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322 results found

  1. Search function included in the Copy or Move option for ipad

    User on ipad report not seeing the option to search for files on the move or copy options like they do in web app. Makes it difficult to move files to destination by going through the file tree list.

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  2. Separate set of granular controls for Box for Mobile and Box for EMM in Mobile Tab of Enterprise Settings

    Use case: Company uses MDM provider in tandem with MFA. Presently, the Mobile tab applies to all mobile applications. They need much stricter settings for MFA users than Mobile Iron users (e.g. only allow upload/view files)

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  3. Password Forgot Link should not be on the initial Login Screen of the Mobile app.

    I believe the forgot password link on the initial Box Login Screen should be removed from the app. The scenario requires you to enter in your Username First (Email). At that point Box knows if the person is SSO or not. If the person is SSO it should bring them to their IDP. If it not it should provide a password dialog box and the option to reset the password.

    An option to reset the password should not be present before you enter in your username(Email).

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  4. Hide folders in the Recent Folders view in the Box Capture app without deleting them

    Hide folders in the Recent Folders view in the Box Capture app without deleting them.

    2 votes
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  5. File request option for mobile App

    Mobile App does not allow selecting "File Request" giving individuals browser upload capabilities without needing to get a box account. Why is that function missing in the App but available on the Desktop browser version?

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    This is currently unplanned as we’re expanding the functionality of file request making it harder to create/manage them from Mobile. However the submission experience is fully mobile optimized. Thank you!

  6. Make Shared Folder Sorting Consistent Across Devices

    Viewing a shared link on a mobile device ignores the sort preference that is established internally and only shows folders/files alphabetically.

    I cannot think of a single example of how it would be beneficial to specifically alter the established folder/file sorting method to default to "Alphabetical" merely because the folder is being viewed on mobile.

    Sort method should not be "device" dependent. Instead, it should be consistent across all platforms—especially given the fact that the shared-link folder/file list sort method cannot be chosen at the shared-user end.

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  7. 7 votes
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  8. Box Capture enhancements

    Videos recorded using Box Capture on iPad have been randomly saving with incorrect orientation for some time now. Videos will be recorded with iPad in landscape mode, but files will come out in portrait mode. I have had to manually reorient many many videos over the past few months.

    Clearing the local storage only works temporarily to fix the video rotation issue, and it eventually creeps back in. It is also odd to me that clearing the local video storage would have any effect on this. Is there some other data that is in the local storage that is gumming…

    9 votes
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  9. Ability to view/add/edit Skills card on Box mobile app (iPhone and Android)

    Ability to view/add/edit Skills card on Box mobile app (iPhone and Android)

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    Thanks for this idea! We are not currently planning to add this functionality to the mobile app but will update this thread if that changes in future.

  10. Use certificate based authentication for Box Capture

    Ability to use certificate based authentication on Box Capture and Box Capture for EMM.
    (Currently only supported on Box for iOS and Box for EMM)

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  11. Box Passcode Screenshot Issue Resolution

    On the Box Android App when you set a passcode it does not allow you to take a screenshot of any document. You have to go remove the passcode to take the screenshot and then go back and set it again.
    This is beyond tedious and unnecessary and some other workaround to be able to do both has to be given. I want to have the ability to have security (passcode) and take screenshots.

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  12. Single page view option for Box for Android

    In Box for Android - make single page fit to screen an option for previewing PDFs.

    Currently there is either 2 page - which creates a lot of blank space on the top and bottom - or the thumbnail grid - which is good for navigating to a page but not helpful for review of a single page.

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  13. iOS Files app "waiting to upload" problem/getting stuck

    Awhile back I could not get the iOS Files to work with Box documents. They would get stuck in the "waiting to upload." While they were helpful, I spent several emails with Box assistants and we couldn't find a solution and gave up. It seems obvious, but I finally figured out what happened. The Microsoft Office applications in iOS require an Office 365 account to edit documents. My Office 365 is through my work, and I am in education, so of course we get a terrible email at first and immediately start using the email alias. When Office required the…

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  14. Show 'Folder Description' at the top on the mobile app

    Show 'Folder Description' at the top when entering a folder on the mobile app (like the web UI)

    2 votes
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  15. UI improvement for box mobile site

    Please remove the top page of mobile site if we access the site via browser instead of APP. It should directly go to the box web site.

    If above is impossible, since “Open in Box App” and “Download for free” are not needed for all customers who are using mobile site without accessing it from App
    so that “View on Box Mobile site” should be more emphasized and above two option should be removed or minimalized.

    4 votes
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  16. merge box capture into box drive

    to bring box mobile on par with dropbox and onedrive which have a capture feature built in

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  17. Tabbed mobile navigation

    Currently, I cannot do meaningful work on the Box mobile app. It would be amazing if we could have tabs to enable the navigation within different folders/content at the same time. One tab could be a folder, another tab previewing a doc, another tab, editing a Box Note.

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  18. Access the Admin Console via the iPad application

    Users with a co-admin or primary admin designation should be able to access the Admin Console when logged into the Box for iPad application (vs having to use the web browser)

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  19. Edit PDF's natively in iOS app and Save as Flattened PDF

    We currently use onedrive only to edit PDF's via our ipad using the apple pencil. It would be great if we didn't have to do this in onedrive and could just use Box. Especially as Box is our cloud drive.

    One step better than onedrive's features would be that after editing the PDF with the apple pencil, then have the ability to save the pdf as a flattened PDF file. This is a great feature for signing documents and would improve workflow greatly.

    4 votes
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  20. @mention dose not work well in Flick input

    @mention dose not work well in Japanese Mobile app(Box for iPhone and iPad),when I use "Flick input".

    When I use "PC keyboard input",that function work well.
    But,when I use Japanese "Flick input",that function does not work well.

    I strongly demand that improvement.

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1 2 6 8 10 16 17
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