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  1. 12 votes

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    not planned  ·  Anonymous responded

    A true silent update is not currently planned. We have made some improvements to Box Drives update behavior by including silent updates when Box Drive is launching, if an update is already available. This improvement is in v2.3 for Mac and v2.3 for Windows.

  2. Add remote app support functionality like OneDrive is currently offering

    OneDrive now offers support for starting in background for RemoteApp. I tried the same regkey for Box but it didn't work, can the same functionality be added for Box Drive?

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  3. Lack of clear notification of whether BoxDrive is syncing or not

    There should be a clear icon in the Finder AND in the BoxDrive top menu icon clearly showing whether syncing is on or off. Support told em the only way to know if files are correctly syncing is to look at the files in the Finder and if there are NO ICONS then it's working. The lack of something is not a reasonable way to identify is something is working correctly. PLEASE add a symbol that shows the synching status that is easy to confirm!!

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  4. Cancel Download(s)

    It's absolutely insane that you cannot cancel file downloads from within the interface. I just started to download a folder locally (make available offline or Download Now option) and realized I didn't need the folder. I cannot cancel it. I have to wait till it finishes to remove it.

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  5. Changing default columns view in File Explorer with Box Drive

    When using Box Drive on Windows 10, and accessing through File Explorer, the default columns are set as: Name | Size | Item type | Date modified.

    I would like to be able to change those default columns and their order.

    Currently, File explorer has a functionality that allows the default column view to be changed for all folders (View tab > Options > "Change Folder and Search Options" > "View" tab > and select "Apply to Folders)

    However, this functionality does not work for trying to change the default column view for folders viewed through Box Drive.

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  6. Can't filter search files marked for offline use to unmark quickly and regain HD space.

    NEED ASAP: See file list of marked for "offline use" to quickly/easily unmark to regain HD space. I regularly run low on space locally. Users should have a way for Box to ID files based on cache of local machine—to "unmark all" quickly, AS WELL AS selectively with a list of files marked offline to keep any files "offline available" as needed. A MUST-HAVE feature for managing files, since the whole point of box is file storage and accessibility.

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  7. Sort Field Preference in Settings

    My files and folders are all indexed with numbers. It would be helpful to always sort files and folders by name to keep the indexing order. However, Box keeps sorting by the "Updated" field, which completely messes up the indexing order. Is it possible to have a Sort Preferences in Settings so one could select which field should be the default for sorting?


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  8. Ability to logout and delete cache from Box Drive on OS reboot

    Currently, it is necessary to logout/login to clear the cache and errors, but this is troublesome.
    The burden of performing this operation on a regular basis is on the end user.

    It would be easier to use if the logout/deletion of the cache could be done on OS reboot.
    (If it automatically re-logon after restarting OS, that would be even better)


    OS の再起動時にログアウト/キャッシュの削除ができればより便利だと思います。
    (OS の再起動後に自動的に再ログオンするようになれば更に良いと思います。)

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  9. "Your Download is In Progress" pop-up confuses clients

    When a client of ours who is not a Box user downloads a file, a pop-up which says "Your Download is In Progress" appears. The issue is that the pop-up looks like there are only three courses of action, “sign up”, “log in”, or “x” out. Many of our clients have not realized that there is a fourth option, which is just wait for the download. This has caused confusion time and time again across different clients at different times. These are sophisticated users, and this creates serious client issues. Can you please remove the sign up and login options.…

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  10. Clear Recent Files

    Allow the users to clear the recent files section

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  11. Box Drive Backups via Time Machine

    Allow Time Machine on a Mac to backup files stored on the Box Drive on my HD.

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  12. Make File Properties available in Box Drive

    Make content-specific Properties viewable in Box Drive.

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  13. box drive metadata

    With some of the new updates coming to Metadata, I'd like to request that Box Drive be able to support updates to Metadata on a folder/file.

    As a start, a context menu option that would take a user directly to the metadata page.

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  14. Change local BfD folder UI to distinguish if collaborators are in folders (like webapp)

    Add UI to local BfD folders to know ownership/collaborators of folders (i.e. yellow = no collabs, grey = external collab, blue = owned externally + collaborators)

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    not planned  ·  Anonymous responded

    We currently do not have this planned on our roadmap.  Please keep the feedback & use cases coming to help us prioritize this in the future!

  15. Enhancing MIP Integration: Applying DLP Policy Controls to Box Drive Access

    We use Microsoft's MIP integration (DLP policy application).
    Currently, DLP policy controls are not applied when opening from Box Drive.
    This makes MIP integration pointless and poses security problems.
    It is desirable for DLP policy controls to be applied even when opening from Box Drive.

    <MIP 統合の強化: Box Drive アクセスへの DLP ポリシー制御の適用>

    現在の仕様では、Box Drive から開く場合には、DLPポリシーの制御が適用されません。
    Box Drive から開く場合にも、DLPポリシーの制御が適用されるのが望ましいです。

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  16. Auto lock/unlock for read-only file.

    Currently, BoxDrive works with AutoLockUnlock=1 as below.

    1. When we open a read-only settings(Windows OS file property), it is locked automatically.
    2. And then, when we close the file, the read-only setting is gone.

    Please improve as below.

    1. When we open a read-only settings(Windows OS file property), it is not locked automatically.
    2. And then, when we close the file, the read-only setting keeps.


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  17. Please add popup when adding or moving a file from local to Box

    We can easily add or move file from local storage to Box drive or browser.
    However, box does not prompt any popup when we add or move file.

    It may cause miss operation.
    So, Please add popup when add or movefile.

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  18. About character limit of "description" of file property

    Please increase the amount of text you can write in the "description" in the file properties.
    I want to add a long description, but it is inconvenient because of the character limit.

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  19. Indexing Box Drive Offline Files

    I have access to a number of folders that I don't need frequently (if at all), but I do have a select group of folders that I use daily, and I keep these stored as files available offline. I recently migrated from a computer that used Box Sync to a computer using Box Drive, and I was very disappointed to find that I couldn't search my offline files using the windows file explorer. Instead, I'm forced to use the Box Drive search window, which requires that I search ALL of my folders, which frustrates many of my directed searches.


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  20. Set up the Box Drive installer so the user gets to Single Sign On (SSO) by default

    There are quite a few steps when logging in to Box when installing Box Drive. It'd be helpful for us if the users could get to the SSO window directly instead of first having to enter their email address and then click the (not so obvious) ”Sign In with SSO” link.

    It'd also be great if the ”NORDUnet Box Service” could filter away the list of services based on the domain name in the email address the user just typed, especially since typing the name of the institutin and and then ”enter” (which I know one isn't supposed since the…

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