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261 results found

  1. Unique delivery of webhooks

    We need a unique delivery of webhooks for each file trigger event. Currently, for trigger FILE.UPLOADED we get multiple webhook calls.

    1 vote
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  2. Single API call to delete user and transfer folders for that user

    Before deleting a user from box system we can transfer the root folder from one user account to
    Once the root folder is transferred only then delete API must be triggered.
    So in all, the delete operation will have to call two API one to transfer and another to delete.

    But as the transfer API call will return synchronously.
    For users with a large number of files and folders, this means the call could take minutes or hours to return.

    So the delete operation will be in pending state until we receive the transfer API response.

    Does box now…

    2 votes
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  3. I want to be able to have the thumbnail urls returned in the metadata search results.

    When doing a metadata search, returning the thumbnail url (or the representation template url) with each entry in the results will make it so that multiple API calls to get the thumbnail url for each entry after the search is not required.

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  4. 2 votes
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  5. Bulk API support

    It would be great if we have a bulk API option. I would like to pass in the list of entity ids(could be files, folders users etc) and get back the results. This will reduce the number of api calls we do to get all the information.

    We try to manage client's storage accounts and the main problem is with rate limiting for a large clients.

    Implementation can vary, either limit the response size or provide an ack id and developers can poll for the id and get the data back once the api is ready to spit out the…

    24 votes
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    Thank you for the suggestion. This is an interesting idea but not one we currently have on the roadmap. In the mean time, you can apply techniques such as caching (i.e. fetch what you need once for a session and keep it in local storage) to reduce round-trips, and the use the ?fields query string parameter to request only the minimal set of fields you need, which can reduce API response times.

  6. Remove 100 "to_user_ids" limit of WebhookV1.

    With webhook V1, we have the upper bound of 100 users in "touserids" field for each notification, so when a webhook has too many recipients (that is, more than 100 users are to be set in "touserids" field), we send multiple webhook notification for a single event so "touserids" is kept within 100 users for each notification.

    For e.g. if an upload event was to trigger notification to 1000 recipients, we send 10 webhook notifications to the notification url with 100 users embedded in "touserids" field of each notification.

    This causes duplicate…

    2 votes
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  7. box-ui-elements content-explorer needs real thumbnails

    The Content Explorer element needs at least the option to use actual
    file thumbnails rather than the generic ones based on file type
    currently shown. Otherwise browsing large collections of images and
    videos is very cumbersome to the point of not even being worthwhile. The
    API appears to have a thumbnail/representation endpoint so using it from
    content-explorer seems like a no-brainer.

    8 votes
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  8. Multi-file select for Upload UI Element when browsing device

    For the Upload UI Element, when a user chooses 'browse your device,' we expect users to be able to select more than one file. This is an issue for the process we are building in our Document Vault.

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  9. Get last sign on date from api

    We would like to be able to pull a users last sign on date via the api. We would also like to see the last time a user used Drive or sync via the API.

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  10. Add ability to get a user's collaborations via API

    Since there is a function to get a list of invitations to the group, I want to provide the same to the users.

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    We don’t currently plan to provide such an API, however please leave a comment if you have more information about how this would be used. In the interim, you can identify all of a user’s collaborations by requesting items in the user’s root folder (id = 0) and filtering out those where the owned_by user is the current user. This would require an additional API call for each item to get the collaboration id, but if you are only interested in knowing which items re collaborated versus owned by the user, it may be sufficient for your purposes.

  11. Make API rate limits more sophisticated, especially for large enterprises

    When working with a Box Enterprise that has tens of thousands of users, scripts designed to do things like user information syncing, group syncing, or user provisioning/deprovisioning often run into real issues with the Box API rate limits.

    Some calls (e.g. downloading or uploading a file) are clearly significantly more resource-intensive than others (e.g. getting a user’s aliases). The method Google has implemented for the Gmail API (see seems like a really great way to balance the need to protect the back-end systems against the need for increased performance for less-intensive calls. It would be nice if Box…

    33 votes
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  12. Add Linux installer packages for Box CLI

    Testing out the Box CLI and request official Linux support for Ubuntu or RHEL. Would like an easy install via apt-get or Yum.

    105 votes
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  13. View and configure enterprise webhooks in the UI

    Provide a UI where we can see the webhooks that have been created across our enterprise applications. We have had some webhooks deleted because of users deleting folders or webhooks. Also, we have a case where a webhook stopped triggering. After calling the 'list all webhooks' api, we don't see that webhook created. No one has deleted it so it's difficult to understand what happened to this webhook trigger.

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  14. 1 vote
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    At this point we have no plans to create powershell specific SDK. However, the Box Command Line utility can be called from within powershell which may be of help.

    Furthermore there is some good (if a bit dated) information on how to use the Windows SDK from within Powershell here:

  15. Expose user's last activity date and last login date via API

    The Box CLI:GET commandlet is a good tool but if it could grab more basic information, it would be great.. For my company, we would like to see the Last Activity and Last Login of an end user's Box Account. This would help us determine when to de-provision a Box Account after we can verify it hasn't been used in X amount of time.

    5 votes
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  16. Read Enterprise Settings using API

    Is there a way to read Enterprise Settings using API? That would be much beneficial where the Admin can choose certain settings like Storage and there wont be a necessity to change the Code every time the Admin wants to change the settings. The API can read the existing settings and manage users based on those configurations. Currently, the application that manages Box accounts has to store those locally and every time there is a change in those settings, that calls for a Change management and code deployment.

    4 votes
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  17. A way to be able to select the rights of the developer console, which is similar to allow users to use Box Relay.

    A way to be able to select the rights of the developer console, which is similar to allow users to use Box Relay.
    This is a way to prevent users not to make sand boxes and API.

    8 votes
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  18. File-level Collaboration Webhook

    I'd like to create a file-level webhook so that I can take action when a file's collaboration(s) have changed, but unfortunately there is currently no webhook trigger for collaborations on a file. Please add support for COLLABORATION.* webhook triggers on file objects.

    12 votes
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    Thanks for the suggestion! We don’t currently plan to add a Webhook event for file-level collaboration events, but if anything changes we will update this suggestion. If you have specific use cases to share, please add them as comments to this suggestion.

  19. Allow as redirect_url in published box apps

    It is currently disallowed to use redirect_urls of the form in published apps.

    These give the error "insecureredirecturi".

    These are allowed in unpublished apps.

    Having a redirect to is very useful for native apps which run on the users computer (eg rclone ).

    It is pretty much impossible to do https to - you can't get a valid certificate for it. See this link for details: - and also for reasons why using is treated as secure by browsers.

    I'll describe how rclone, a native CLI app works. Rclone runs on the…

    1 vote
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  20. Ability to ban App Token Applications

    Currently, we can require users to get approval from admin to authorize apps, but that leads to a number of emails generated to the admin. We want the ability to ban users from creating App Token Applications.

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1 2 5 7 9 13 14
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