Make login page more intuitive for non-managed users
When users or collaborators visit Box from the customer's account, they get confused when they get directed to their SSO page and not the login page.
A suggestion is to have the user input their username before getting redirected to the SSO page or make the “not a part of COMPANY?” a bigger option and more visible for the user.

Due to other higher priority initiatives, this is not prioritized at this time.
Anonymous commented
@kpatel - the new login screen still is not clear enough. The 'Continue' button needs to say 'not part of [name of box org]' and perhaps change the second button 'Not part of [name of box org]' to 'Collaborate with [name of box org]'.
We get daily complaints from our external parties that they can't login and each and everytime they are using the most prominent 'Continue' button
Anonymous commented
This continues to be a problem even after repeated attempts to educate our clients. Everyday I get emails or calls from frustrated clients (external users) who are having difficulty navigating the login page. It would be wonderful if the login page could be bifurcated to have an "employee" login and "guest" login.
Anonymous commented
Everyday I get emails or calls from frustrated clients (external users) who are having difficulty navigating the SSO login page. It would be wonderful if the login page could be bifurcated to have an "employee" login and "guest" login.
Adminmbevill (Admin, Box) commented
This is a large issue for companies inviting external collaborator clients into their workspace. We have a large bank client going through this right now, and it's causing a lot of confusion with their client collaborators.
Owen Smith commented
Can probably merge this idea with this one:
Owen Smith commented
This is a big issue for our company as well. We use internally, but share and collaborate files with clients constantly. If we add a document to a folder we have shared with a client and that client has notification emails turned on, they receive an email with a hyperlink to the document. They click the link and land on Box login page designed for SSO log ins. They don't read all the text and the way the page is designed it looks like there is only a single button to click to log in. The client clicks the button and they are not able to log in because they aren't a managed user requiring SSO. They get SO frustrated by this user experience.
It would be immensely beneficial to allow orgs to choose what type of sign-in page is used as default. They vast majority of enterprise web based applications out there have a login page that is "consumer friendly" and has either a separate button or a hyperlink that says "Employee? - Click here to Log In" or "Click here to use SSO"
Please consider allowing organizations some more flexibility around this.
Anonymous commented
We work with many contractors on a daily basis. File sharing is crucial and, of course, typically urgent. As a company, we are spending hours per week getting our contractors through the initial login process, even with a written support document.
Anonymous commented
We experience the same issue. I wish Box would adopt Citrix ShareFile's login flow when SSO is activated.
Anonymous commented
This is such a huge problem!
Anonymous commented
Every external collaborator we work with has this issue. Box refuses to acknowledge or fix it.
Anonymous commented
The ability to further customize our company login screen (SSO) to include a more prominent way for non-manged users, our clients, to login to Box.
The "Continue" button (continue to our organizations SSO) is prominently shown and many of our clients (non-managed users) who receive links that new files have been shared will follow the link to the login screen and click "continue."
In addition, the confusion is multiplied because many of our clients use the same SSO provider and thus they get an error message when they enter their enterprises SSO credentials.
Not having a clear differentiation between our organization SSO login and the client (non-manged user) login It is very confusing for our clients. The confusion causes much frustration. If the client or non-manged user is frustrated, then they will not use Box.