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161 results found
Department Folder Auto Provisioning and Updating
When enterprise needs to provision and update department folders, Box Admins or each folder owners would need to manually create, configure and update folders according to the organizational structure and would need to manually invite/remove all the necessary collaborators.
We would want to have a native feature in Box to allow such folder provisioning and updating by importing CSV file that contains folder names, structures and collaborators.
2 votes -
Multi-user and automatic uploads
Make box access suitable for multi user computers and have mechanism for automatically uploading data.
Use case: Lab equipment used by multiple users producing large amounts of data, automatically uploading this to box so as to limit required user interaction and keep local storage in check. Modern equipment can produce large amounts of data and being able to upload this automatically would help with data management. Requiring user intervention to manage their data is less practical with a very large user base so automating this process would again help with this process.
2 votes -
Download more than 10,000 files in a single zip
Would it be possible to download more than 10,000 files in a single zip download? We have a use case where we need to download 30,000 files in a single zip.
2 votes -
Automatically generate a password for the shared link
I would like to request the addition of a feature that generates a random password meeting the password requirements on the screen where users create an open sharing link and are prompted to set a password.
When there is a requirement to set a password, manually creating a password each time can be burdensome.1 vote -
Automatically generate a password for the shared link
I would like to request the addition of a feature that generates a random password meeting the password requirements on the screen where users create an open sharing link and are prompted to set a password.
When there is a requirement to set a password, manually creating a password each time can be burdensome.1 vote -
PLEASE bring back the pre-selected Share link
PLEASE re-add the pre-selected text highlighting to the Share popup box weblink.
Previously in Box, when you tapped the "share" button it brought up a highlighted, pre-selected web link that could simply be copied (Ctl-C) and pasted. You did not need to select this link, it was already highlighted for you, all you had to do was click Ctl-C (go to email), then Ctl-P to paste the link.
Since the update, you can set so that the link appears, but this link is no longer pre- selected – you have to physically go to that link and select it with…
2 votes -
Query-less search
Add intelligent search by location, date, etc. but the Search API requires a query. I recommended setting the query to the file extension.
1 vote -
Dataroom Indexing
Similar to other virtual dataroom software solutions, should be able to autoindex files. This is a very basic capability that other solutions like Egnyte, Firmex and Sharefile are able to do. The reason this is important is so that you can direct an external party to look for a file at a specific index/location such as See below for FAQ with document indexing for Egnyte and Sharefile.
2 votes -
Please add Linux to the support for Box.
As we use many Linux servers, the total size of the log files is also large.
Please add Linux as supported, as we want to save the log files stored on the Linux server to the Box.【Request】
Box does not support Linux.
In the past it was possible to access the Box via WebDAV, but this is no longer supported.
Please add Linux to the support for Box.
It would be preferable if it could be mounted like WebDav.
If the folder on the Box can be mounted on Linux, the application can simply…16 votes -
Separate pricing for 32GB outside of DB Suite
Currently 32GB is available as part of the Digital Business Suite. Capturing requests to have a separate pricing or SKU for it outside of DB. Please note down your request / customer
4 votes -
Ability to restore folder structures to point-in-time
Similar to version history, we would like the ability to select a folder, folder structure, or subset of folders/files and restore all content therein to a specific point in time. OneDrive recently released a histogram with a timeline slider feature allowing admins to restore select content to a specific period in time. For users moving from on-prem or used to backups, this provides confidence in giving the right access levels to users to get work done with the ability to revert content/structures if needed in case of accidental moved/edited or corrupted content.
31 votes -
5 votes
Can you please add website files to box cloud
Because i have problems in putting website files on my account.
1 vote -
17 votes
We’ve launched Box Zones and Multizones!
Add "additional_details" to events endpoint for MOVE, COPY, RENAME events
Presently, security & events reports run from the admin console include "change details" for these events - essentially, what the prior state was before the event occurred. The events endpoint does not include these details.
Request to add this to the additional_details of an event as it's reported through the admin events stream for the MOVE, COPY, and RENAME events.
If RENAME, show previous name of the folder
If MOVE/COPY, show previous parent of the folder10 votes -
Setting Folder Autodelete via API
The automatic deletion date of a folder can be set from the web screen, but it seems that it cannot be set from the API.
Could you please provide the ability to set this date from the API?
We have a process that automatically creates thousands of folders using the API, but since it is not possible to set an automatic deletion date, a large number of past folders will continue to remain.
53 votes -
Unable to Retrieve Collaborator Email Address for a non-Registered Collaborator
From the Developer:
Steps to reproduce:
1) Create a collaboration to a folder with email, that not already registered in
2) Create a request via Java SDK to get collaborations from this folder. Response like this will be returned:
'AccessibleBy' is null. So we don't receive an information about collaboration, for example email. But if user with this email registered in box, we receive information about it, like this:
"accessible_by":{"type":"user","id":"1233445678","name":"Yyy .","login":"yyy@yyy.yyy…8 votesThe accessible_by field now returns email addresses of unregistered collaborators.
Enable auto complete for internal users when collaborating
When going to share a file or folder with an internal user, unless you have collaborated in the past, auto complete does not come up. In fact when you put in the internal email address, it shows a globe as if the user is external. A way to use a directory sync would be helpful, but since not all users have Box in our domain, showing just those with accounts suffices and would actually be the most helpful.
1 vote -
"Move User's Folder" - Add Unique Value (Email) to Name of Newly-Created Folder
When using the 'Move User's Folder' API call, Box will automatically move all the specified user's owned content into a newly-created folder in the target location named "[DisplayName]'s Files and Folders". The issue is that in large organizations, displaynames are not unique at all, which makes these folders hard to identify.
REQUEST: Add email address (which is a unique identifier in most organizations) to the name of the automatically-created folder to make the name something like: "[DisplayName] ([emailaddress])'s Files and Folders"
2 votesDone!
Enable version history disabling at the folder level
Our business requires the ability to disable version history for some clients who require that no past versions of files exist. We need the ability to disable versioning for part of the business, while retaining it for other parts. We can't be alone in this...
8 votes
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