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138 results found
Reverse Image Search
Being able to upload an image and Box browser finding it (or similar) within a specified folder. Similar idea to Google lens.
45 votes -
Default Search Everywhere
While I understand the need to search only in a folder, my company uses the search everywhere function way more.
Is there a way to make the search "everywhere" option the default instead of search "only in this folder"? It slows us down so much right now having to switch it to find a different folder without going back to the home page, or switching the search feature.
87 votes -
Search within a folder using words from your search history
When words used in a folder search are displayed as search history, clicking on the word will result in a global search.
I would like to be able to search for words in the search history used in a folder search again within the same folder.(in Japanese)
フォルダ内検索で使用した単語が検索履歴として表示されたとき、単語をクリックすると全体検索になってしまう。フォルダ内検索で使用した検索履歴の単語については、再度同じフォルダ内で検索されるようにしてほしい。7 votes -
Content owners to be searchable even if they own more than 1 million items
Currently, Box's search function becomes unstable when the owner of the content you want to check owns more than 1 million pieces of content,
making it impossible to hit the file correctly. It takes a huge amount of time to check the number of contents of the owner of the content to be confirmed each time in order to perform a file search correctly,
which affects business operations. Please improve the search function so that it can be used correctly even if the content you want to check has more than 1 million owners(日本語)
確認されたいコンテンツの所有者が100万以上所有されていても正しく検索機能が使えるよう機能改善をお願いします。40 votes -
Search in safari broken
When searching within Safari the search is performed within the current folder with the option for Everywhere and Within <folder> appearing at the top.
In Safari when clicking on either Everywhere or Within this Folder the search disappears. As a result it is difficult to search everywhere, requiring a search to be done from the top parent folder.
This doesn't happen in Chrome, and seems to be a bug.
(For others that come across this, as a work around, pressing the down arrow then enter properly selects Everywhere without the search disappearing)
1 vote -
split PST files
I have a large PST file in Outlook that’s becoming difficult to manage due to its size and also difficult to handle as well as. That’s why i would like to split them into smaller, more manageable files to improve performance and avoid any kinds of issue.
Can anyone recommend the best way to safely split a PST file without losing any data? Specifically, I’m looking for guidance on:
Are any reliable third-party utilities that can help split large PST files or should I go for manual method?
1 vote -
Default search in "Sign" section
Please update the default setting for the search bar in the 'Sign' section. Currently, it only searches within the list of documents sent for signature, even though we had a separate search bar for that purpose. The search function should be set to search across all areas.
1 vote -
To be able to set their preferred default search to either "Everywhere" or in the folder you're in, depending on their own workflow.
From what I'm reading, I am not alone. I would like to be able to set mypreferred default search to the "Everywhere" option instead of the current folder. Others prefer the folder they are currently in, but it should be up to the user to determine what they want it defaulted to. Not what the develepors think everyone wants.
1 vote -
default search to search everywhere in box
We are not happy with the new search experience. We dont mind it but it would be nice if we can set our default search to search everywhere in box. We find that searching everywhere is more useful than searching within a folder. This auto restriction to the current folder is useless to our attorney's and likely adds 2 hours to their workweek (30 seconds at a time....)
1 vote -
Search everywhere should be the default search option
After the most recent update, the Box search bar searches the folder you are in automatically, and not "everywhere" as previously. When I am searching for a new folder, I have to either go back to the main page by selecting the box icon or - ensuring I change the search filters to "everywhere"
I think everywhere should be the default or at least have the option for the user to decide how they would like the search bar to function.1 vote -
The ability to sear/run report and have a column or field available to sort by folder vs file.
1 vote -
move by folder ID when moving folders.
Moving and Copying Files & Folders
I want to search and move by folder ID when moving folders.5 votes -
Ability to set "Updated" as default in search results
Search results can be sorted by "relevance" or "Updated".
However, the default is "Relevance".
Since "Updated" is used more frequently than "Relevance", please implement the ability to specify the default on the user side or in the tenant settings.検索結果は、「関連度順」または「更新日」に並び替えることが可能です。
「関連度順」よりも「更新日」を頻繁に利用するため、ユーザー側やテナント設定でデフォルトを指定できる機能を実装してください。4 votes -
Add keyword conditions to search filter.
Currently, possible to search by combining Boolean operators and keywords, it is a hurdle for users to use without knowledge.
It would be easier to search if the search filter had a narrowing criterion such as "includes ~" or " not include ~".(日本語)
検索フィルタに”~を含む”、”~を含まない”のような絞り込み条件があればもっと簡単に検索ができます。4 votes -
Enhancements to Box Search Results – both END-USERS & BOX ADMIN
Export of Box Search Results to csv – END-USERS & BOX ADMIN
• There are two methods of searching content in Box, for end-users
o Box Drive – limited information
o Box Web – more detailed• Box end-user’s Web Search results, have two views
o List view
o Grid view• Box Admins have Content Manager to search for content
o Both end-users and Box Admins search results should both be enhancedEND-USERS Search Results:
• Box search results should CONTINUE to:
o exclude content in Personal user folders
o offer existing filters, but include NEW filters…2 votes -
Please implement the ability to check "Search only in this folder" on the search results screen.
The search function has a check box that says Only search inside of THIS FOLDER.
Sometimes we click the search button without checking this checkbox, and after the search results are displayed, we regret that we should have specified a folder to search.
Thereafter, if we then decide to search within a particular folder by checking a checkbox, we have to go back to the original folder, which is time-consuming.
Please implement the ability to select "Only search inside of THIS FOLDER" without having to return to the previous screen, even after the search results are displayed by clicking the…3 votes -
Please change the specification to recognize "AND" when a word is separated from another word by a space.
In general, if we put a space between words when searching, Explorer, Google, etc., will do an "AND" search.
However, in the case of Box's search function, the same operation will result in an "OR" search.
Therefore, if we wish to use "AND" search, we must state "AND".
>Using this operator is not necessary as we implicitly interpret multi-word queries as OR unless another supported Boolean term is used.To avoid user confusion, please change the specification to recognize "AND" when a word is separated from another word by a space, as is the case on other sites.
3 votes -
Please add some items to the search function so that users can specify the priority.
The current search function displays files in order of relevance by default.
However, it is sometimes difficult to find the file one wants to look for in order of relevance, which affects business operations.
Please add some items to the search function so that users can specify the priority.
For example, it would be great if it is possible to select files created by me, files updated by me, modified date, created date, ABC order, etc.現在の検索機能は、デフォルトで関連性の高い順にファイルを表示します。
例えば、「自分が作成したファイル」「自分が更新したファイル」「更新日」「作成日」「ABC順」などが選択できれば嬉しいです。3 votes -
Please add the ability to sort by file size/file format (e.g., extension in ABC order).
Currently, there are only a few sorting types that can be selected in the search function, making it difficult to find the information one wishes to search for.
Please add the ability to sort by file size/file format (e.g., extension in ABC order).現在、検索機能で選択できる並べ替えの種類が少なく、検索したい情報が探しにくい。
ファイルサイズ/ファイル形式(例:拡張子をABC順に並べる)でのソート機能を追加してください。3 votes -
Please display the time range (hh:mm:ss) in the update date column.
When sorting search results by modified date, the time (hh:mm:ss) is not displayed in the modified date column.
This makes it difficult to guess the time range and find the file in the search results if many files were updated on the same day.
Please display the time range (hh:mm:ss) in the update date column.検索結果を更新日時でソートする場合、更新日時の列に時間(hh:mm:ss)が表示されません。
更新日欄に時間範囲(hh:mm:ss)を表示してください。3 votes
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