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211 results found

  1. Sheild > [Download and Print Restriction], if "For Box Desktop" is enabled, the Office co-editing function should be available via a browser

    Sheild > [Download and Print Restriction], if "For Box Desktop" is enabled, the Office co-editing function should be available via a browser.

    We have applied Box Shield's [Download and Print Restriction] to "For Box Desktop" and [Microsoft Office Coauthoring Basics] via browser is also disabled.
    Microsoft Office Coauthoring Basics] via a browser is also disabled.
    Similarly, Office co-editing functions that are opened via a browser should not be restricted, since access in BoxEdit is not restricted.
    Errors in opening the file in the browser cause confusion for the user.
    Also, please add the following explanation to the Access Policy Settings…

    29 votes
    researching  ·  1 comment  ·  Shield  ·  Admin →
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  2. Geo Restricts for External Collaborators

    Implement a Shield Geo-fencing control that would disable access to Box folders for External Collabs when they try to access Box content from abroad.

    8 votes
    2 comments  ·  Shield  ·  Admin →
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  3. Require Co-Admin privileges to change a Shield Classification Label

    Require a user to have Co-Admin privileges in order to change an existing classification label. This is to prevent even Owners the ability to change the classification label to a lower security level once it's been set.

    11 votes
    on roadmap  ·  0 comments  ·  Shield  ·  Admin →
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  4. Customize Shield Malicious Content Banner

    Customize the red header banner on files flagged via the Shield Malicious Content rule to support UX and change management, e.g., be able to add text like "Please contact for support".

    3 votes
    0 comments  ·  Shield  ·  Admin →
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  5. Ability to identify password protected files(パスワード付きファイルを特定する機能)

    If a file is password protected, Box Shield's deep scan cannot be performed.
    We would like to see a feature added to Box Shield to identify files with passwords.

    ファイルにパスワードが掛かっていると、Box Shieldのディープスキャンが実行できません。
    パスワード付きファイルを特定するためにBox Shieldに、パスワード付きファイルを特定する機能の追加を希望します。

    3 votes
    0 comments  ·  Shield  ·  Admin →
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  6. Support 1 crowdstrike x multiple box tenants

    Support 1 crowdstrike x multiple box tenants

    2 votes
    0 comments  ·  Shield  ·  Admin →
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  7. Access policy prohibiting copying and moving to external folders(gray folders)

    Current Status and Issues:
    Currently, when a file or folder with a classification label is copied or moved to a gray folder, the classification is lost and the associated access policy stops working.
    The only way to prevent this is to prohibit the move or copy itself by attaching a DL inhibit label.

    Desired improvement:
    Please add "Prohibit copying to gray folders" to the access policy so that it can be set for each classification label.

    Why it is needed:
    Because some customers are not attracted to Shield due to the above problem.
    Also, setting a "no download" label would…

    16 votes
    1 comment  ·  Shield  ·  Admin →
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  8. Risk Score Based Trigger for Box Shield Malicious Content Detection Rule

    I would love an option to set Risk Score Based Triggers for Box Shield Malicious Content Detection Rules. This would allow me to prioritize alerts based on the risk score and/or only be notified when a file received a risk score above a certain threshold I could set.

    1 vote
    0 comments  ·  Shield  ·  Admin →
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  9. Exclude file movement in Box Drive from Box shield's anomalous download detection

    When I move a folder with multiple files stored in Box Drive, Box Shield's anomalous download detection works.
    Since the purpose of the detection of anomalous download is to detect downloads that are taken out of the system, this specification is not the behavior we are looking for.
    Therefore, I would like to see Box Shield exclude moving files in Box Drive from the detection of anomalous download.

    In Japanese:
    Box Driveで複数ファイルが格納されているフォルダを移動すると、Box Shieldの「異常なダウンロード」検知が動作してしまいます。
    そのため、Box Driveの移動はBox Shieldの異常なダウンロード検知の対象外にしてほしいです。

    25 votes
    2 comments  ·  Shield  ·  Admin →
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  10. Require comments when changing classification labels and keep history

    Require comments when changing classification labels and keep history

    Currently Box Shield does not allow the reason or history to be kept when changing.
    We would like to see a comment input field added to the UI when making changes, and also made mandatory in the administrator settings.

    If it is a file, we would like to leave the comment entered in the comment (activity) field of the file so that the end user can check the history.
    For folders, we would like to leave them as undeletable txt files, etc.

