Custom Columns (with sort) in Files List (Kind, Metadata, Access Stats, etc.)
The webapp defaults to showing the user 3 columns - Name, Modified, and Size.
This request is to allow the user to customize which columns are shown -- i.e., show me the Name, Size, and Metadata field X columns, but nothing else. Or show me the Name, Modified, and Access Stats (Previews) columns.
Example columns to choose from:
-Kind (File Type)
-Access Stats (Preview, Download, etc.)
-Metadata (specific template/field)
-Created Date
-Updated/Modified Date

Anonymous commented
Please prioritize this, this is a basic piece of functionality needed this day and age.
John Cook commented
This is a basic feature missing from Box. Sorting files by file creation date is fundamental.
Anonymous commented
This would be incredibly helpful. Sorting and filtering are such a fundamental part of the user experience when handling folders and files, and people have different needs - for some, sorting by date updated is enough, but others may need date created, type, size by file size (and not number of files), access type (owner, editor, etc).
AdminAnonymous (Admin, Box) commented
Please give us:
(1) more options for sorting (e.g. Created Date, Description, Metadata, Classification, Content Owner, File Type)(2) the ability to configure which sorting options we see (e.g. I only want to see Name, Modified Date, Created Date, Size, File Type, Metadata, Classification)
(3) the ability to save my preferences for sorting as an end-user
Anonymous commented
We urgently need this. Even Sharepoint has this functionality.
Anonymous commented
It should be great to add a column Classification label too ! It would be easier to see those labels in the files list, because today we have to search them through the advanced search (in metadata), which is not very easy...
Stanislav Nikolaev commented
Would be very helpful to customize the list view. The idea is to show the attributes of the metadata template added to the folder or file (as you can do in SharePoint...)
Anonymous commented
Would be nice to add Created By and Updated By to that list of columns.
Anonymous commented
Before signing up I assumed this would already be a feature.
Anonymous commented
This is essential. I'm somewhat surprised it isn't there already. When we view lists of files, we need to be able to categorise, sort and filter them in a way that is meaningful for that folder/use case. The filename and size are irrelevant when I'm looking for my customer quotes. I want to see the metadata tags that identify the customer, the type of document and the issue date.
Anonymous commented
This would be incredibly useful. It would allow us to organise and use data the way we want to, rather than the way Box wants to.
Anonymous commented
It will be invaluable if the meta data can be displayed as the columns. This will allow user to sort files by meta data fields.
Venkata Sowmya Alluri commented
Also add timestamp (not just the date) to the updated column. It's useful to see "when" (at what time) exactly a file/folder was updated instead of seeing "Today by <user>".
Anonymous commented
I think this would be very useful and it's a shame it's not planned. For people who use Box like a network drive, sifting through large quantities of files would be a lot easier if they could be sorted by more categories, especially file type.
Anonymous commented
This would be invaluable as a project tool.
Anonymous commented
I also want this for iOS, because the columns I don't need to see take up screen space and abbreviates the file names.
We would like to customize the info displayed from the All Files page. Example: Currently you see File Name, Uploaded Date, and Size. We want to change Uploaded Date to Last Modified.
AdminApurva Parikh (Admin, Box) commented
Add functionality to visualize similar columns as seen in File Explorer into Box Web (for what Box has available)
AdminJi Ha (Admin, Box) commented
Currently only show name, updated, size