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256 results found
Improved messaging for "Share" dialog box and handling of Links
I have been using Box for a couple of years and still find the Share function and creation of Links very confusing and non-intuitive. For example, what are "Invited People?" and how are they different than 'People with the Link?" Why have 2 different places to copy the link? One is on the first dialog box and it appears that one takes the viewer to and they can view or download the file, but then if you click on "Link Settings" adifferent dialog box opens and there is another link you can copy. This one says Direct Link above…
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Ability to move multiple files at a time
ISSUE - why are we no longer able to move multiple files at a time? A huge hassle to have to do one by one. Can we please have that feature restored? THANKS!
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Carbon footprint
As a customer, can you help me understand what the carbon footprint is of our storage? We are doing a carbon footprinting analysis for our own operations and would be helpful if you have that as an output. Thanks!
6 votes -
Ability to have Automatic sorting enabled post file rename
It would be nice to have Box simply update a name after the file has been renamed. As of right now, it's difficult to start on a folder renaming image files, closing out, then coming back in and all of the files have been automatically sorted alphabetically, which is a nightmare for images that have ascending or descending filenames. If we could just save changes as-is and have everything still in place when we log back in after closing out of the folder, that would be very useful so that one could simply pick back up where they left off.
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Templates for Comments
When someone sends me a document I did not ask for ... I want to know three things ... what is it ... why are you sending this to me ... and what, if anything, do you want me to do with it ...? Would be nice if I could create a template for comments, like we have in notes, where someone could select a custom template (like the one I just described) and answer it in the comments section of a document.
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Acquire or release a competitor to CloudApp
Record your screen an annotated image, a GIF, or as a video with your voice & face—and instantly share it as a link to get your point across.
Compete with or acquire CloudApp:
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Onboarding - Typo on account setup page
Currently, the onboarding setup flow account creation page contains a typo.
The page title is "Setup your Box account | Powered by Box" but it should be "Set up your Box account | Powered by Box" instead. This is because the word "setup" is a noun and "set up" is a verb.
Example of Incorrect Usage: A user wants to setup their account.
Example of Correct Usage: A user wants to set up their account.Please fix this as this is a user-facing component.
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I'm a sole proprietor and need your Business Plus features
Hello, I'm coming back to our exchange on Twitter from earlier today.
I was a Box user between 2013-18 when my business started to grow and my Box plan became too limited. Also the branding of my file exchange service became a must.
Back then I wanted to switch to Business Plus but the minimum of 3 payed users made this way too expensive and also simply unreasonable for me as a one-man show. I exchanged various emails with your support and spoke with your office in Munich about whether it was possible to offer a One User Business Plus…
2 votes -
Collect user info when a box link is shared with non-box users
The goal is to require non-box users enter their first, last name and email before accessing a Box shared link set to permission "People with the link".
I.E, user will click on the link, re-direct to a sign up page requiring first, last name and email. After submitted they are routed to the training videos hosted on Box.
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About the uppercase / lowercase letters of email address at the time of invitation
I would like to set an account to be recognized as a registered account regardless of uppercase / lowercase letters of the email address.■Background
When specifying a collaborator, if I specify a managed user whose email address contains uppercase letters, in lowercase letters only (or vice versa), the globe icon may be displayed (= displayed as an unmanaged user).In the Collaborator list after the collaboration is completed, it is automatically corrected on the Box side, and the globe icon does not appear.
However, by displaying a globe mark when specifying a collaborator, it may cause confusion that…5 votes -
Enhancement to the copy link feature for videos
Is is possible to add the feature to copy link at current time in video on BOX ? We can send the link with this feature and the receiver will be able to open/launch the video at the right place with the click of the link (mm:ss).
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Setting up Box Edit to open in multiple applications
Currently, when editing a file in Box Edit, there is only one application based on the extension that can be opened on the desktop.
If you want to change the program selected by Box Edit, you need to change the registry value (HKEYCLASSESROOT\SystemFileAssociations).
However, depending on the user's environment, registry operations may be blocked by the administrator and cannot be circumvented in this way.Can you please develop a standard feature that allows multiple applications to be selected when opening a file in Box Edit?
This would greatly improve the efficiency of the work.現在Box Editでファイルを編集する際にデスクトップで開く事のできる拡張子に基づくアプリケーションは1つのみです。
Box Editで選択されるプログラムを変更する場合には、レジストリの規定値(HKEY…3 votes -
Product Support - I need phone support and remote desktop control.
I have a small business with 6 employees and we all share using box drive. I have spent about 3-5 hours over the past 2 weeks in the "chat" and email support world trying to solve a problem. I need phone support. and I need box to remotely control my desktop to solve problems. I do not have an IT department.
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Enable drag and drop in content explorer
We need the function to upload files via drag and drop or file dialogs on the folder page on ContenExplorer. (without ContentUploader)
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Knowledge Base
It would be amazing if there was a way to have something like box notes or an add on that would allow an article based knowledgebase within box. This would be so helpful for a company wide and public kb in the product that we are using day to day.
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I want to use BOX instead of PPAP. PPAP is Japanese bad protocol name that file transfer with email.
Before, most Japanese company used PPAP to send files with email. PPAP is a jargon that protocol name in JAPAN. PPAP is an idea of "Sending crypted zip file with email and sending password of zip with next email".
Japanese company used the idea for security. But it didn't work well for security because of using same root sending crypted zip file and password.
So our Japanese company want to use BOX instead of PPAP. This idea is not collaborating function of BOX. The idea is "Sending files (or folder) URL of BOX to BOX users". When receiver want to…1 vote -
Enable e-mails to save to Box folders
I need to save an e-mail to my my files that have been recently migrated to BOX but I can't because BOX is NOT an option to save something into. How do I save e-mails to BOX folders when BOX folders are not an option to save something into?
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The backup function of the folder
I want the revert facility when having eliminated a folder. For example the function like the Volume Shadow Copy.
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1 vote
User Accessible Content Reporting
Create reports that are accessible to end users without co-admin permissions. Customer suggested reports include: Expired Shared Links or Shared Links that have not been accessed for a specified period of time (Stale Shared Links); Documents that have not been updated, previewed, or downloaded for a specified period of time (Stale Content).
1 vote
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