    Such a feature would allow all users above the…

    1 vote
    0 comments  ·  Shield  ·  Admin →
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  11. Cannot specify official apps in Shield's list

    The Shield List allows third-party integration tools to be configured as integrations, but official apps such as Box Mobile App and Box Edit cannot be configured.
    This causes the following problems.
    - Mobile apps cannot be excluded from “suspicious session” detection. Since mobile apps are accessed via carrier lines, their IP addresses are different from those of PCs, and if they are accessed at the same time, they are detected as suspicious sessions.
    - Office co-editing cannot be added to the linked apps whitelist in the access policy. It is impossible to control “prohibit DL on BoxDrive, but allow Office…

    1 vote
    0 comments  ·  Shield  ·  Admin →
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  12. Auto Classification policy does not work when folders are copied or moved

    We would like to improve the behavior so that the auto-classification policy works correctly for files within the folder, even if the folder is copied or moved.

    Currently, the Auto Classification policy works correctly when files are copied or moved, but not when folders are copied or moved.
    For example, if a ".dwg" file is stored in the "Technical Information" folder, there is an automatic classification policy that assigns the label "Technical Information" (not for external collaboration).
    In this case, when a file with a .dwg extension is moved from the "Outside Shared" folder, it is automatically assigned the…

    32 votes
    0 comments  ·  Shield  ·  Admin →
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    Unfortunately classifying child items upon move/copy operations of the parent folder is not being considered at this time.

  13. VS Exposure-type Ransomware

    Box Shield classification labels should be able to prohibit downloading via Box desktop (BoxDrive) or via linked apps, even if you are the co-owner or owner.

    Background Threat.
    Currently, the mainstream of ransomware worldwide is not of the encryption type, but of the exposure-type or dual-threat-type.
    Version control functions are not effective against exposure-type and dual-threat ransomware.
    An effective countermeasure against this type of ransomware is to prohibit the downloading of confidential files that should not be disclosed on the dark web.

    Issue to solve.
    Box Shield's no-download access policy and access policy restricting linked apps do not target…

    1 vote
    0 comments  ·  Shield  ·  Admin →
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  14. Please display the [Justification] in its entirety.

    When users select a [Justification], only the first approximately 20 characters are shown, and the rest are truncated.
    While users can hover over the truncated text to view the full [Justification] during selection, they cannot view the entire text after making a selection. Consequently, if multiple [Justifications] begin with the same text, users may not realize they have made an incorrect selection. Please ensure that the full [Justification] is displayed.

    *This refers to cases where a Business [Justification] is specified to allow a one-time exception to Shield’s access policies. For example, even when external invitations are restricted, selecting a [Justification]…

    1 vote
    0 comments  ·  Shield  ·  Admin →
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  15. Shared Link Expiration (Exception) Settings at Folder Level

    I need to be able to control the shared link expiration rules at the folder level, especially when they are an exception from the enterprise-wise rule. We have a handful of use cases that fall outside of the top-line structure, and updating links 1-by-1 is added workflow time on the team. Changing for all assets under a folder would save time and impact when links expired by accident or stay live beyond desired timeline.

    2 votes
    0 comments  ·  Shield  ·  Admin →
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  16. Scope of Access Policy Application

    We request Shield Access Policy Settings to be applied in the external tenant.

    The setting access policy in our tenant doesn`t apply to shared folders in external tenants.
    We consider it is a risk to move folders or files incorrectly to shared folders in external tenants.

    2 votes
    0 comments  ·  Shield  ·  Admin →
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  17. As so many deep scan alerts, we can't find alerts detected only by reputation scans quickly.

    Add the ability to search for alerts detected only by reputation scans.

    3 votes
    0 comments  ·  Shield  ·  Admin →
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  18. Box Classification Settings: provide ability to restrict modifications to Admins and Co-Admins

    Currently, Box Classification configuration allows you to restrict classification modifications to Owner, Co-Owner, Editor, and Viewer Uploader. We would like to add Admin and Co-Admin to this list. Thank you!

    1 vote
    0 comments  ·  Shield  ·  Admin →
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  19. Allows the report to see the classification labels that have been applied in the past

    In the User Activity Report, when a classification label is changed, it is logged. However, it does not record from which label was changed to which label..
    One user currently sets the privilege to edit classification labels to editors (general employees). However, the more users with editing privileges, the greater the security risk. The only way to avoid this risk is to limit the scope of editing privileges to the owner or co-owner (superior). In that case, it would be too inconvenient, since it would be necessary to apply to the superior for a change in the classification label.

    5 votes
    0 comments  ·  Shield  ·  Admin →
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  20. Request: Rich Shield dashboard

    Request for Shield Dash board

    The information of the graphs is so simple.
    Could you make the rich insight?
    For example, whne the targeted user who caused anomalous download started downloading a lot f contents, how much increased #s of DL day by day, Week by week etc.

    Currently we need to export user activity report if we want to know more. so rich insight will be helpful for Box admin.

    2 votes
    1 comment  ·  Shield  ·  Admin →
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