Update Box Sign font and style
Right now the default signature font is much smaller than the date field and the signatures are, to be frank, childish looking. Just give me a boring monospaced font + date, maybe a watermark so that it looks professional. I feel like I'm going to be laughed at if I try and present this as an alternative to Adobe Sign or Docusign as it is now.

LY commented
Even when I make the signature field taller than other fields to increase signature font size, it still shrinks very small once the signer enters text.
Adele Wardley commented
Yes! agree with the other comments - date needs to be smaller and options to use fonts and sizes appropriate to the style guide of the business would be great.
Anonymous commented
Yes, please fix this!!
Anonymous commented
on a document, we need the ability to pre-set the size of a signature document especially when it is for a document that has 60 pages to sign..having to resize each signature block is a pain
LY commented
The multiline text field currently does not work as intended. Other text fields let you determine font size by vertical dimension.
Once multiline is turned on, the vertical dimension stops controlling the size. Instead, it seems that the horizontal dimension is controlling it.
If I apply four multiline text fields (smallH/smallV, smallH/largeV, largeH/smallV, largeH/largeV) both fields with a small horizontal result in small text entered by the signer, and both with a large horizontal result in large text entered by the signer.
When the horizontal dimension is small enough to keep the font at a normal size, it only fits about one word per line, so that the entry is far too tall and thin.
When the horizontal is large enough to fit the intended line length, the font is so big that the entry ends up much too tall anyway and spills out of its intended area with just a couple lines typed.
Please fix this glitch so we can start using Box for our forms that require this type of field! -
Anonymous commented
Completely agree with all the above. Adding in font sizing to the functionality is a must! Currently these make contracts for new and existing clients look unprofessional. This completely let's the BOX SIGN down ! Can even live with them being in Times New Roman although surely adding in an option of something like Arial or Helvetica isn't beyond the realms of possible!
Anonymous commented
Completely agree with this, its the single thing that let's BOX SIGN down. It works so well within our Box and other systems, but get's completely let down by the inability to change text size which ends up looking like amateur hour when sending out contracts to be signed by current and prospective clients! I can live with it only being in Times New Roman although surely adding in an alternative such as Arial or Helvetica isn't beyond the realms of possibility.
Anonymous commented
Would like the ability to use diacritics (accents, umlauts) in names and signatures.
Anonymous commented
We are experiencing the same issue as Promise, would be great to have the ability to change the font/text size as the default is quite large
Anonymous commented
This issue continues to the multiline option, it simply doesn't work. It needs to work the same way as Adobe Sign whereby you define the size of the multiline text field. If you try to use this in Box, you end up with a huge text Box that covers the document and other text fields! We need control over font size and alignment.
AdminAnonymous (Admin, Box) commented
I would really like to understand why the signature is so small while the date and text box are comically large.
Promise Chidi commented
It would be great we had the option to pick the text size. Currently, the text is big regardless if you make the text box small or not