Automatically Lock & Unlock when editing from Web App using Box Edit
CURRENT UX: User must remember to manually lock and unlock each file once done editing, which is a subpar experience for the user.
DESIRED UX: When using 'open with' via the webapp (Box Edit), the file is auto-locked (via a prompt), and when the user closes out of the file, it is automatically unlocked.

We understand the request, but unfortunately this is not on the near-term roadmap. We are currently prioritizing automatically locking/unlocking files on Box Drive for Office files on Windows. We will revisit this feature in the future.
Anonymous commented
Can Box please post an update to this request. The ability to auto lock when on the web is very much needed.
Anonymous commented
I can set a file with "lock" or " unlock" in the case of "BoxDrive" when I open it or I close .
About the Web browser(Box Edit), I want to realize the function like this.
In addition, not the all one law in the tenant, I want to unlock it or lock / by a folder unit, or by a user unit automatically. -
Anonymous commented
To further add to the wish list regarding Lock & Unlock when using the WebApp, it would be nice for more robust notification features to support the locking functionality, namely:
-"Notify me when this file is unlocked"
-"Warn me [the person who locked the file] when the file lock is about to expire"
-"Warn me [the person who locked the file] if I've left the file locked AND inactive for more than X minutes" -
Anonymous commented
This causes issues for so many people, very disappointing that you are not working on it as a priority.
Anonymous commented
We recently had a problem with lost edits in a large Excel budget forecasting spreadsheet stored in Box because of the "loose" nature of the locking functionality. We have over 900 MS Office licenses and have no plan to move to Office Online, nor do we use Box Drive.
As we work to increase user adoption of Box, this issue will become more frequent without a solution.
I am glad you have considered this, and will point out the 138 votes this topic has collected. Please escalate this to a higher priority- the people have spoken!
Anonymous commented
Please make a robust lock/unlock feature available for Box Online. Making this feature available in Box Drive undercuts all the great collaboration tools in Box Online. You're basically telling people not to use box online and instead use file explorer.
Anonymous commented
This would be a extremely helpful modification which can better support version control and would be a value added for Box!
Anonymous commented
Poor Decision. Not everyone uses Box Drive. This needs to be available for Box Edit also. Please reconsider?
@Sandy Halim: Thanks for catching that!
I've fixed the status update with the correct URL:
Sandy Halim commented
This URL cannot be accessed due to permission issue. -
AdminAnonymous (Admin, Box) commented
Current: Users must manually lock and/or unlock a file.
Desired: Users are prompted to lock a file when attempting to edit a file. If the user opts to lock a file while editing, the file will automatically unlock when the user finishes making edits.
Nice to Have: A checkbox asking the user if they would like to see the dialog every time they edit a file. Alternatively, there could also exist a setting in the user profile asking the user if they would like to see the dialog.