Enhanced Locking Experience on Box Drive
Pop-up upon double-clicking a file to ask user if they'd like to check out (lock) a file or open a read-only version. Auto-unlock upon closing the file

This feature was launched on Windows for Office files on Box Drive v2.21.
Additional details to enable this feature – https://support.box.com/hc/en-us/articles/360061782454-Enabling-Enhanced-Lock-Unlock-on-Box-Drive
Caroline Sperry commented
This would be a big help to my accounting department. They never remember to lock the file and by the time they notice that a duplicate has been created they've forgotten which changes have been made to the document. Since Excel files don't merge as easily as Word files, it's a big headache if they aren't being careful when using Drive.
Adminyasano (Admin, Box) commented
please show popup to user if the file that the user is trying to edit is locked. currently, there is a lock icon but it is hard to notice.
Anonymous commented
This would be a boon to my customers. As stated, right-clicking and locking is too cumbersome and there, currently, is no real "in-your-face" warning that the file someone just opened is read-only. While it is easy to see at the top of the office program, the customers don't always remember to check there each time.
AdminShawn Horton (Admin, Box) commented
This is especially critical for finance and accounting groups at my customers. They don't want to have to initiate all file edits from the browser where the lock splash screen occurs. They love Box Drive, but right click + lock isn't intuitive and people forget to unlock, since there's no timer on the lock from Drive.
Box User commented
This would be great. Almost everyone that works on Box always say "Why can't it just automatically lock files like every other service we've used in the past? I have to manually lock files?"
AdminElisa de Serrano (Admin, Box) commented
When someone open a file and another person open the same file while the first still open, Box Drive currently does not indicate to the second person that the file is already open.
Today, Microsoft File Servers advises the second person that he can only open the file as read-only, because someone else is already editing the file