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358 results found
Ability to (Box)sign directly in the Approval Task preview window
Feature to sign directly in the preview windows of Approval Task, without going to BoxSign page, and also the signed file is saved with the same name of original file and differentiate by the version only.
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Create a default Email Notifications message for all senders
The 'message' sent with a Sign document is very generic. I's like the ability to configure the standard message, then allow it to be edited before a Sign document is sent.
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Extract pages and request signature in Box Sign
It would be great to be able to extract specific pages from a box document and request signature on those pages, without sending the entire document or having to save/print the pages to a new file first.
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Provide a file for Box sign recipients
Add the possibility to provide a file (csv, or other) who lists the email addresses of the recipients.
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Add a feature to include all recipients in the fully executed copy notification and to attached a fully executed copy in PDF. Currently it
Please add a feature to include all recipients in the fully executed copy notification and to attached a fully executed copy in PDF. Currently it's confusing, since the signers and cc recipients gets directly a copy of the fully executed copy, but there's no way for the signers to determine who gets a fully executed copy, which adds to the confusion. This is very useful for viewing executed pdf from a mobile device (no need to signin to Box sign app which is cumbersome esp when SSO and MFA is enabled)
Citrix RightSignatture has this feature and it's really useful.
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Box Sign: Update request status to failed if the request email bounces back
It would be helpful if when a sign request is sent to an invalid email address that Box monitors for bounce backs from that email and updates the request appropriately. At the moment it just stays stuck in Pending which isn't ideal and doesnt give you much information.
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Provide more options for the date format in BoxSign
I would like to be able to edit the date format in BoxSign. Currently, it is abbreviated and for legal documents, I would like it to be more formal so that the complete month is written out.
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Vietnamese Language support
Vietnamese language support when requesting Box Signature
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Box Sign making a copy of the file should be optional
Currently when using an already uploaded file to make a Box Sign request, it creates a copy of the file and adds a (1) after the name. For example "Document.pdf" becomes "Document(1).pdf", with both copies being included in the folder.
This occurs in the use case where I have created a folder to share files & also requiring some of the files to be signed.
Please make this an option to either create a copy or overwrite the existing file so that only one copy of the remains in the folder.
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Sign accessible from embed widget
Sign is currently not accessible from the embed widget. This is also not available though the folder view of the Salesforce integration or the Teams integration. It would be most useful if Sign was available in all contexts.
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Gusto integration with Box Sign
Gusto integration with Box Sign
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Box Sign for Contract Lifecycle Management (CLM)
Box Sign for Contract Lifecycle Management (CLM).
Create an IronClad copy.
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1 vote
Save Signed Box Sign documents back to Files object
Box Sign has an integration for but it really does not save much real effort because the integration is not complete. Box Sign really needs to integrate with Salesforce's Files object as is the system of record and therefore needs the file Signed version of documents.
In an ideal world, Box would be able to both pull documents from the Files object and save the Signed Document back to the Files object in (but while you are at it, you might as well make it configurable to Documents, Files, or other file repositories in Salesforce). Otherwise the…
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Default Black ink for E-signatures in Box Sign – as required by The Crown
It is imperative for Police Services throughout the UK to use Black ink ONLY when signing signatures for lawful documentation. I understand that there may be a need for other businesses to use purple/blue/red ink, however, within the Police and throughout the judicial process, any other colour than black ink will be rejected, which will lead to increase time an Officer or Investigators spend on obtaining signatures and investigating crime. Therefore, we require black ink, at the very least to be the default colour for signees.
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Allow signers to propose changes to a document before signing
As a signer, if I don't fully agree to the content of a document, I would like to propose changes to it before I sign. If the sender then accepts my change requests, the altered document would then already be signed by me.
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In-person signing without e-mail address
In in-person signing, e-mail is required even though sender will verify the signer's ID using driver's license,SSN,etc in front of signer.
If signer don't own email address or email inaccessible, you can't create in-person sign request.
For example, hospitalized, elderly people.
It would be ideal if in-person sign request have a option to work without email address.1 vote -
Box Sign - Results of filled out fields populate into a CSV.
Results of Bulk Send, Ready Sign, and/or individual contracts populate into a CSV.
E.g. I fill out W9 fields [NAME], [Address], [Social Security #], etc., and these results populate into a CSV.
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When using Box Sign, Go straight to document without Box Terms of Service Pop up window modal
We are looking for ways to reduce friction and points of interruption during the Box Sign Flow for end users. One of these points is the pop up window that requires an agreement to Box Terms of Service after following the Document Link from a Box Sign Email.
We would like a configuration option to skip this step all together such that, when an end user clicks the link for a Box Sign Document in an email, they are immediately presented the document and signature options. This type of flow interruption could negatively impact user adoption of this service compared…
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Box Sign able to collaborates with the common Box Folder approval.
We would like to request to enabled the Box Sign to collaborates with the common Box Folder approval. So the BOX Sign can add a General Task or Approval Task to a document. And also including following important items :
- The Approver/Signer able to give some feedback or comment along the way of approval process before taking action (Accepted/Declined).
- If any issues during the approval process, the Requester able to modify or amend the document and then upload new version.
- If the request is Declined by the Approver/Signer, Requester able to continue the approval once document has been revised or…
1 vote
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