Ability to change width for Group Name in Group page of Admin Console

We released an improvement to the Groups UI to allow the full group and folder names to be displayed. Long group and folder names will now wrap to subsequent lines so you will not have to hover over each group or folder name to view the full name.
Anonymous commented
Here's a form post on the issue: https://community.box.com/t5/Business-Apps-Forums/Admin-Console-Group-Names-Cut-off/td-p/66787
Anonymous commented
Here is another one that is identical: https://pulse.box.com/forums/909778-feedback/suggestions/35982073-ability-to-change-width-for-group-name-in-group-pa
Anonymous commented
this is funny, it didn't always use to be like this, it used to show the complete group name. Once Box updated to "Amsterdam" they completely destroyed the groups feature and have never acknowledged it. Keep praying for them to fix it. What's funny? Any kid with basic HTML and CSS coding can fix this issue, the fact its been overlooked for so long is a testament to Box's commitment to not fix anything.
Box Admin Admin commented
This has been an issue for over a year
Michael Boggs commented
When viewing what folders are shared with a group, they folder name column is very short, and its impossible to see what exact folder is currently shared if they all start with "Information Technology" for example. Please allow more space for this column, or however over to show full name.
Box User commented
Please update this, seems to be an oversight in the Amsterdam release.
AdminAdam Liranzo (Admin, Box) commented
We have long group names due to their naming convention. The old UI allowed for the entire name to be listed, but that has since been removed.