Create Linux client for Box Drive

Thanks for your feedback. We unfortunately don't have plans to support a Linux client for Box Drive at this time.
Anonymous commented
Since WebDAV is no longer an option to connect to Box, how am I supposed to do so in Linux? Please give us SOMETHING.
Ville commented
Please support a headless, non-interactive mode. We'd like to use this to facilitate a disaster recovery plan -- e.g. via a 'Dockerized' client that runs in the cloud.
Anonymous commented
I too work in HigherEd on Linux, and the kludgey web page is all we're provided. How hard is it to offer a Linux version, when a Mac version (based on a Unix environment itself) works really well?
And why can nobody from Box respond to our requests? Do they have our money and therefore don't care? This is the sort of (non-)response I would have expected out of Redmond.
I've been using Box on my personal Mac for some time, and would really appreciate being able to use it on Linux as well. A poor workaround of a web page is hardly a viable solution.
Anonymous commented
There is a long thread about this feature request on box community: ...
At this point, there even is an (admittedty unofficial) linux client for Microsoft's OneDrive ... my institution has a box subscription, which is unfortunately not useable at this point.
Anonymous commented
Feature first requested back in 2013. Now it is 2019. Still nothing. Amazing.
Anonymous commented
It is just unbelievable...
there is no linux client.
Why? Even Dropbox, owncloud and other platforms are providing clients for linux....
Anonymous commented
I am waiting for it since I bought my first BlackBerry...
Anonymous commented
Box in higher ed without linux bueno
Anonymous commented
My institution has a Box subscription, but quite simply, it is practically unsable without a Linux client. I have been using Dropbox with my Linux machines for years, and it works seamlessly, I will strongly recommend my institution to switch to Dropbox.
Anonymous commented
Never gonna get it, Never gonna get it.
Box Admin Admin commented
I wonder why no Box Employee has even touched this post? This hasn't even been acknowledged.
Anonymous commented
We would appreciate to have Linux client for Box ASAP
Anonymous commented
Best idea make a LINUX BOX for all linux users,,...make a deb file or app image for easy install for Linux users..
Vinay Balraj commented
Box is clearly loosing a majority of their clients bcz there isn't a linux client. Box needs to understand that if someone is availing their services, they are usually power users and users looking for cross platform integration.
If the end user only had windows to work with, they'd go with one drive instead.
Box needs to wake up before it's too late.
@anonymous – looks like this suggestion is for Box Drive Linux client (briefly known as Box for Desktop) while the suggestion you linked to is for a Box Sync Linux client. People could vote for one or the other (or both!) depending on which client is more desired.
Anonymous commented
This is a duplicate request of Please vote over there and ensure we are being seen together.
Anonymous commented
A linux client is essential to our future with BOX. I likewise work in HigherEd and BOX is our only certified compliant solution for Cloud Storage. I Support +80 Professors, Researchers and Graduate Students. WebDAV wasn't a great solution but at least it allowed my users to access BOX from within the OS. I am more then happy to see WebDAV go to the wayside but not at the expense of functionality. As a RHEL shop the deprication of WebDAV without a supported client software package leaves us without a certified Cloud Storage solution.
Stephen Fowler commented
This has been a long needed and often asked for addition to the Box set of tools. Especially in Higher Ed there are a large number of Linux users. With the impending demise of WebDAV it is even more imperative that Box deploys something for its Linux users. One has only to search the web to see that most attempts by the Linux community to give users access to Box were based on WebDav.