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138 results found
Collaboration expiration for specific collaborators
Collaboration expiration can only be applied on a folder level at the moment and cannot be applied to specific collaborators. I would like this feature for specific collaborators in a folder.
18 votes -
Hide user in autocomplete
Similar to how you can hide users from the GAL in Exchange, I would like the ability to hide certain accounts from the auto complete when adding as a collaborator. You would still be able to invite the user by entering in the full email address.
1 vote -
Co-admin should be able to login to other co-admin accounts and service accounts
Box co-admin should have the ability to log into other co-admin accounts and application services accounts to manage content. Today, you rely on using Box APIs or the primary Box admin account. It would be more convenient for coadmins to use the Box webapp instead.
14 votes -
Control managed user external collaboration to webmail accounts
Setting that allows admin of corporate instance to control/limit managed users being collaborated into personal Box webmail accounts. This would be a setting to control/limit an outside Box webmail user collaborating a corporate managed user into its personal account.
5 votes -
Collaborator Restriction to a folder.
We need the ability to decide which subfolders a specific collaborator can access. Specifically, we need to restrict access of one collaborator to a subfolder (and all of its contents/subfolders). I was told this is not something Box cannot do. This is an issue. We need to set up an ethical wall in the firm. This associate needs to retain access to everything he currently can access, but legally we need to restrict his access to this matter (folder) and all it's contents.
7 votes -
Enable admin settings to customize new user onboarding setup flow
The new user onboarding displayed at https://{DOMAIN} should be customizable.
Currently new users are guided through a one time onboarding set of screens in the web app. These are Box branded and while they personally greet the user are not otherwise configurable.
This feature should be opt-in, easily disabled by CLI or API (e.g. show-onboarding: False), or allow for customization.
We can currently enable the promotion of Box Mobile, Notes, etc. in the Admin Console. This would be similar to implement and appropriate on the User Settings console tab.
Right now the final screen displays a prompt for the user…
4 votes -
Ability for users to edit user name with special characters
Admins can update user names with the following characters: ! $ % ^ & = . + { } : ; / ? > < | ~ _ `. But users can't modify their name with those characters on the Profile screen of the user's individual Account Settings.
1 vote -
Ability to set an expiry date for external collaborators
It would be very helpful to secure access to our files if we were able to set an expiry date when inviting external collaborators to a folder. It seems the only option is to share a link with an expiry date, but that leaves it open for the link to be sent to others and doesn't help if a collaborator needs wider access permissions, or just flag it up as a reminder in our Outlook calendars!
8 votes -
Change or delete ”People in your company” in link settings.
In our company, not only the headquarters, but also the operating companies use Box in the same Box tenant.
Therefore, the domains of all companies, including operating companies, are registered in Box as domains to be managed.
However, even though we are an operating company, there is a lot of information that we do not want other group companies to see.The average user misunderstands the "People in your company" permission in the shared link as referring to their own company.
However, in reality, if we select "People in your company," users from other companies will be able to view…2 votes -
invite sharing - save message
When a collaboration invite has been accepted, the "<User> has accepted your invite" message should include the original invite message.
This will remind me why I shared the file with the user and what the user was asked to do with this file.
12 votes -
I want to change the icon of the Box group.
I want to change the icon of the Box group.
Currently, it is not possible to change the icon of a group.
However, for the following reasons, we would like to be able to change the icon so that we can identify the group in the collaboration list.・To identify special groups used by system administrators.
・In order to avoid confusion among users, it is necessary to be able to identify the system administrator at a glance.【日本語】-------------------------------------------------
・ユーザが確認するにあたり混乱を招かないよう、一見してシステム管理者として判別できるようにしたい。2 votes -
Group - Allow the deletion of a list of user
Group Management - Allow the deletion of a list of user.
And do not search user one by one in the group, then click one by one on Remove button and then save ...
When you have hundred users to remove in a group with thousand users, it is boring and time consuming...
To add a group we can add several users at the same time, it is better !8 votes -
Collaborator Clean Up
Collaborator Clean Up - In Account Settings / Collaborators, we want to add the ability to click on any collaborator and see what files and folders they have access to. When looking at the list, have a button available to remove them from specific folders as needed. This will be especially helpful when performing a CBN, Audit or Digital Clean up.
19 votes -
Add more details in Managed Users Report
Requesting a report for Users that will contain when they were Created Date, their Last Login Date and Status, in ONE report
11 votes -
Tag permission levels
There should be a way to customize permission level based on the tag on a case. For example, within a folder the tag "confidential" should lower the the permission level to not allow the person to download or view the item.
2 votes -
Recommend a new permission level that is the same access as "Viewer" but the "Viewer" to share at the same level
The sharing level of "Viewer" is beneficial to share approved documents through Duke Box. In our capacity the information in the approved document that is shared with the owner as "Viewer" should also be accessible to other individuals that the owner deems appropriate so these individuals know exactly want is approved, what is expected of them, and how to remain compliant. Because we issue the approval and maintain the final document and do not manage the owners group that needs access to the approved document, it would be very beneficial if, after the document owner gets "Viewer" permission to the…
2 votes -
Stop disabling access to content when its owner account is deactivated.
If content owner's account is disabled, any collaborators lose access to said content. A different workflow needs to be put into place to allow these collaborators access to content previously shared with them.
Either automatically transfer ownership to a co-owner or when the original owner account is being suspended, add options for preserving access to other collaborators.
40 votes -
When adding an annotation to a file, it would be nice to make it a once stop annotate and enable the person that i am @ mentioning to annotate the file and not require the owner to first extend the file through permissions, then go annotate. Annotation should be one process for sharing and extending annotation.
3 votes -
external share
Need the ability to provide some users/groups to create external shares for a longer or indefinite period of time. If we have a long range project I have to disable to option to control how long a share stays out there - that in my opinion is a security risk.
2 votes -
Metadata visibility in user activity report
when we make changes to "fill in the blank" metadata fields, we would like to be able to see the 'before and after' what was entered within a user activity report or other type of report.
6 votes
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