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9146 results found

  1. SSO auto-provisioning via mobile

    We're running into an issue with their largely mobile workforce around SSO auto-provisioning via mobile. There is a pretty significant population of users who have attempted to log in for the first time via the Box for EMM app without having previously created a managed user account through the web app.

    4 votes
    not planned  ·  0 comments  ·  Security  ·  Admin →
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  2. Auto Provisioning for Japanese name (lastname->firstname)

    When Auto Provisioning option is enabled, the user's name is set "firstname lastname", but we hope to have "lastname firstname".

    Currently, Japanese users set firstname information to "lastname" and lastname information to "firstname" in SAML Response.

    Firstname and Lastname should be separated like in Salesforce.

    1 vote
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    not planned  ·  kwarudkar responded

    Thanks for filling this. Because there is a workaround (though not ideal) to this issue, we are not likely to prioritize this request.

  3. 1 vote
    0 comments  ·  Web App  ·  Admin →
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    not planned  ·  vlarco responded

    We had a similar “Like” feature for files and it was confusing and not helpful for our users.

    We would need to understand why a user would need this and how it would benefit the work they are trying to get done.

  4. Rolling content from deprovisioned users

    There needs to be an option to specify a particular user for all deleted users' content to be rolled in to. This could be capped so that LFO doesn't happen, or maybe by number of users in the enterprise.

    The other option is for "Inactive" users' content to still be accessible, and the seat no longer counting in the enterprise.

    1 vote
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    not planned  ·  katiele responded

    This suggestion is not under consideration for the current or future roadmap. We are currently focusing on improving the performance and user interface to manage users in the Users & Groups tab before we add enhancements to the de-provisioning process.

  5. 3 votes
    0 comments  ·  Box Notes  ·  Admin →
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  6. Box Sync deployment for Macs

    Requesting a .pkg installer for Box Sync deployments on Mac.

    Will a .pkg installer be considered for Box Drive?

    2 votes
    not planned  ·  1 comment  ·  Desktop  ·  Admin →
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  7. Set specific expiration dates on the different types of shared links.

    You can do it for all in one option but not specifically on one type of shared links. Example just "People with this link"

    1 vote
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  8. 1 vote
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    not planned  ·  katiele responded

    This suggestion is not under consideration for the current or future roadmap. We will revisit as we receive more demand from customers for this feature

  9. Mac: Publish Box Sync in Mac App Store

    We use the Mac App Store as a software distribution method to lower the overhead associated with deploying software to our users.

    2 votes
    not planned  ·  0 comments  ·  Desktop  ·  Admin →
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  10. New Preview File Type: Microsoft Office Template Files

    Word - .dotx
    PowerPoint - .potx
    Excel - .xltx

    1 vote
    not planned  ·  1 comment  ·  Web App  ·  Admin →
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  11. Upload notifications should notify user of uploads even if their account is the one uploading to a folder

    User has set their folder settings to allow notification emails for a certain folder. She only gets email notifications when other people upload to that folder and not when she does. She would like to be able to receive notification emails when she uploads to the folder.

    1 vote
    0 comments  ·  Web App  ·  Admin →
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    not planned  ·  vlarco responded

    This is an interesting feature! However, it does not have enough demand or impact in order to be prioritized. We will reconsider with additional demand.

  12. Enterprise whitelist to apply "internal" collaboration settings

    Our parent company has a large number of subsidiaries that have their own unique EIDs for a number of reasons (branding, administration, SSO settings). We also have extremely locked down external collaboration settings and as such are requesting the ability to have a whitelist of other Box enterprises that could be subject to the internal collaboration settings (e.g. no timeout on collaboration).

    3 votes
    0 comments  ·  Security  ·  Admin →
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    not planned  ·  jfan responded

    We are not likely to implement this. From a customer experience perspective, it would be difficult to explain to companies not in this situation why another enterprise can enforce different collaboration settings on their users.

  13. 2 votes
    not planned  ·  0 comments  ·  Preview  ·  Admin →
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  14. 2 votes
    0 comments  ·  Preview  ·  Admin →
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    This is not planned.

    We don’t see enough customer demand for this yet, and supporting every additional content type takes a significant amount of engineering time and effort.

  15. 1 vote
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    not planned  ·  lwang responded

    Due to the sheer amount of partners, Box is only able to build Web App integrations for a fraction of those partners.

    This partner falls into the category that we won’t build an integration for them. They will need to call Box APIs and build against us.

  16. Error message shown for failed uploads could be more descriptive or specific.

    "There was a problem downloading the items. Please try again" is the provided error message for a downloading error.

    We would like this message to be more descriptive and potentially include information around which specific files have and haven't been successful so that users able to continue the download as required.

    3 votes
    1 comment  ·  Web App  ·  Admin →
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  17. 1 vote
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  18. Support Multi-Select for Granting Folder Access to Groups (via Folder Picker on Groups Page of Admin Console)

    Admins must currently add folders to Groups in the Admin Console on a one-by-one basis, so if an admin has 10 folders to add, that's a lot of clicks.

    You could simplify this process by supporting multi-select in the folder picker that's provided when editing a Group from the Admin Console.

    3 votes
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    not planned  ·  katiele responded

    This suggestion is not under consideration for the current or future roadmap. We are currently focusing on improving the performance and user interface to manage users in the Users & Groups tab before we add enhancements to group bulk operations. We will provide an update in the next few quarters.

  19. 4 votes
    0 comments  ·  Metadata  ·  Admin →
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    not planned  ·  vlarco responded

    Narrower use case than the other items on our roadmap so it will not be prioritized.

  20. 3 votes
    How important is this to you?
    not planned  ·  katiele responded

    This suggestion is not under consideration for the current or future roadmap. However, we’d like more clarity and details from the requester about this suggestion to better understand the problem and where exactly in the Admin Console this sorting is needed.

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