Box Drive (Windows) - Remember folder view settings
We’ve been using Box Drive since launch, and it’s been an incredible improvement in our workflow. Only a small issue has made it notably less useful in saving time, and is a known issue documented here (
Our file name and directory lengths are wider than the default for Box Drive/Windows. Normally Windows remembers preferences around column width, but in this case, as you know, Box Drive does not. This causes us to have to manually resize the “Name” field in every folder/directory, every time we access one. Therefore each user is having to do this perhaps dozens of times a day--- a lot of unnecessary time wasted.
Of course, Box Drive solves so many problems in our workflow that this is a relatively small nuisance--- but possibly one of the most important issues outstanding to us for future development with the Box Drive application.
Thanks for your hard work on this project--- it’s much appreciated and valued.

Anonymous commented
Yes please fix, this has been an ongoing issue since at least 2017.
Typically you just open the root folder, manually widen the name column width. Then click View tab->Options->View tab->Apply to folders->Yes->Ok. And all sub-folders will be updated.
Only this doesn't work with Box folders! So its extremely annoying having to manually widen the name column of every folder we open on a daily basis. Box is good, but this alone may drive the switch to alternatives.
Bruce Teichman commented
Yes, please - this is a constant irritation and would be so helpful!
Anonymous commented
I only recently started using Box Drive and promptly learned how problematic the inability to properly resize Windows Explorer file Name column is. Annoying messages related to Box Sync's planned obsolescence, and comments from my IT, drove the switch to Drive. This unresolved issue may push me back to Sync. It's essentially a silly issue, but when it annoys this many customers a little more escalation is warranted. (The competition is knocking on the door.)
Anonymous commented
Please fix this. It wastes so much time.
Anonymous commented
PLEASE fix this!!! I would save so much time day after day!!!
Anonymous commented
Couldn't agree more.
Every single time you open BOX Drive in Windows you have to resize all the columns widths....I thought this was a Windows Explorer setting, but it's obviously not.
Anonymous commented
This would be SO helpful. It is quite a waste of time day after day adjusting column widths.
Anonymous commented
+1. See forum post going back to 2017 requesting this capability. This should add 50votes min by default.
Anonymous commented
Please, please, please, please! This would be so helpful to our users.