Box Drive: Change cache location
It would be really awesome to allow the box drive cache location to be placed somewhere other than C:\Users<USERNAME>\AppData\Local\Box\Box\cache, say on on a separate volume that doesn't consume space on C: (boot / application drive). Ideally I would like to place it on my second ssd D:

Hi there,
This capability is under consideration. Check back here for updates.
Anonymous commented
With small SSD for OS and large files I'd like to save offline, the inability to select the location for Box data makes it unusable.
Anonymous commented
I strongly agree with previous comments, this must be a feature!! As said, many computers have different drives with different capacities, not being able to store my offline files on the drive with larger capacity makes this product useless for anyone in that situation. I strongly urge you to reconsider your position!
Anonymous commented
This decision seems arbitrary but I'm sure there is a valid reason for this
@Kyle, could you go more in detail about why you decided that? -
Anonymous commented
I really wanted to chose Box for our organization, I really did.
Anonymous commented
How can you not be working on this?! DropBox and OneDrive allow to choose which drive you want to install. With so many devices nowadays with 2 drivers, being D the one with much more storage capacity, don't you think you're falling behind the competition?
Anonymous commented
I am using Box because my employer supports it and I need an officially supported place to store backups. Imagine my surprise when I discovered that a registry entry is required to change the Box Drive folder location. Are you kidding me??? I further discovered that changing the folder location only changes the mount point, not the cache location. This is a show-stopper. I have uninstalled Box Drive and will see if I can do any better with Box Sync. If not, I'll use it via the web interface. As a long-time Dropbox user (currently Dropbox Professional, i.e. I'm paying for their service) I can't even begin to imagine why this is considered acceptable. Sorry if this sounds harsh, but I can't imagine that I'm the only potential customer that would see this and flee.
Anonymous commented
Dear Box, I work for a large international marketing agency, we are one of your clients.
I understand we pay hundreds of thousands of dollars a year for our Box membership- so I would hope that makes us a valued customer.
I am frankly appalled after months of checking back in on the request to change the install/cache location to a drive other than C: to see that this continues to be ignored with no good reason given.
Please listen to your customers. This is such an obvious and standard feature that I have seen many like myself continue to ask for.
Please explain why (despite this being possible with the older Box Sync application) it isn’t an option for Box Drive users?
Please provide a transparent timeline for how long conservatively this feature would take to implement. That way we can make up our mind whether to stay loyal or take our business elsewhere. As others have mentioned, this feature is something your competitors all provide.
Anonymous commented
Insane this is not on your roadmap. This "feature" is status quo across every other platform.
Anonymous commented
It is unfathomable that this feature is not on you "current roadmap". Many systems now have multiple hard drives, typically having a small fast SSD C: drive for system files and startup but a second, much larger storage drive. It seems very silly to force users to store cached data on a specific drive and not be able to select where cached data is stored. Pretty much all your competitors already have this feature.
Anonymous commented
yes this feature is badly needed
Anonymous commented
As @Stephen Fowler noted, it sure does appear that it's fixed. The Box documentation is horrible and misleading.
Everyone, you need to switch to Box Sync if you want this functionality. Box refuses to acknowledge that Box Sync is way ahead here, even noting in their "solved" docs that you can "move the folder" and in the table both Box Drive and Box Sync are checked, without actually acknowledging the fact this is a soft symlink, which is NOT obvious for 99% of users - almost all users think that files that appear on their D: drive are.... actually on their D: drive.
Greg Miller commented
I moved the mount point for Box Drive to my high-performance SSD working drive (D:) only to find that everything is cached to my slower-performing C drive. Please enable me to re-locate the Box cache folder to my high-performance D: drive.
Brant Thomas commented
This is an important item to be configurable. We have trends where OS partitions are very small on our new laptop builds. Would be nice to be able to direct this to the bigger drive.
@Stephen Fowler - currently the Box Dive mount point is able to be changed, but the cache is not. From the article you linked:
"You're only moving the location of the Box Drive mount point. The cache and app data locations remain unchanged. So even though you move the mount location to a hard drive partition other than C:\, you continue to use space in C:\."
Stephen Fowler commented
The current version of Box Drive allows this:
Anonymous commented
With Box Drive would be great to be able to decide where to store the documents offline in our PC or external drives – exactly like with Box Sync. Or even to change the location after the installation of Box Drive.