Shared With Me - Folder Management for Collaboration Folders
We would like to have a "Shared with Me" folder for any folders we have been collaborated into.
We continually get feature requests for Box to allow a way to organize content shared with me. For example, I'd like to create a "Shared with me" folder that all the content shared with me could be organized into.
I envision this could happen in one of a few ways and there would need to be some determination how much control the end user has....
Option 1:
- Allow end users to check a setting that would create a folder called "Shared With Me". This would also move all folders that someone shared with me into the "Shared With Me" folder.
Option 2:
- Allow end users to manually move folders shared with them into a folder structure of their own design. For example I may create folders such as "Shared from Jim", "Shared from Carol", or "Shared by Andrew

Anonymous commented
Bizarre that this issue has been around and commented on for over 3 years with no change.
Anonymous commented
It's absurd that this is still not possible.
Anonymous commented
Option 2.
Google Drive for personal accounts solved this problem very well, so you should fast follow their UX pattern. I can move a shared folder or doc under any folder structure I design because an object in Google Drive is just a link to that object. It doesn't matter where you anchor it and shouldn't in Box either.
The other pattern that Google employs that you really need to implement is that if I move a folder or doc shared with me into a folder that is shared with others (like my team), and i have the ability to onward share, it will treat that move as an implicit intent to share with the other collaborators. Consider two teams working on the same project Project Alpha. One team anchors the folder under their team folder. The second team wants to do the same, but can't because it's stuck in their individual root folders. With Google Drive (personal, not team drives), I can share with my team and no make it discoverable, even though I'm not the owner.
You need to adopt or iterate on these patterns to evolve out of just being a filesystem in the cloud.
Anonymous commented
C'mon you can do it..
Anonymous commented
Finding things that have been shared with me a long time ago is my number 1 (in fact, maybe my *only*) problem with Box. The "Shared with me" view in Google Drive basically negates this problem on that platform.
Anonymous commented
As mentioned by many before, it's insane that it has taken this long for this issue to be (or at least start to be...) addressed! Is there a hybrid of the two options above where by default all folders shared with me would sit in a 'shared with me' folder in the root, but then I could add shortcuts to them from elsewhere in my own folder structure (e.g. let's say 2 different project teams have shared a folder with me called 'contracts'. Both go by default into a root folder called 'shared with me', thus not cluttering up the root folder itself. But then I could add a shortcut to one in my 'Project A' folder structure, and a shortcut to the other in my 'Project B' folder structure. Ideally that shortcut would appear in both Box online and Box Drive on my computer. Something like that would be SUPER helpful for me!!!
Thinking ahead, if someone else with access to the Project A folder didn't have permission to access the shared Contracts folder, they'd click on the shortcut but just get an error message saying the didn't have access to the file - which is fine....
Anonymous commented
Please let us know if there are any updates to this request. The community forum post about this issue started four years ago (Nov. 2015). I just discovered this glaring lack of functionality today, but this is immensely frustrating. I straddle several distinct units in my larger organization, and the inability to self-organize shared materials at the root of my Box instance is mind-boggling to me. How long until there's action on this? You've been told about this for years already!
Anonymous commented
Option 2 please! This impacts the whole company as we are using Box Drive as company solution. Many complains on this. How to organise folders shared with me.
Anonymous commented
My Box is full of different shared folders from different projects i've worked on, even with same name.
I would like to be able only for my user to reorganize folders shared with me within other folders Also, renaming of a shared folder to not rename the original shared folder.
Or to be able to create links of shared folders under a folder created by me to gather all the shared folders or these links under it, per project for instance.Any workaround is welcome on short term
Thank you.
Best regards,
Alexandru Gheorghita -
Anonymous commented
What is the timeline for this? It's been consistently requested for several years.
Anonymous commented
Option 2 pretty pretty please!
Anonymous commented
This could be named better, but in the context that a number of people share folders with you, allowing a user to create their own folder hierarchy based on what's shared with them would make things much easier to organise.
Anonymous commented
Please implement option #2! I just installed Box Drive and this issue became an immediate user experience failure - hundreds of folders in my root directory that I can't organize as I wish.
Anonymous commented
Option 2
Anonymous commented
Option 2, of course!
Anonymous commented
Please make this happen. Box top levels are a complete mess. Option 2 is magnitude of orders better than option 1, which is better than the current state.
Anonymous commented
This is by far my largest complaint about using box. Far too difficult to navigate given the number of collaborative folders. Option 2 is a must.
Anonymous commented
I strongly agree with this feature. I work at a large organization with lots of committee work, which is often done via a shared Box folder. I have many of these, and rarely use most of them. Obviously, it is unpolitical to delete or "End collaboration", so instead I would like to bet able to segregate them. As it is now, they take up valuable space in my Box home directory.
Anonymous commented
Option 2 is a must.
Anonymous commented
This is super important. I received many shared links.. and they are super messy. definitely need to have this flexibility for users to organise shared links.
Pls prioritise this!