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232 results found

  1. Enable auto complete for internal users when collaborating

    When going to share a file or folder with an internal user, unless you have collaborated in the past, auto complete does not come up. In fact when you put in the internal email address, it shows a globe as if the user is external. A way to use a directory sync would be helpful, but since not all users have Box in our domain, showing just those with accounts suffices and would actually be the most helpful.

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  2. Permission expansion - excluding folder management

    I’d love a “File manager” permission that doesn’t include Folder management capabilities.
    We have a large folder structure that I need to allow our users to have Editor permissions to for them to properly do their job. My issue is that it is CRITICAL that the folder structure doesn't change.

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  3. Password Mail

    When we share the open link with password, currently we need to create the new email and send the password separately.
    If we have the Email Icon to send password, we can work this on only Box.
    We would like to create the new Email icon to send email from Box web console.

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  4. "inactive" or "archive" flag maps to less-expensive storage

    Provide ability to flag/classify files and folders in a way that allows Box to move them to a less-expensive storage offering on the back-end. This can be referred to as an "inactive" or "archive" flag.


    During the Box Higher Education Community Monthly Open Discussion on January 11th, an idea to submit to Box Pulse was formed, and seemed to have support from all in attendance (25-30 institutions).

    Box acknowledges that there is a growing concern around constantly increasing storage, and the costs associated with it. The majority of files stored in Box are perceived (or…

    37 votes
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  5. Prevent copy/move actions during upgrade

    When upgrading, current files should be maintained so there is no loss of workflow and access to files other than for making change.s. There should be a freeze on all changes to the folders so that folders are inadvertently moved and duplicated and manipulated by those that have access. Currently those without anything but viewing permissions can go in during the upgrade and copy and move files and change permissions so they have access. That should not be. Files should be frozen.

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  6. Add the optional message text on Shared Link Email to the event in the API

    When a user clicks the email button the Share Link screen they have the ability to enter an optional message to the person they are sending the link too. This optional message is not captured anywhere in the Box system or event stream. The only way to capture a record of this optional message is with the Compliance Email Archive. Customer would like for this optional message be captured in the event stream so 3rd party compliance software can capture that information. This is an issue in regulated industries like Wealth Management in Financial Services that require logging ALL potential…

    6 votes
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  7. Can't access a file shared with me

    Collaborators are uploading files to my user folder, but I can't see them.
    When they send me a link, I get a message that file has been removed or is unavailable for me.

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  8. Back Button When Viewing Collaborators

    Usually when you go "in" or "down" a level by opening a folder or a file within that folder, there is some sort of "go back" feature in Box itself like a file path where you can click back out to the parent folder or an X to close a document. But when you click on the icon to show you who the collaborators on a document are, it seems the only way back is to use the browser's back arrow.
    (Also it would be even better to simply show the list of people who can access the file at…

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  9. Please add Linux to the support for Box.

    As we use many Linux servers, the total size of the log files is also large.
    Please add Linux as supported, as we want to save the log files stored on the Linux server to the Box.

    Box does not support Linux.
    In the past it was possible to access the Box via WebDAV, but this is no longer supported.
    Please add Linux to the support for Box.
    It would be preferable if it could be mounted like WebDav.
    If the folder on the Box can be mounted on Linux, the application can simply change the specification of…

    16 votes
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  10. Expose Box's "Notification Email" field to SAML provisioning and syncing

    The "Notification Email" functionality in Box is very helpful for @mentions, file sharing invites and other user notificaitons that need to go to an email address other than the email address used to sign into Box. This can be the necessary when a company has subsidiaries on a common directory infrastructure, but one or more subsidiaries is still maintain the old email identities for day to day work. There are likely other reasons to use this field.

    Email: (Used to sign in.)
    Notification email: (The correct email address for user notifications.)

    Box's SAML integration allows an Identify Provider,…

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  11. View file audit log with "Deleted users" name on files even after users have been removed.

    It is not a feature of Box to allow "file audit logs" to persist on files showing a deleted users name as the person who made the changes and currently when you remove a user all the collaborators (non-admins) can see is "user made change" instead of the person's name. Yes, you can pull a file management report, but that is for admins and does not provide the teammates of the file any insight as to who was the person that made this change, nor does it help admins determine it easily either. I would like for the product to…

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  12. Allow multi-file downloads greater than 20GB by streaming as gzipped tar

    Downloading multiple files via the Box web interface is currently limited to a total file size of 20GB. I assume this is due to needing server-size storage to create a temporary zip file for the download. If, instead, there were an option to download the selected files in gzipped tar format, there would be no-need for additional server-side storage (because both tar and gzip are streaming formats) and there would be no need to cap the download size.

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  13. Ability to access box when email is updated and user is signed via SSO

    that when a client is using SSO and it sees an email update that it will update the email address in Box. Reference Case #2497722.

    e.g. has a box account via sso, the box account is under When John changes name to, the user cannot access Box because the Box account did not automatically update with the user.

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  14. Please include a list of hard/soft limitations on the BoxSupport page, as described in "Product and API Scale Guidelines"

    Please include a list of hard/soft limitations on the BoxSupport page, as described in "Product and API Scale Guidelines".
    This information is currently available on request.
    However, hard/soft limits are variable information and you will need to request information on a regular basis.
    When obtaining the information on an request basis, there is a time lag before the contents are known.
    We always want to get the latest information independently ourselves, so we would like Box Support to keep us up to date with the latest informations.


    私たちは常に最新の情報を自身で入手したいと考えておりますので、Box Supportページには常に最新の情報を提供していただきたいと思います。

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  15. upload speed limit

    There should be a possibility to limit the upload speed in order to still being able to work during the upload of larger files. Currently there is no possibility to limit the upload speed which leads to Box using all my upload bandwidth.

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  16. File uploads are extremely slow.

    File uploads are extremely slow. For example, a group of 3 x 20Mb files might take an entire day to upload on a 5mb.s connection. This has happened in the past 3-4 weeks.
    I found the root cause of it. I am in New Zealand and redirected to the Tokyo server, which is very very slow. I verified that this upload path is an issue thus:
    Tried to upload a 20Mb file using browser (via Tokyo) - 2 hrs later the file was at 20% upload. Cancelled the upload.
    Connected a VPN onto Los Angeles. Uploaded the same file (and…

    5 votes
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  17. Department Folder Auto Provisioning and Updating

    When enterprise needs to provision and update department folders, Box Admins or each folder owners would need to manually create, configure and update folders according to the organizational structure and would need to manually invite/remove all the necessary collaborators.

    We would want to have a native feature in Box to allow such folder provisioning and updating by importing CSV file that contains folder names, structures and collaborators.

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  18. Pull all embed widget links from folder of documents

    My company uses a lot of analytics dashboards. I have the need to connect a large folder of documents with the dashboards, and am unable to copy and past 10000+ widget links in order to give previews.

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  19. version for multiple files

    return version to a date of all file in a folder, or all selected files.
    Today is possible to do this only if I open each file and select version, with a lot of clicks

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  20. I would like the ability to lock down the sharing permissions of certain folders.

    The other day, a user “mistakenly” deleted the “All” group from the sharing permissions of our main folder share called “Clients”.

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