User Trash -- Ability to search within Trash from the Web for end users
Since Box has a public-facing Search API that allows searching within the Trash, the Web App should also make use of this functionality and allow users to search in Trash from the Web. API documentation here:

End users can now search the trash from the web. For more information, see the product announcement:
Anonymous commented
Essential feature for me too
Anonymous commented
I agree with the comment that this is a BUG and not a feature request. We are a very large Enterprise, with over 100,000 potential users and the only reason we are not rolling out to a larger subset of our employees is because of this BUG, (aka, inability to search the trash). I see that this in finally on the roadmap, but when is it expected to be out?
Anonymous commented
Any updates on timing here? From an Enterprise Admin PoV, this feature is essential for every employee looking to recover items from the Trash, since only Admins can access it. If it takes them a month to realize it's missing, I have to search over 400 pages to find the **** thing. Seems ridiculous for the price of the platform. Please get this soon.
Anonymous commented
Not being able to sort in Trash causes me way too much time to locate the file or folder that was Trashed, especially when I trashed a folder by mistake,. Please add this important feature.
Anonymous commented
When a folder is deleted, you cannot find any files that are inside of it. We would like to be able to search and find all files in the trash, even if they were deleted inside of a folder.
Anonymous commented
I agree the navigation in the trash folder is a true shortcoming of this product. We have tons of files that box had to change how it showed the trash items because the folder wouldn't even load. now I just have a list of folders that I cannot tell what is in the trash. I was told by support to do searches for files but many times my users can't remember the file name they trashed. I've worked with support but they said to vote on this. this is not a feature request this is a BUG request. this is functionality that should work. the trash folder also doesn't show a simple date column or have the ability to sort the folders. again making it impossible to sort. we are a small company with 20 employees I cannot imaging trying to admin a larger company with more files and not having this feature.
Anonymous commented
This is a really important function! It's absence will absolutely prevent me from using or recommending Box for future projects/organizations.
Anonymous commented
Not being able to search or navigate Trash is a TRUE NIGHTMARE. We have matching, standard folder structures on hundreds of projects. When I do closeouts, deleting files, but later someone wants me to restore something, it's impossible to navigate through Trash to do so. Why even have a restore function when the files in Trash are so difficult to identify? It's altogether pointless without the ability to search. Please fix this!
Anonymous commented
All of our content is owned by the admin account so everything appears in that one trash in the Admin Console. If there is a file missing, I am unable to find it in the master trash. At this time, I can attempt to go from one page to the next except the system crashes on page 3, so I don't get very far.
Finding things in the trash should be just as easy to find it as the regular files.
Anonymous commented
Options to search within the trash folder for specific filename just like any other folder in Box would be very useful and time saving.
Filter trash folder by filetype, etc. just like any other folder in Box.
Include useful information for files in trash including original file path (some files and folders may have the same name and you can't determine which is correct because it doesn't display the original parent folder.
Have a filter in a box folder to show deleted files without having to go find them in the trash.
I have found it difficult and time consuming searching for missing/deleted files. It would be much easier to turn on the deleted files filter within the original folder. Sometimes files get deleted by accident and it could be over a year before you realize that a file is gone.
Vinit Shah commented
In our and many large organization, Content is owned by Box Admin account and Owners of the content are added as a Co-Owner to the folder. Co-Owners needed an ability to view lost/deleted files from their folders under Trash. Please add "Items I Co-Own" filter under Trash. Currently Trash has only "Items I Own" and "Items I Deleted". It is not possible for owner (co-owner in terms of Box) to view/recover content that has been lost/deleted by editors.
Anonymous commented
Would also like to preview an item in Trash without restoring. I don't want to edit, just see what it is to remind myself why I deleted.