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422 results found

  1. Enable ability to use Google Docs templates from Box user interface

    Enable ability to use Google Docs templates from Box user interface when creating a new Google Doc

    3 votes
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  2. Add ability to Move Folders & Delete Folders through Zapier

    Currently, there is no ability to move or delete a folder through Zapier. This functionality would greatly improve our ability to keep our folder structure organized and cut down on reliance on users to perform these actions.

    1 vote
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  3. Linking NS records to existing Box folders located in NS integration folder

    We would like to be able to link NS records to Box folders that are located in the NS integration folder. For example, we would like to store all of our opportunity content in a folder structure that rolls up to the customer. Knowing the default folder will be created underneath the opportunity structure, we'd like to link the opp record to a folder that "lives" in the customer folder structure.

    We are currently not able to do this and continually get the error: The Box SuiteApp is not set as an owner or co-owner of this folder. Please add…

    1 vote
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  4. miniOrange as IDP wishes to list themselves as IDP just like Okta and Azure.
    We are listed on box platform:
    Would like to know the process to do so.

    2 votes
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  5. Offer a native BlueBeam integration

    Offer a native BlueBeam integration

    2 votes
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  6. Integration with Remarkable Notepad

    We use remarkable notepads. Would be great if it had a Box integration

    4 votes
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  7. Enable option for a pre-built integration with Addepar

    Enable option for a pre-built integration with Addepar.

    My wealth management customer sees Addepar as indispensable, and would greatly benefit from a Box integration, in order to leverage Box as the content layer for Addepar.

    Addepar is their portfolio management system.

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  8. Enable option to save all emails and email attachments into Box from Gmail and/or Outlook.

    Enable option to save all emails and email attachments into Box from Gmail and/or Outlook in a way that cannot be altered. This is important for WORM compliance.

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  9. Add custom Box metadata to the data that Airtable can access through their integration

    The Airtable + Box integration is very interesting but today when you link a Box folder to Airtable it only pulls over basic FILE metadata and not any of the custom metadata that maybe attached to the file or folder. If Airtable could pull the custom metadata and use that in the data view we could easily create a Metadata View of the folder that would be very useful for cases like Contracts or DAM. Metadata views was something Box was planning on the roadmap and then went away. So many customers want a metadata view of a folder this…

    3 votes
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  10. 1 vote
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  11. Lock Box objects tied to Salesforce records that are locked.

    Within Salesforce, we have the ability to lock a record from being updated. So even though users may still have edit permissions to these records, they cannot make changes to the record while it is locked. This does not translate to box. Box content associated with that record can still be modified. I'd like to see an integration where when a record is locked, users with access to the box content can only view that content and not modify it.

    4 votes
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  12. Launch study.ambradicom files on double-click

    BOX is retiring their DICOM solution at the end of the year, and replacing it with Ambra DICOM. Study files created by the old BOX solution are named "Study.boxdicom" and can be launchd into the BOX DICOM viewer by simply double-clicking on the filename. This is not true for the new Ambra "study,ambradicom" files. In order to view them, you have to clcik on the triple-ellipses. select "Integrations", and then "View DICOM".

    I would like to have the ability to simply double-click on the new "study.ambradicom" filename and have it launch the Ambra viewer.

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  13. Managing/Drawing Diagrams in Box

    Box already integrate MS Office to be able to temporary dowload a office document for edit but also allows to update MS Office documents online in the browser.

    I would like to see similar functionality for diagrams.

    Draw.IO is a diagram tool that you can use offline and online
    So it would be easy to provide working with diagrams in Box very easy.

    Function A: Online Editing of files with embedded drawio or passing it to

    Function B: Allows to temporary download drawio files same as with ms office documents.

    24 votes
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  14. google shared drive

    Allow Google Drive "Shared drives" content to be copied directly to the integrated Box extension in Gsuite. Currently, this is only available from "My Drive". The work around is to copy "Shared drives" content to "My Drive" (which in itself is awkward, because only files, and not folders, can be copied directly in the cloud), and then copy content from "My Drive" to Box.

    21 votes
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  15. Mycase integration

    Add mycase integration.

    Mycase is a legal management platform. While it has an integration with Dropbox, it would be very helpful for practitioners and firms using Box, if there was a seamless integration.

    2 votes
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  16. SFDC Box Plugin - Limit Navigation

    Allow for a flag on the Visualforce page - to limit the navigation to the specific folder of the asset linked.

    Meaning if viewing Account "12345" and a box folder is created, then the lowest that can be navigated to is "account 12345" and any of it's subfolders..

    2 votes
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  17. Box for Teams v2: Bunch of files will be shown when the files has shared in direct chat

    When the files has shared in the direct chat, it will be uploaded in "Microsoft Teams Chat Files" folder on sender side, on the other hand, for the receiver side, files will be listed in the top directory, which leads to list bunch of files in the top directory.

    It would be nice, if the new folder will be created for the each chat under "Microsoft Teams Chat Files" folder and add collaboration for the folder when the direct chat has started.

    20 votes
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  18. Enable me to import files into Box via the Gmail<>Box integration, rather than exclusively export files that already live inside of Box

    Enable me to import files into Box via the Gmail<>Box integration, rather than exclusively export files that already live inside of Box

    1 vote
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  19. Enhanced Box notifications in Microsoft Teams

    Enhanced Box notifications in Microsoft Teams

    A new feature has been released for receiving Box notifications in Microsoft Teams, but it is limited to a few notifications such as Mentioned Comments.

    It would be very useful to extend this feature to receive notifications in Microsoft Teams when uploads or downloads are made in folders you are collaborating on, or when tasks are assigned in Box Relay.

    12 votes
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  20. Block Google Drive and enable all Google Workplace files to auto roll-in to Box instead.

    Block Google Drive and enable all Google Workplace files to auto roll-in to Box instead. This gets us a step closer to the vision of Box as the single place for all content.

    Today, even though I have Box, employees can still save into Google Drive, which creates security, governance, privacy, and other risks.

    1 vote
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