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145 results found

  1. folder report

    Allow Box Folder owners to run a file/folder report

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  2. Ability to specify the destination folder for periodic output of Box reports

    We would like to be able to output Box reports periodically by specifying a folder.
    Currently, it is possible to output reports on a regular basis, but when providing them to users, it is necessary to manually move the output results, which takes a lot of man-hours.
    We would like to be able to fully automate this process, so we are making this request.


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  3. We want users to be able to output a "folder and file" report for each folder.

    (Japanese follows English)
    Currently, only administrators can output the "Folders and Files" report.
    We would like users with editor permissions for the target folder to be able to output a "Folder and File" report for each folder.
    At that time, We would like to be able to select whether the report will be output to that folder or the output destination.


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  4. Daily scheduled report

    Include the option to schedule a report on a daily basis in addition to the existing weekly, monthly, and yearly frequencies.

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    not planned  ·  1 comment  ·  Admin Reports  ·  Admin →
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  5. Please implement the ability for Admins to specify the folder to export to when exporting a report.

    In the course of our work, we sometimes share reports exported by Admin to users.
    Currently, this is handled by inviting users as viewers to the exported reports (folders).
    However, due to the need to share reports on a regular basis, a huge number of report folders are currently displayed on the user's "All Files" screen.
    These folders are expected to continue to grow, and users are already finding Box very difficult to use at this time.

    Please implement the ability for Admins to specify the folder to export to when exporting a report.



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  6. A user with folder owner or co-owner privileges outputs a “Collaboration Report”.

    Currently, only administrators can output the "Collaborations Report" .

    In order to see who is collaborating, we want to allow users with folder owner or co-owner privileges can output a "Collaborations Report" for the appropriate folder.

    (in Japanese)



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  7. Ability for users to track activity

    In the Closed configuration ,Only admins and co-admins can track activity on the files listed at the URLs below.
    Users cannot be tracked.
    If users can export reports, they can perform on themselves statistical analysis.
    As a result, it becomes possible to actively use Box.
    So I want users to be included in the targets that can be exported.

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  8. Ability to Name Scheduled Reports

    Add the ability to name the scheduled report. Currently the report is delivered as a csv file with the generic name of the report being run ie: "User Activity" and a date/time stamp. It would be very helpful to have the ability to type the name of the report so when it is delivered to me or my team the name is meaningful, and we readily know the content of the report. For example, if we have multiple reports scheduled, but they all arrive with the name "User Activity" we must open each one to determine what the content is…

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  9. Ability to select users outside the tenant in the user filter of the user activity report.

    Currently, when retrieving activities of non-tenant users, it is necessary to output all without filtering and then select the target data in Grep.
    Our tenants have a large number of users, and if all the data were to be output, it would be a huge amount of data, and the above process would take a lot of time.
    I think that selecting users outside of tenants will reduce our work time and improve convenience, so I would really like to see this happen.


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  10. Ability to distinguish logs with classification labels added or removed from the report.

    The logs of adding and deleting classification labels will be output from the User Activity Report as "Add Template" and "Delete Template".
    However, since the details are blank, it is not possible to determine from the user activity report whether the logs actually add or remove classification labels.
    Therefore, I would like to see the addition and deletion of classification labels added to the items as "Add Classification Label" and "Delete Classification Label" instead of "Add Template" and "Delete Template".
    If it is difficult, I would like to see it placed in the detail column so that we can distinguish…

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  11. Schedule settings for all reports

    Currently, the following reports cannot be scheduled.
    ・Platform Activity
    ・Outbound Activity
    ・Security Logs
    ・Legal Holds

    There are several types of reports that only the administrator can output, Since it takes time to output each report, automatic acquisition on a regular basis will improve operational efficiency.

    ・Platform Activity


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  12. Ability to see the output period of the report expanded.

    We are aware that the report can currently output information for up to the past 7 years.
    More data will remain over the next 7 years, and we know that we will have no choice but to extract the necessary reports each time.
    However, it would be very time-consuming as it is, and further expansion of the report output period would improve convenience, so we would very much like to see this addressed.


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  13. Allow End Users to run a Collaborations Report for Content they Own

    As organizations scale, IT Admins may want to enable end users to manage their own content and who has access to this content. Users being able to run a collaborations report and/or a folder and files report on content that they own is important for enabling users to manage their own content collabs so that these responsibilities can be distributed, and don't necessarily fall solely on the admin and security teams who manage Box to audit content and associated collaborations. End users that own content should be empowered with all the tools necessary to manage who has access to content…

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  14. Add date and time of application of classification labels to the Classification Report

    The current classification report lists which content is assigned which classification label, but does not show the date and time the label was applied or the user who applied the label.
    The date of application and the user who applied the label are displayed in the folder/file details, but this is only the case when the classification label is applied manually.

    We would like to add an item to the classification report because it is expected to take time to investigate the cause when a classification label is unintentionally changed, and there is a security risk such as information leakage…

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  15. Report output for file request links

    Currently, administrators can view a list of file request links on the file request dashboard, but there are limited filtering options.
    When a large number of file request links have been issued, it becomes difficult to find specific ones.
    We would like to search for file request link information through a report, so I request the implementation of a file request link report.

    (In Japanese)



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  16. Reflect the content requested by Box AI in the details column of the user activity report

    When using Box AI multiple times at the same time, the current report does not allow us to check the details of which request was made in the log.
    Therefore, we would like the function to be improved so that the details requested by Box AI are reflected in the details column.

    <Box AIで要求した内容をユーザーアクティビティレポートの詳細欄に反映する>
    同時刻に複数のBox AIを使用している場合、現状のレポートではどの要求をした際のログなのか詳細の確認が取れません。
    そのため、詳細欄にBox AIで要求した内容が反映されるように機能を改善してほしいです。

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  17. Folder and file reports are output in a tree format, making it easier to understand the folder hierarchy.

    The new platform version of the Folders and Files report is sorted by creation date by default.
    This does not fulfill the role of a folder tree report.
    If folders are not specified, sorting by all folder/file IDs, etc. into a tree format is impractical and affects business operations



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  18. Replace the Last Login on the User Details report with Last Activity

    Replace the Last Login on the User Details report with Last Activity. It is very misleading to have Last Login, most people will assume this means if the last login was over a year ago, they aren't active.

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  19. Actions to make documents and folders (box drive, 'Make Available Offline' ) appear in reports as Downloads - same as normal downloads

    When identifying anomolous downloads (ie potential data leakage), we utilise both Box Shield alerts and User Activity reports to establish details.

    However, User Activity reports (csv, column E 'Action') do not differentiate between those documents and folders downloaded, and those that are 'Made Available Offline'. When attempting to avoid data leakage, the difference is important. Making content available offline is a legitimate task for users. However, large quantities of normal downloads may indicate fraudulent theft of data.

    We need to be able to differentiate between the two types, as soon as possible

    Because User Activity Reports record items as 'Download'…

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  20. Add Box Report in the Status Site

    Inside the Status Site (, I would like "Box Report" to be added as a category to show whether the Admin reports are fully operational

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