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356 results found

  1. filter Sign Requests based on action needed, completed, or pending someone else’s action.

    To be able to filter Sign Requests based on action needed, completed, or pending someone else’s action.

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  2. About BoxSign completion email

    The email sent when BoxSign is completed includes the text "Recipients of this email can view and sign documents on your behalf." , so you can view it but not sign it. I would like you to correct this as it is inappropriate as a text for a completion email and may cause misunderstanding.

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  3. Disable signature frame

    Recently the Signature Frame is released on Box Sign.

    I would like to have an option to disable this because we do not need it for internal sign.

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  4. View file that still on circular

    Example I am the second number on the workflow of five signer in BoxSign, after I sign the document and the signing process still onprogress, I cannot view or download the document unless all the signer has been signed the document.
    Could you add the feature to view the document while on signing process?

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  5. Add Box Sign as an option in MSFT Teams approval workflows.

    In MSFT Teams there is an approval workflow which has e-signature as an outcome. Currently the only options are DocuSign or Adobe Sign and we would like to utilize Box Sign as the solution as opposed to DocuSign or Adobe Sign.

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  6. Box Sign Watermarking

    We need to be able to have documents sent out for signature using Box Sign be watermarked with the name of the recipient/signer. This currently prevents me from using Box Sign for approximately 80% of the documents for which I'd otherwise use Box Sign.

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  7. Favorite Box Sign templates

    Favorite Box Sign templates

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  8. Function to erase gridlines in Excel files when using BoxSign

    We usually hide the gridlines of Excel files.
    However, when we sign an Excel file using BoxSign, the gridlines is displayed in the PDF file.
    Since the display of gridlines makes it difficult to understand the display of materials and affects business, we would like you to be able to erase the gridlines of Excel files even when using BoxSign.


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  9. Ability to create a stamp template for my company within Box Sign

    I work in the field of mental health, where they require a visible "stamp" that denotes who received a document and the date it was received. It would be very helpful if I had the ability to create a stamp template within Box Sign which can fulfill this requirement. Currently, we would have to create a new stamp any time a document would need to be stamped, which is very time consuming. The only way around this currently is to physically stamp the document and then upload it, which is also time consuming.

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  10. Ability to stop sending email to people who has approved or signed the document by Box Sign

    In Box Sign, once sign and approve by users are completed, an email is sent to all users who has signed and approved the document.
    We would like to set up this email to be sent only to the requestor or specified users when approval is complete.

    Box Sign ユーザーの署名・承認が完了した時点で、完了した旨のメールが署名・承認を行った全ユーザーに送付されます。

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  11. Box Sign Date field type, independent of "Signed Date"

    I need to capture date information as part of a signature request that may be different than the date when signers are completing the signature process.

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  12. Customize Box Sign Message Shown to Signees After They Sign a Document

    Ability to customize the message that is shown to signees after they complete the signature request. We have some use cases that only require one signature and it is confusing to end users when they see a message indicating that they will receive a copy after all parties have signed when they are the only necessary party.

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  13. Box Sign Template Tags: Limiting characters

    It would be nice to limit the characters allowed in a text field (either via the markup page or through a parameter in the template tags) (e.g. '[[t|1|m:1|limit:300]]). This way users can't type in an essay, typing OVER existing text already in the PDF

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  14. Box Sign - Save and Finish later option for signers / preserve information provided by signers without completing the request

    Signers have requested a "Save and Finish Later" option, so they can partially fill out and save it, close and come back later to continue filling out where they left off. This is a feature docusign has and would be great to have on Box sign as well.

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  15. Print a package of signed documents directly from Box

    Would like to be able to print a package of documents that have completed the signature cycle versus printing each completed document from the package

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  16. have ability to create share link within templates tab

    Like the idea of templates for Sign but as templates get created, it would be great to be able to generate a shared link that would go directly to a template I want a collaborator to see or use versus using the search or manually looking at all the Sign templates. Ideally this share link creation happens from the templates tab as this is the most intuitive when reviewing templates

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  17. Keep track of declined documents with the comments visible.

    When a document is declined, the reason why it was declined is only available in one e-mail.
    It should be available on the document as well as in the web interface. I could put a comment on the document (why I wanted to reject it), and in the Reject field, but only the reason in the reject field was kept and only available in the e-mail that was received. After that, in Box SIgn, you see that the document was declined, but you d'ont know why. That is a huge limitation.

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  18. Box Sign - When creating new sign requests, make the folder that I last saved to as the default option.

    When creating new sign requests, my customer wants the folder that they last saved to as the default option.

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  19. Removal of Box Signature watermark

    Removal of Box Signature watermark

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  20. Center a text field in Box Sign

    Currently, text fields in Box Sign are all left-justified. Please add an option to allow text to be centered or right-justified within the text field.

    Example, we have a field that is in the page heading that is centered. But if the text entered is shorter than the field size, it gets left-justified and doesn't align in the center with the other header lines.

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