Shared With Me - Folder Management for Collaboration Folders
We would like to have a "Shared with Me" folder for any folders we have been collaborated into.
We continually get feature requests for Box to allow a way to organize content shared with me. For example, I'd like to create a "Shared with me" folder that all the content shared with me could be organized into.
I envision this could happen in one of a few ways and there would need to be some determination how much control the end user has....
Option 1:
- Allow end users to check a setting that would create a folder called "Shared With Me". This would also move all folders that someone shared with me into the "Shared With Me" folder.
Option 2:
- Allow end users to manually move folders shared with them into a folder structure of their own design. For example I may create folders such as "Shared from Jim", "Shared from Carol", or "Shared by Andrew

Anonymous commented
I'd like a way to organize the folders that are shared with me. My root folder is getting filled up and makes it hard to find my own files.
Anonymous commented
This is such a core feature that is needed. It's beginning to be extremely frustrating being in an organisation where BOX is the only storage option, and hence there is a lot of sharing of folders.
Simply dumping them in the root folder is not a way to organise our files, and it's ridiculous that this as been a roadmap item for a year, let alone was an idea from Feb 2017...
Anonymous commented
Agree with the comments below -- would love an update or estimated timeline for this feature, especially Option 2. After starting with a company that uses Box instead of Google Drive, this is a feature that I am missing. My root folder is getting very cluttered with shared files and folders from others which I am not able to organize within my own file directory. Thank you!
Anonymous commented
I vote for Option 2!!! My root folder is overflowing with random files and folders shared with me by other employees, which I can't reorganize because I don't have permissions/access to the parent folders.
Anonymous commented
Another vote for Option 2, please. Its quite frustrating that my root folder, which I've spent time intentionally organizing, is getting filled up with folders from other collaborators. Please and thank you!
Anonymous commented
I can't believe this still doesn't exist. Just moved to an institution with Box and this is a huge flaw compared to Dropbox/Google/other organizational solutions.
Anonymous commented
Hello Is there any update on when this will be ready or in Beta for testing? As of May it was on the RoadMap, is there an ETA?
Thanks -
Anonymous commented
Please implement this or give an update!
Anonymous commented
Please please implement this (option 2)!
Josh commented
There isn't much I can add to this discussion that hasn't already been said in the last 5 years since this feature request was made, but I have been using Box on a daily basis ever since my organization adopted in in 2014, so my root folder is littered with HUNDREDS of files and folders that have been shared with me over the last 8 years.
When I view my root on, it is just a sea of blue shared folders, with a few sporadic folders I actually own scattered here and there. But I primarily use Box Drive, so there is no way to tell if a file or folder is one I own or if has been shared with me, And if I try to move or delete a file or folder from the root via Box Drive, it just reappears back in the root without warning, because, surprise, I'm not the owner.
Please, please, please, give us a way to organize items that are "Shared with Me."
Anonymous commented
Agreed with all the commenters here. It is really frustrating to deal with this!
Sergio Martin commented
Option 2 please
Anonymous commented
One reason I still use Dropbox. I can move folders around, a folder is shared with me? Great. I can move it to that person's folder and organize my files.
In Box a folder is shared with me? I can't rename it, move it, it just clutters up my root folder and it can't be moved. Serious flaw and one major reason I hate using box.
Anonymous commented
What's five years between friends? This is long overdue.
I get by with having everything that isn't a collaborative folder inside a "!nonshared" directory, but the number of collaborative folders only grows and grows with time, and the inability to restructure and organize them - especially those I don't own and didn't create the names for - only gets more frustrating.
Anonymous commented
At this point, this should be considered a bug, not an enhancement request. Not being able to move folders out of the root directory is contradictory to a filing system.
Anonymous commented
This would be great. Another option would be to allow us to mark folders (ours or those shared with us) as 'Active' or 'Inactive' and sort the folders we aren't actively using (but still want access to) into a separate section - much like Outlook has the option for a 'Focused' or 'Other' inbox. That would allow me to control what files show up for me first in "All Files" at any given time, without compromising my access to other materials - and sometimes it's the files shared with me that I want top-of-list, not my own files.
Anonymous commented
For the love of god please.
Anonymous commented
2022 now
Anonymous commented
Good grief... this is the single most aggravating thing about Box and it's been "under consideration" for two years! Our org has been moving increasingly toward shared Box folders and now my root all-files location is a cluttered nightmare. HELP!!!
Anonymous commented
Seems like a must-have feature for any real organization tool, no? Box has many complex stuff built in (thanks for the great work!), but please allocate some resources for the must-have.