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197 results found

  1. Group Notifications

    Add the ability to notify groups; i.e. @mention in comments, assigned task notifications in the activity pane and in Relay

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    We are definitely tracking this feature, but it is not yet on the roadmap for delivery.

    How would envision managing your groups?

    Would you want to sync with an existing directory, or create the Groups directly in Box?

  2. Transfersafe - Docs Signed Email Notification

    An option to have the signed email notification be an option on it's own. The amount of emails TS sends is a lot, but this would be a key email that some may want to keep an eye out for.

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  3. Ability to turn off email notifications when a file is added to Box by email

    We are wanting to use the feature of being able to upload a file to Box by sending an email to the folder email address, but do not want to have the auto email responder saying that "upload was successful". We are wanting to use this feature for our clients but do not want to generate questions when they get a email from Box

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  4. Upload Completion Notification

    I love how I am notified when a set of files are uploaded into a specific folder but I am having one very key issue. I will receive the notification upon upload, but many times because it is 10+ large images, the images are not done uploading. I will review the folder but be unaware that the Upload is not complete. I may see 5 images with 5 still uploading.

    Is there a way Box could show us of upload progress? OR possibly send a second notification when the upload is complete?

    4 votes
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  5. Email notification for any MOVE event

    Ability to receive email notification for MOVE event.

    Currently, email notification can only be enabled for preview, upload, delete, comment and download

    3 votes
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  6. Enable shared link expiration notifications for user that enabled the shared link

    For a closed folder structure, where the primary admin owns all content, Box should give the ability to 1) disable shared link expiration notifications for folder owners and 2) enable them specifically for the users that created the shared link to begin with.

    Even if the former will not be changed, the latter behavior would be important for a closed folder structure.

    29 votes
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  7. Exempt owners from disable notifications for all collaborators

    Folder owners should be able to exempt themselves when they disable all email notifications for all collaborator in a folder. I still want to receive notifications as owner. Otherwise, the only other option is to have all collaborators manually change their own settings, but this is rather unrealistic

    1 vote
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  8. a better way to handle people wanting to collaborate with you - scams

    Once scammers have your email address you receive a TON of "user x added you to collaborate with" communications and it is very tedious to remove (decline) them, as you have to do it one by one, each taking multiple clicks. make a way for me to "select all" those who want to collaborate with me and decline them ALL at once. I'm so close to just deleting my box account as I get 2-3 notifications of people (scammers) wanting to collaborate with me and takes me a long time to decline them all.

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  9. Relay/task push notification on Mobile app

    We are currently evaluating Relay so notifications on Mobile will be important for making Relay a viable solution (and will certainly make regular comments/tasks easier to access).

    16 votes
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  10. Alarm with due date in documents.

    It would be very nice you can set a revalidation date to some documents that need to be reviewed in selected period. For example , documents that need to be validated each year. It would be nice if we can flag a date in the document , and receive an alert advicing that the document need to be reviewed. This alarm can be used for everything (for example for deletion of document). Thanks!

    4 votes
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  11. How do I talk or chat with someone from

    How do I talk/call or chat with someone from

    1 vote
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  12. BOX Error when transferring files from Public to All other Folders

    The error message when transferring files from Public to All Other Folders is a little misleading. I would argue here that the system is asking for more of a confirmation before proceeding as opposed to reporting an error. The fact that this says “error occurred” and shows up in red doesn’t do a good job of conveying that you can do this if you click the Details button … just a question of whether you know what you are doing or not.

    1 vote
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  13. We have 700+ users. There should be an easy way that an admin or co-admin can notify everyone.

    Example: say we need to do some maintenance and would like to notify all of our users. Right now I was told the only way to do this is to email everyone or share a link with everyone. With over 700+ users that would be a LOT of emailing or sharing. Can you please create a way we can send out a notification to our whole enterprise?

    3 votes
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  14. Provide Notification when user is removed as a collaborator

    Right now, users do not get a notification when they are removed as a collaborator from a folder. This can cause confusion as this could be caused by a number reasons (ie deletions, inactive users), and results in admin assistance to dive in to what may have occurred. Users do get a notification when they are added to a folder, so they should also get one when they are removed from a folder as well

    1 vote
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  15. Request to suppress collaborator invitation emails.

    When needing to invite a single user into multiple files and subfolders within a given folder, but not into all files in that specific folder, we'd like to see a way to suppress the email notifications that are automatically sent to that user each time the collaborator invitation is sent.

    Currently there is no way to choose to not have the email notifications go out and then it inundates the user's inbox.

    7 votes
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  16. File Upload Notification - Ability to set alerts to a specific managed user per folder

    File Upload can be a game changer for our company - with 1 major exception. Notifications in box seem to be all or nothing. Its overwhelming. Most of our team have them all turned off.

    We would like the ability to set a notification for file uploads - per folder - per user/s. Example: Folder named: Dr. Joe with 10 folders within it. One of the sub-folders is named "Uploads from Dr. Joe" A file request link is created and shared with the client for this sub-folder. Then, regardless of who owns the file, you can add certain managed user/s…

    1 vote
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  17. Notifications of login activity sent by email should state the timezone used

    Emails with login activity sent by Box are not in the local time and the actual timezone is not stated. I have been advised by Box these notifications are in Pacific Time. It would be useful if timezones could be identified in emails sent by Box - when trying to determine if there have been illegitimate logins, knowing the correct time is critical.

    2 votes
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  18. @mention all users

    "@all" to @mention all users with access to the file

    27 votes
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  19. Allow users to REPLY TO folder invitations

    When I invite a user to a folder, they receive an email.

    Today the email subject is:
    My Name has invited you to work together in "Folder Name"
    The From in the email is:
    My email address on behalf of My name

    It would be extremely helpful for users to be able to reply directly to the invitation back to me. Instead, the users get an NDR.

    We work with several other providers, and their notifications have the reply to: set as the user sending it.

    3 votes
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  20. Download notification when opening a file

    Currently. Download notification. Opening a file through Drive, which downloads the file on demand, and does not trigger this notification. For example, user A download a file through Drive, Folder owner B doesn't receive download notification although the folderset download notification in Folder settings. The download event should trigger sending notification. Expected Behavior: Opening a file through Drive, which downloads the file on demand, and it triggers this notification. Steps to Reproduce: 1. Folder Owner set download notification by selecting "Override default settings for this folder and all subfolders" 2. Opening a file through Drive, which downloads the file on…

    4 votes
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