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9146 results found
Make "More Actions" tool usable with multi-select
Currently the More Actions button is not available for "more actions." If a person multi-selects files then chooses "more actions" the action is only applied to the object last selected. To improve ease-of-use, consider making "more actions" apply to multiple files if multi-select is used before an app under "more actions" is launched.
1 voteInteresting feature request! However, we’re not able to prioritize it at this time due to competing priorities.
Choose document quality and size upon upload
For photos and videos you can choose whether the size is small, medium or large. It would be great to have this functionality available for documents as well.
1 voteThis feature is not planned for 2019.
Dynamic permissions for Managed Users
Separate permissions for when a user accesses Box internally and externally. For example, User has Editor permissions internally, same User has Preview only externally.
1 voteNot currently planned at this time.
Add Collaboration Blacklisting
The ability to make a blacklist of collaborations (perhaps via domain) to prevent against the inbound or outbound collaboration with a certain (or set) of domains.
The current collaboration whitelist capabilities do not permit for blacklisting -- they only allow for whitelisting.
1 voteNot currently planned at this time.
Custom messages, settings and language depending on geography.
We need a different trash setting to the global instance due to european law.
We would also like to push different messaging, welcome screens, languages to dependent on regions for adoption purposes.
1 voteThis is not currently planned on the roadmap. The suggested workaround is to manage different users in different EID.
1 vote
Monitoring Sync Errors on Managed Users
Request to know if possible for monitoring of Sync Errors on Managed Users
1 voteThis is not currently planned for development. Thank you for the suggestion!
Unable to see file/folder/metadata details when viewing deleted files
Scenario: A user deletes a folder and the admin, from content manager, is looking to quickly see which files were in that folder. Conversely, if a file is deleted, it's not easy to see which folder it was in.
1 vote -
Ability to see additional info from a shared link (file/folder owner, parent folder/location, etc.)
Oftentimes, users get access to a link that is shared with them via email, chat, etc.
If the owner or the file is deleted, moved, or transferred, there isn't an easy way to identify where the file lives and who owns it either from an end user or admin perspective.
Currently, we have to reach out to Box Support to look up the file ID or shared link to get this information.
1 voteThis is an interesting feature! However, it does not have enough demand in order to be prioritized. We will reconsider with additional feedback.
Dashboards - Enhanced (and Exportable) Dashboards in Admin Console
This request is for enhanced dashboards inside the Admin Console, specifically:
1. Exportable dashboards
2. