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161 results found

  1. Allow Box folders to be set so that they show memory in each folder instead of the number of files which will help with managing size limit

    Allow Box folders to be set so that they show memory in each folder instead of the number of files which will help with managing the total size limit for Box accounts

    2 votes
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  2. Add additional_info data to all events to include service_id

    Currently, many events do not include the additionalinfo fields, in particular the serviceid field. This makes it difficult for organizations with many applications to track which of these applications are making the calls.

    Here are the events missing this information:

    • RENAME
    • UPLOAD
    1 vote
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  3. Progress Bar when uploading and restoring

    Is there any progress bar or any visible information where we can know the progress of tasks being run? For example, I wanted to recover a 200gb folder. It took a long time to find the data that needed to be restored. This is a similar thing when uploading files onto Box onto the web app. There is a progress bar but when a user goes to a new page it disappears and it is still running in the background

    1 vote
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  4. Natively view .MP4 or other standard video files in Box

    It would be nice to be able to view videos in standard video formats natively within box for team training and information purposes.

    2 votes
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  5. Downloading from websites.

    There should be a direct way to download a webpage into Box. I can directly download into Google Drive but not Box. Box requires a 2-step process. First I need to download to my device and then I can upload to Box.

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  6. Add "type" filters from Web App to search API endpoint

    Currently Box supports passing in document extensions, or searching by item type (file, folder). Please add the same filter options that is exposed in the web app search to developers. Specifically, the "type" dropdown that includes items like:
    [document, audio, box note, drawing, etc.]

    The workaround is for the developer to create their own set of these filters - but this can be challenging based on the number of filetypes and desire to keep experience the same with search in their app as compared to the web app.

    0 votes
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  7. remove image files from people's HTML email signature

    The ability to have small image files removed from people's HTML email signature. It would be nice to have a way to filter these out or add a workflow that deletes these.

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  8. Removing Selected Subfolders

    I am a software developer, and I use Box so that I can access my code at work and at home. If there is a folder called Project1 with my solution files in it, the act of opening that solution or building that solution will create both a "bin" and an "obj" folder that both contain several hundred megabytes of data that does not need to be sync'ed. When I stop debugging and change the code to run it again, now I have 2 copies of nearly identical data still being pushed up to the cloud and being downloaded…

    1 vote
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  9. Include activities & comments in the search index

    Activities and comments on the files are something very useful to collaborate on documents. It would be great if there was a way to include the content of the activities & comments in the search index.

    4 votes
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  10. Please include a list of hard/soft limitations on the BoxSupport page, as described in "Product and API Scale Guidelines"

    Please include a list of hard/soft limitations on the BoxSupport page, as described in "Product and API Scale Guidelines".
    This information is currently available on request.
    However, hard/soft limits are variable information and you will need to request information on a regular basis.
    When obtaining the information on an request basis, there is a time lag before the contents are known.
    We always want to get the latest information independently ourselves, so we would like Box Support to keep us up to date with the latest informations.


    私たちは常に最新の情報を自身で入手したいと考えておりますので、Box Supportページには常に最新の情報を提供していただきたいと思います。

    3 votes
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  11. Ability to adjust the search string, while maintaining the current set of filtering criteria.

    As users are searching and adjusting advanced search filters many of times they realize they need to adjust the original search request, and this can be quite cumbersome when they have to repeat the advanced search filter settings.

    3 votes
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  12. Receive notification when transfer of content is completed

    When deleting and transferring content to another user and an error is thrown, it is not clear to the user when all the content has successfully been moved due to the error message thrown.

    We would like to know when all the content has finally completed so we can delete the user without any concerns.

    5 votes
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  13. Convert comment to task

    Comments in Box Preview are helpful, but sometimes need to be able to be converted into tasks. Rather than creating a new entry, it would be helpful to right-click or use a dropdown to convert the existing comment into a task automatically.

    1 vote
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  14. Add a new security level of "Restrict"

    I understand the current security levels may once have reflected some technical details e.g. the permissions that might be assigned in a particular file system. However, this could be enhanced by a new security level ("Forbidden", "Excluded", "Restrict" or whatever makes sense) that is applied by exception.

    A simple example:

    Folder "News" has All Company as viewers.

    Group "Contractors" are invited as "Restrict" access.

    Whenever any user seeks access e.g. viewing the contents of the folder that contains folder "News", they will of course inherit the permissions from the parent, but before being allowed to see "News" Box first checks…

    1 vote
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  15. Route files to a specific user via the embed widget

    We would like to be able to pick what user content goes to with one widget.

    2 votes
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    not planned  ·  amin responded

    I think this would be better addressed with platform elements. This way, you can build out the exact functionality you seek.

  16. 0 votes
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  17. Moving shared folders should be simple and not involve changing ownership

    Many people in my organization share folders with me. EVERY SINGLE ONE OF THEM ends up in my top-level directory. But some should be in one folder and some in another. I should be able to move any shared folder, even ones I am not a collaborator on, to ANY place in my directory structure without changing the physical storage space and without worrying about ownership. Why should the sharer have a right to clutter up my top-level directory with so many folders? It's pages and pages of stuff on the web interface. Since the real data is physically stored…

    1 vote
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  18. Ability to recognize shared links with passwords

    I would like to see the icon change to show whether the shared link has a password or not, so that I can easily tell from the file list whether the link has a password or not.

    1 vote
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  19. Data Center in Britain

    Capturing a request for additional data center locations

    0 votes
  20. Improve management of pending invitations via API

    As we continue to build and customize the collaboration mechanism we found it difficult to manage pending invitations. When calling your API<folder_id>/collaborations it returns approved collaborators in the “accessibleby” object but when it return PENDING collaborators the “accessibleby” object is null, but there’s status “pending” on this collaborator. We would imagine it would capture the email address of that pending collaborator. Seeing this is capable in your public domain to show the pending collaborator with an email address would be very useful to create modules to manage pending collaborators (e.g. resending the invitation, update…

    7 votes
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