph in the Admin Console showing how much bandwith was used that month.
1 vote -
Add Folder for New User
When creating a new user, we would like the ability for the admin to create a dedicated folder for said user within the new Admin Console UI.
Currently this feature exists within the original UI.
3 votes -
Change the design of Admin console in the custom settings
The design of Admin console menu is only black. We need to identify that Admin console is production or sandbox by design(ex. color).
16 votes -
Only Administrator should assign licenses
Can you escalate this issue to your development team? I believe this should be an enhancement request. The system should have a way to block licenses to be added to the account and only administrators should have the power to create new users. We use other products here, none of them give the users the power to grab a license on their own.
I agree the currently design enhances security by only allowing managed users on the account, this is perfect, but at the same time is causes issues with customers that have a limited number of licenses and have…
2 votes -
Button in the Admin Console to remove the existing 2FA without logging in as that User
We currently have to search for the user in the admin console, log in as them, go to their personal settings, remove their existing method, then return to the admin console. If there was a button in the admin console to remove the existing 2FA without logging in as that person, it would be really handy
1 vote -
Device Trust OS Policy - Add additional subversions
Can additional subversions be added to the most recent version on the Minimum macOS Version list? For example, the current macOS version is 13.5 so they would like to see subversions of macOS 11 listed up to macOS 11.5 as options in the Device Trust policy. This allows the customer to further enforce their risk mitigation efforts by disallowing managed users with older OS' from accessing their Box account.
2 votes -
1 vote
Folder Share for external users
It would be nice to have a feature where only a selected group of users can allow external users to have access to particular folders.
1 vote -
Ability to see full name of Groups and Folders in the Admin Console
When adding or reviewing groups in Box new Admin console, we are unable to see the full name of the group and it does it does not appear in alphabetical order. Same is true for the folders collaboration section. The names are cut off and you cannot scroll or hover to see the full name. Even shrinking the screen does not help. This is very problematic for security reasons as you may grant access to the wrong group or the wrong folder or create duplicates if you miss seeing an existing group or folder. And it wastes alot of time.…
1 vote -
Enterprise Setting not Applied to Invited Manger User
In our Box enterprise account, we have a default setting that ensures the restriction of external collaboration is enabled. Although, we have noticed that if we invite an existing Box user to join our enterprise account this setting is disabled for them. So instead of having the new user follow our default setting they keep the default setting of their previous enterprise account. We would like the ability to have our default enterprise settings take precedence over the invited Box Managed user’s previous enterprise settings.
1 vote -
Automated license alerts
Allow the setup and generation of automatic license alerts based on set thresholds to know when to expand/order more licenses.
1 vote -
Managed user
We need the ability to purge user accounts from the "managed users" without deleting them, or "waiting room" of the "managed users".
After inviting users with email addresses from the same domain to collaborate, they are automatically added to the "managed users" list when user accounts are created. If we do not want them to be the "managed users", we must delete their user accounts, as there is no action to purge them from the "managed users".1 vote -
Be able to default a sort method
Currently you can change the sort method from alphabetical to updated date or size, but there's no way to change the default order from updated. Most of my files I prefer alphabetical so it's inconvenient to have to click it every time
12 votes
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