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395 results found
Co-Owner should be able to confirm the destination of the file (or the user who operated it)./Co-ownerにもファイルの移動先(あるいは、操作したユーザー)確認をできるようにしてほし
We know that if we want to know where a folder has been moved to, we can ask the administrator to output it from the report.
However, We would like the Co-owner to be able to check the destination of the file (or the user who operated it) in case of urgency.(In Japanese)
急ぐ場合にCo-ownerにもファイルの移動先(あるいは、操作したユーザー)確認をできるようにしてほしいです。3 votes -
Change configuration shared links - expiration policy
Currently it is possible to configure an expiry policy for shared links for a period of up to 10 years, the logic in which this option is programmed is contradictory in itself.
Once this policy is implemented from the administration console, expecting that links can be removed/expired after a certain period of time in order to have more control and security over the shared content the end user can simply remove this setting (expiry policy) at the time they are creating their shared link.
The end user is practically overwriting the configuration at the environment admin level.
3 votes -
Copy All Folder Settings when copying a Folder
When copying a folder, all folder settings should be copied over as well (or have the option to do so). As is, some settings do copy over while others don't. For example:
Can Copy: Restrict Collaboration to within ETF, Disable Commenting, Shared Link Access, Watermarking, Uploading (Overwrite files) and Email notifications
Won't Copy: Only Folder owners and co-owners can send collab invites, Hide Collaborators, Allow Uploads to this folderThis would be especially useful when copying a template folder with a folder structure that needs the same settings when copied for a new project/customer/etc.
12 votes -
Select which 2FA/2SV feature
There are currently 2 2FA mechanisms, SMS or Auth App.
We would like to be able to select which mechanism to be available to users. We want to avoid users from having to use SMS1 vote -
Hide and add permissions to folders
I would like to hide or lock folders as I have multiple employees.
1 vote -
Timed logout out option with inactivity
Would like to elect to have a timed log out option. For example if you set 10minutes or 1hr of inactivity you would be automatically logged out like a banking website.
2 votes -
Prevent Co-owner from assigning Co-owner to other users
We would like to see the option to prevent a user with Co-owner permission from being able to assign Co-owner permission to other user's.
1 vote -
Title: 2FA – Session Level NOT Machine Level
Category: 2FA
After enabling 2FA:
Steps followed:
Quit Safari (v14.0.3) (Cmd+Q)
Launch Safari
Navigate to
Login without 2FA (2FA enabled)
As a separate test, I also removed my Safari session from Box security, quit Safari (Cmd+Q), opened Safari and was able to login without a 2FA credential.
When a user removes an active session (or saved login location), any new login attempts should be seen as a new computer, and thus prompt for the credentials setup by the user logging in.
I was able to get Box to prompt for…
1 vote -
Password Protect Folders Designated as "Invited People Only" Collaborators
I would like to add passwords to folders that are tagged as "Invited People Only" to increase the level of security on the content. I would like to create a folder that is shared only with invited people, and also add a password for the folder to ensure content is as secure as possible, e.g., pre-lease earnings reports, HR terminations, pending litigation, etc.
2 votes -
Wildcards for Allowedlisted domains
Allow for * wildcard domains for allowed domains on enterprise settings.
1 vote -
Watermarking feature turns document to a PDF and loses all formatting
Currently the watermarking feature turns the selected document to a PDF, therefore losing all formatting from the original application. In excel the document loses all formatting features, including tabs, etc. Watermarking should not lose the formatting of the original document - and/or allow for watermarking feature to only be used when downloading and not in the view features.
3 votes -
Watermarking only for downloads
Watermarking in the Box view is intrusive. Allow for water marking feature to be marked as an option for downloaded materials only.
3 votes -
Infinite redirects in SSO-enabled mode when a user's password expires
In SSO enabled mode, you can sign in with a password. When a user's password expires, they are forced to change their password. If you try to sign in with SSO in this situation, you will be redirected indefinitely and you will not be able to sign in.
In this case, Box should redirect to the password change page after accepting the authentication.
1 vote -
Smart Access Behavior/スマートアクセスの挙動について
Smart Access Behavior
[Restrict managed users] > [Restrict all users except owner/co-owner] is selected, editors and viewers will not be able to move and copy operations.
Restrict managed users > Restrict all users except owner/co-owner and editors is selected, you will not be able to copy the viewer.
When using the above Box classification and Shield features (access policy), the settings will be applied to files but not to folders, even if they are set.
When a user with editor privileges copies a folder, all copies are made.
I can copy and move folders, but I can't download the files…1 vote -
Intermediate collaborator permission level between "Editor" and "Viewer/Uploader"
"Viewer/Uploader" is the second state in the series of current box collaborator permission levels for general users. However its operable range is very limited comparing to "Editor".
It would be more convenient for users to have another subdivided level or two, such as "Semi-Editor" which is possible to operate files but unable to change levels.3 votes -
Device Trust Whitelisting
Provide ability to whitelist devices while Device Trust is enabled. We would like to enable Device Trust requiring both Domain and Certificate. But we also have lab hosts that are not domain members or have issued certificates. We would like to be able to allow hosts not meeting the Device Trust settings to login.
3 votes -
According to BOX, this is what is being Watermarked “For App Users, it is their user id and current timestamp. The default watermark cannot
According to BOX, this is what is being Watermarked “For App Users, it is their user id and current timestamp. The default watermark cannot be customized at this time.”
Right now the Watermark is their “USER ID”, and we need it to be their USER NAME or NAME.1 vote -
Automated way to manage 2 Step verification for external collaborators
Provide API support to manage 2 Step verification settings for external collaborators .
Our use case is to "enable only for select domains/users". It is difficult to impossible to manage this for 1000's of external collaborators via the admin console. looking for an API support here to automate the process of managing the external user's 2 Step verification settings. The API should offer
1. Add external collaborator domain and specific email id to the 2 step verification
2. Query status given a domain or user email address
3. API to remove a given user / domain4 votes -
The ability to send a file to a specified user without requesting receiver to create Box account
We are looking for a way to share a file without requesting external receiver to create Box account. Shared Link with "anyone can access" is too open and risky so we need to specify the receiver by email etc. Dropbox provides this by Dropbox Transfer.
2 votes -
Independent back-up of files in box
In allot of professions, regulatory requirements require for us to have an independent back up of the files. With today's increased ransomware where they freeze your files, having an independent back-up is a great idea. I propose for Box to have all the files backed-up to a third location where its stored for access if needed. What happens if someone deletes a file by mistake or get all the files deleted. Having a site as back up will be a great idea. Filed could be backed up once a week. And I can tell you I will pay extra for…
1 vote
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