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161 results found

  1. Movement between Tenant

    Currently when you make a movement between a Box tenant, based on Folder and File, the behaviour is different.

    Folder: it will be an error
    File: it will be moved without any message

    I would like it to be error for Files movement and also copying too.

    1 vote
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  2. Ability to see (and if permitted, restore) deleted files

    Box currently does not have the ability to show deleted files in a particular folder. Only the owner and the user who deleted files will see them in Trash but not by folder. With large numbers of files in multiple folders, this becomes quite unmanageable quickly and relying on the folder owner to restore files is unnecessarily restrictive.

    Folders should have an option to see deleted files and if permitted (editor or higher, or a separate permission) allow users other than the owner and the user who deleted files to restore them.

    6 votes
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  3. Include a Disable Preview Option

    I've been using BOX for years and the only complaint is from my clients who download from my shared links. Almost 90% of users complain that they get the message
    "We're sorry, this file type is not currently supported."

    I understand from your viewpoint but from our viewpoint, we dont require such preview because our files are .zip, .rar, .7z, etc.

    So PLEASE enable some option where I can enable or disable the auto-preview.
    Remember, you guys are a cloud storage 1st solution. My clients should be able to download anything as simply as possible without getting confused about…

    4 votes
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  4. I want to be able to upload/stream data in real time to a secure Box folder

    Drone operators, Tik Tok users, event planners, wildlife professionals, military training heads, aircraft pilots -- off the top of my head, these are just a few great uses for streaming media files in real time directly to a secure Box folder. Omit the extra, less-secure step of capturing material on a mobile device (laptop, outdoor camera, phone, and so on), and then uploading it to Box. And never worry about the camera, phone, or other device holding your precious content failing or becoming lost before you've had a chance to view/upload the data.

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  5. Same editing functions across BOX

    Ability to use the same shortcuts both in file view and desktop view. Ability to modify tool bar and create custom shortcuts.

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  6. Allow for creation of custom permission levels (roles).

    We want to share files to an external collaborator, but want to restrict the download and allow editing.

    Request: Add new custom roles and assign them preview, link, edit, and they would have to use our Office 365 to modify within Box?

    14 votes
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  7. Ability to request a bulk download of data sent to us via hard-drive .

    Allow us to request a bulk download of our data which Box would fulfill at their technical support center. This would enable us to receive multiple Terabytes of data without bogging down our corporate network or using applications which are prone to download failures. The data would be stored on hard-drives or solid state drives either purchased through box or sent to box to fulfill the request

    1 vote
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  8. ITEM_RENAME event should include both old and new names for folder/file

    Current the rename item event only shows the new name.

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  9. Expose Box's "Notification Email" field to SAML provisioning and syncing

    The "Notification Email" functionality in Box is very helpful for @mentions, file sharing invites and other user notificaitons that need to go to an email address other than the email address used to sign into Box. This can be the necessary when a company has subsidiaries on a common directory infrastructure, but one or more subsidiaries is still maintain the old email identities for day to day work. There are likely other reasons to use this field.

    Email: (Used to sign in.)
    Notification email: (The correct email address for user notifications.)

    Box's SAML integration allows an Identify…

    1 vote
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  10. Allow co-owners (not just owners) to extend auto-expiration date for external collaborators.

    The primary reason why we have not enabled the auto-expiration for Collaborators is because only folder Owners will receive notifications of expiring collaborators and links, and only Owners will have the ability to extend the expiration date. In our instance, the Primary BoxAdmin account owns all content (and users are not allowed to create root-level folders, they're only co-owners).

    If this ability were extended to Co-Owners, then this enterprise setting would be feasible for us. It has to be up to the co-owners to receive the notifications and determine whether or not to extend the sharing (since they have the…

    14 votes
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  11. Compress to zip format on Box web

    To compress a file or folder on Box, you must download it first.
    I wish there was a way to compress files directly from Box Web without having to download them.

    (in Japanese)
    Box web上でzip形式に圧縮する
    Box上にあるファイルやフォルダを圧縮するためには一度ダウンロードしなくてはいけない。ダウンロードしなくても、Box Web上から直接圧縮できるようにしてほしい。

    6 votes
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  12. Back Button When Viewing Collaborators

    Usually when you go "in" or "down" a level by opening a folder or a file within that folder, there is some sort of "go back" feature in Box itself like a file path where you can click back out to the parent folder or an X to close a document. But when you click on the icon to show you who the collaborators on a document are, it seems the only way back is to use the browser's back arrow.
    (Also it would be even better to simply show the list of people who can access the file at…

    1 vote
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  13. Users with View Uploader permissions should have the ability to edit folders they create

    In this case, the viewer uploader is the owner of the sub folder they have created, but they cannot do anything to it once it is created.

