Option to request access to a folder
Request: If an external or internal user is forwarded a Box folder invite and they are not a current collaborator, they should have a mechanism to request the access and such request should automatically go to folder Owner/Co-owner for approval or decline. This should be done in a way that does not display or communicate the folder owners name.
Rationale: We have many external users that are part of large teams. Adding all (and maintaining) in the team is not feasible. These external users often forward the folder invites.

I would like to understand the use case better. Is the folder being shared externally using the shared link feature?
Anonymous commented
For me, a common use case is a user sharing a link to a shared folder. That link is then shared with, say, another individual from a team we do little work with but need to for this project (e.g. auditor, consultant.) Rather than track down an admin and send an email, it would be much more convenient to natively request access to a folder when encountering a deadend due to permissions.
Anonymous commented
in my case its not being shared externally, but within the enterprise. But the feature would be the same, I think.
The problem is that, when a user does not have access to a folder, they only see an error message. So the idea would be to allow them to either see who is the owner of the owner and request access or click on a button that would go to the owner to authorize. This way it wouldn't be a dead end where they can have no action, unless they find who the owner of the folder is.
Thank you for looking into it! -
Anonymous commented
Surprised this did not make it to the Box roadmap, because Box empowers users to perform tasks and not require IT Support intervention, however one of the very first steps in them using Box, which would require them to open a file/folder is so non self-serve. Not a great first impression for an initial user experience!
Anonymous commented
Requesting access to a shared link is a basic functionality of other shared repositories like SharePoint. This would streamline the workflow of having to track down and contact an owner which can be challenging with larger teams.
Anonymous commented
This seems like a no-brainer given the matrix structures of modern workplaces and the features available within other products.
Anonymous commented
99% of the time this happens when the person the folder is being shared with is not yet provisioned with access. If they have a link to the folder, let them request access to it. It should send an email to all editors/owners who can then chose to grant access.
Adminbyoo (Admin, Box) commented
Can we merge this request (https://pulse.box.com/forums/909778-help-shape-the-future-of-box/suggestions/36109141-broken-shared-links-give-user-option-to-request-a) into the one listed here?
Anonymous commented
If a user does not have access to a file, Box politely reports: "This shared file or folder link has been removed or is unavailable to you." That's fair! How does one know whom to contact regarding access? Would it be feasible and acceptable to let us know who the owner is? A link to "E-mail Owner" or "Request Access?"
Keith Johnson commented
We frequently get cases where a user gets the "this link is not available" message. We would like the option to
1) customize a message here. Most of our users need to reach out to the folder owner to be added to the folder and we'd like to add this message.
2) We'd like an option for a "request access" button that would notify the folder owner that the user would like to be added to the folder.