Ability to see and access bookmarks in Box Drive
Bookmarks: I store a lot of bookmarks in Box. This bookmarks are not visible in the folder structure on my laptop (links seems not to be stored as files). As a consequence e.g. bookmark titles are only searchable via Box browser interface but not via Windows search functionality within explorer

We currently do not have this planned on our roadmap. Please keep the feedback & use cases coming to help us prioritize this in the future!
Anonymous commented
At my company, we store everything in Box. I am part of the UX team but I'm also part of a Scrum team, so a lot of my work needs to be saved in 2 places (1 dedicated space for each team). I use bookmarks to ensure that when updates are made to documents, they don't need to be made in both places. I spend at least 95% of my time using Box Drive vs. the web app. So not being able to see bookmarks in Box Drive is a huge problem.
Anonymous commented
Yes please, ASAP.
Anonymous commented
The inability to see bookmarks in Box Drive is a real problem.
Anonymous commented
Syncing browser box created Bookmarks aka "hyperlinks to box drive folders" to--->Box Drive is Crucial for box to stay competitive. Or even better just enable bottom-up syncing windows shortcuts created in box drive folder...(%userprofile% in shortcut...)
This issue is up there with workflow fails such as still having to archaically "right-click" lock file in box drive or you'll end up with conflicting multi user edits.
Anonymous commented
We handle a lot of bookmarks in our Box folders at our organization. It would be extremely useful to be able to access them from the Box Drive.
Anonymous commented
Please make bookmarks visible in box drive
Anonymous commented
For bookmarks to be useful it is imperative that they can be seen in Box Drive! Box Drive is now the primary way my staff engage with Box, but through this portal half the files appear to be missing (because the views / folders they see give access to the critical files they need through bookmarks!). This then makes Box Drive almost an unworkable solution.
We cannot run our large organization effectively in Box without bookmarks (access to the same file is needed in multiple locations), but without visibility in Box Drive this makes things really hard. -
Anonymous commented
This support is critical to allowing the maintenance of documents in one place that apply to multiple projects/audiences. It's especially disappointing as dropbox supports this feature.
Paying Enterprise Customer commented
The use case is simple and universal. A document or folder may be relevant to more than one topic hence there is a need to provide a link so there is one source of truth instead of duplicating and thus 'branching' the document(s). Lack of visibility in Drive breaks this connectivity and causes confusion.
Anonymous commented
We are working on a new way to deploy folder structure company wide that heavily depends on bookmarks. This will allow more than 3000 people to effectively navigate content find this quicker.
would appreciate it if you guys could consider this for development soon. -
Anonymous commented
We are launching a corporate wide folder structure with a huge dependence on bookmarks that will allow more 3000 people to navigate and find file better. As an industry we rely heavily on desktop workflows. This functionality is much needed for us. Would be very grateful if this can be worked on soon!
Anonymous commented
This is really critical to make sure desktop users and browser users are seeing the same thing. PLEASE prioritize this.
Anonymous commented
This is important for clarity & training. It is confusing for people in my organization when there are somethings accessible from Box.com but not from Box Drive (used heavily).
Rob MacIndoe commented
A URL to a useful resource is no less a valid item than any other file that might be stored on box. Having said that... bookmarks on box are pretty poor. For one thing it's referred to as a bookmark but then it gets listed in a separate area called "Weblinks" (why not "bookmarks", or have a "make weblink" option? Bookmarks/weblinks/URLs need some development attention IMHO.
Anonymous commented
Nobody ever uses my bookmarks because they're using Box Drive.
Anonymous commented
Whether using Box Drive, Box Sync or Box Online, when someone using one version of these tools creates a link to a web resource from one place (Box Sync, Drive, or Online), other people using a different tool for Box data (Box Online, Sync or Drive) would never learn of its existence. From a workflow, design, efficacy and usability perspective this is a real problem that the Box team should strongly consider addressing. Otherwise the Bookmarks feature just plain doesn't work. Note, this problem is in both directions: Box Bookmark => Windows Shortcut and Windows Shortcut => Box Bookmark.
Anonymous commented
Similar question to others... any chance this idea will be reconsidered? As I understand it, this feature was available in Box Sync and several of our users took advantage of that. We are switching from Sync to Drive and not having that available is causing confusion and inefficiency.
Any update on this would be appreciated. Thank you!
Anonymous commented
Having weblink objects in Box Drive would be huge. Currently, my team members that don't want to use the browser can missed very important context due to not having access to Box Web bookmarks.
Anonymous commented
Will this idea be reconsidered? As we are encouraging our users to utilize bookmarks to address content sprawl (as recommended by Box), they need to be visible with Box Drive.
Anonymous commented
will you ever revisit this? Seems like once it's mark as Not planned, the idea is completely dead and should start over.