    Can it be filed to be reviewed or modified? If a person can create a folder, surely they can rename it, move files into it. If Box does not want the viewer uploader to be able to rename a folder or move items into it, do not allow viewer uploader the ability to create a sub folder.

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    not planned  ·  Anonymous responded

    Agreed that it is somewhat strange a viewer uploader can create a subfolder. I believe this was put in place, because creating a folder is somewhat like taking the upload action.

    Sometimes, when many files are uploaded, it is cleaner to upload them all in one place, and so that is why the Viewer Uploader is granted this permission.

    One particular odd consequence, is this person can now create a folder but not rename it (let’s say they made a typo).

    This is not oft-requested and impacts a small minority of users. We can look at fixing this in the future with additional customer demand.

  14. "inactive" or "archive" flag maps to less-expensive storage

    Provide ability to flag/classify files and folders in a way that allows Box to move them to a less-expensive storage offering on the back-end. This can be referred to as an "inactive" or "archive" flag.


    During the Box Higher Education Community Monthly Open Discussion on January 11th, an idea to submit to Box Pulse was formed, and seemed to have support from all in attendance (25-30 institutions).

    Box acknowledges that there is a growing concern around constantly increasing storage, and the costs associated with it. The majority of files stored in Box are…

    37 votes
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  15. preview print

    Allow the permission to just "view" & "print" files.
    (However, you manage to do this)

    ...Maybe it's as simple as having a tick button for a Previewer to also allow printing

    ...Currently, a Previewer can view and not print,

    ...a Previewer/Uploader can currently Preview and Upload (Print is meant to work here but is currently not an option despite permission tables saying it should)

    ...a Viewer can currently Preview, Print and Download.

    6 votes
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  16. Allow reorganization of received collaborated folders

    I would like to request that all users are allowed, as non-folder owners, to place shared folders inside non-shared folders. This allows for better organization for users and therefore an overall better user experience. All other cloud services that I am a part of allow this.

    I own the folders "fruit" and "orange." Someone else owns the folder "apple" and shares it with me. Currently, I cannot place the folder "apple" inside of my "fruit" folder. I would like to request this is changed.

    Currently, Box permissions (and as it was explained to me, security) does not allow it.…

    26 votes
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  17. Locating who/when files are Moved/Removed (accidentally or on purpose)

    If a user moves/renames/removes files, the URLs shouldn't simply be dead links now. Please record information so that impacted users know When the file was moved/removed, and WHO did the action.
    I recently had Box Notes and Folders get moved or removed. And while I know who SHOULD have been the owner of the content, anyone else having problems finding the content wouldn't know who to contact.
    So if a box link was previously valid, and that content has moved or removed, leaving some breadcrumb for the user, about who to contact, when the content was moved/removed, etc, can…

    1 vote
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  18. An administrator or application, with appropriate permission, should be able to make any arbitrary API call

    An administrator or application, with appropriate permission, should be able to make any arbitrary API call (subject to enterprise setting restrictions) for any object or user in the Box enterprise. As an example, forcing a developer to find a folder, collaborate the running user (often using an as-user call on behalf of the folder owner), uploading a file, and then remove that running user is complicated, error prone, and wasteful.

    In ECM or platform scenarios in which a large number of files are created, they are often referenced by an id value, rather than something mutable like…

    0 votes
    delivered  ·  crajan responded

    Large Folder support will simplify the architecture. You still will need to collab the service account into the content.

  19. Permission expansion - excluding folder management

    I’d love a “File manager” permission that doesn’t include Folder management capabilities.
    We have a large folder structure that I need to allow our users to have Editor permissions to for them to properly do their job. My issue is that it is CRITICAL that the folder structure doesn't change.

    2 votes
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  20. Viewer does NOT see Download button in Context Menu ('...' menu) nor in Action Bar when multiple items are selected

    .Given that Viewers have the ability to download watermarked files, the Download button should appear everywhere as normal. This ticket is to add the Download button in the following two locations for Viewers:
    * File list context menu ('...' menu)
    * Action bar when performing a multi-select

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