Dynamically name signed documents based on metadata: signer's full name, company, email and others
When there are documents in the same folder or templates that are repeatably signed with the same name (Ready Sign Link, Batch Send), Box Sign adds a number and () to the filename to note the different/unique files.
There needs to be a better way to name the files - perhaps using metadata or using the unique id of the sign request. And then all files - signed docs and signed log would be renamed with the same name. Otherwise it's very hard to tell files apart when they all have the same name with just a number and () in them

Anonymous commented
This is essential for our org's use of Box. It is nearly impossible to organize files without this functionality, especially if you're getting 50+ requests for the same template with no distinctions between them.
Anonymous commented
Would love to know if this is on the Box roadmap as this is a highly-requested feature.
Rachel Weaver commented
Would like to be able to rename a file to include the signer's name and signature date.
Anonymous commented
Want to add my support for this feature, and the ability to add metadata to the filename such as the date the envelope is completed.
Anonymous commented
Is there any update on this? I have been facing the same issue with the signed filenames and would be great if there is a fix for this.
Anonymous commented
A very critical feature for batch requests. Box Sign almost there as a functional product! Like the advancements so far. Hopefully this gets pushed up the top of things to implement.
Anonymous commented
Our Organization has a use case in which a policy will be sent to all members of staff to sign via batch send. The naming convention assigned to signed documents and their logs does not make searching through the documents effective, especially if you need to retrieve specific signers documents. It would be helpful if a Sign Request or signed document included metadata attributes from a template that could trigger renaming of signed documents via Relay.
John Pederson commented
Yes, we need this feature please. Ablity to dynamically name the file and email subject with maybe the signer's name for example would be great. If we use it for Paid Time Off requests, receivers of copies of the documents have no idea who the request is for unless they open them, so they can't search back through email to find requests if they need to in the future.
Anonymous commented
Would this also enable us to Label different 'batches' of documents sent for esign? For example, in the morning, I send 5 docs to my manager and in the afternoon, I send another 5. I'd like to be able to label these Sarah Oct 26 Morning Batch, and then Sarah Oct 26 Afternoon Batch.
Anonymous commented
Really excited that this could become a part of the signing process. We use basic templates for our HR, program participants, and other contracts/agreements. All of which have to be manually updated with their names (last, first or org) and sometimes program/document title and year signed.
Anonymous commented
It would be nice to add the person's name and perhaps company name (if exists)
Del Monte's HR team is hoping to use Box Sign Bulk Send to get Onboarding documents signed by new hires. They are hiring for the warehouse/assembly line positions. They have large hiring events in which they are onboarding up to 300 people at once.
One challenge is organizing the forms. When you send out a document in Bulk, Box then creates a folder and puts all the documents in there. However, the documents are just numbered (screenshot below). Imagine that you're doing this at a scale of hundreds. It would be really hard to find the correct document for the new hire to sign in person. It would be so helpful if we could pull the name of the new hire and their job title into the name of the sign document to make it easier to find. -
Grayson Lievens commented
Great news to hear this is being looked into. Our specific use case is pretty simple. we send out things like EZ pay forms that will have customers payment info and a signature, the form we use is called EZ Pay Form. It would be great if we could have the name of the signee getting appended on the back of the form once its signed. Like we send the "EZ Pay From" and it comes back signed as "EZ Pay Form - John Doe" Or we also have an ID called EFIN that all our customers have. It would be great if that number could be appended into the name as well as the name if they have to type it in during the Esign.
Basically, if there was just some way to construct a naming template into the Esign templates we create using the fields that we put on the template that would be great. That way if we have a form we send out for signatures often all signed docs coming from that form could come in a uniform fashion. Like a section that says "Naming convention for Signed forms" and in it we can write out what we want to forms to come back named like. For example if we add a text field on a box sign template that text field is now available for us to use in that new section. And in that section there is a list of default relative values we could use like signed date or user who sent the form. And we could write them out in the section something like this.
EZ Pay Form - {{{Signee 1 Name}}} ({{{EFIN}}}) - {{{Date Signed}}}
So in this example everything in the triple squiggle brackets would be the relative fields like who signed the document or a text field called EFIN and then a default relative value like the date they signed it. In that you could also allow any metadata thats already on these docs to be accessible from this section.
Eric Spilman commented
This is somewhat possible but dovetails into another request. If the field content became metadata (requested in another idea), you would then be able to use Relay to update the filename. We just need the contents to become metadata!
Anonymous commented
Agree with llaguardia's comments above. With regards to the naming convention for executed BoxSign documents, it would certainly be ideal if the metadata from tagged items within the document itself, such as company name and date, could actually be created as a flow on the backend and that becomes the new naming convention.
Anonymous commented
I agree that the way Box Sign names files currently is very sub-optimal. Hopefully this can be cleaned up in the future.
John Pederson commented
We really need the ability to have the file name update dynamically based on a signer field, like their name. We can do this in Docusign. This is a helpful feature so we know who is using the ready form via the email notification, without having to open the document.
Example: We have a PTO Template for employees to request time off. Right now they go to the Ready Sign and it emails HR the filled out form, but the file is PTO Template xxxxx.pdf
If we could have the signers Name fill in the file name, it could show PTO John Doe xxxxx.pdf instead and show in the email notification. -
Anonymous commented
Same for templates that are sent via a ready-sign link. Being able to ID a field within the template that we can append to a file name is critical to organizing high-volume documents
AdminAnonymous (Admin, Box) commented
AdminAnonymous (Admin, Box) commented
Box Sign - Fields filled out can dynamically update the contract title