Dynamically name signed documents based on metadata: signer's full name, company, email and others
When there are documents in the same folder or templates that are repeatably signed with the same name (Ready Sign Link, Batch Send), Box Sign adds a number and () to the filename to note the different/unique files.
There needs to be a better way to name the files - perhaps using metadata or using the unique id of the sign request. And then all files - signed docs and signed log would be renamed with the same name. Otherwise it's very hard to tell files apart when they all have the same name with just a number and () in them

John Pederson commented
We should be able to append the file name with a field value from the signed document, like the signers name.
Admintatsuhikoina (Admin, Box) commented
When you use the batch send and receive a signed document, the file name includes a random character string to distinguish the difference of each signed document.
Instead of those random character string, I would like to have the name or email address of the signer so it is easy to know which document is signed by who with just looking at the file name.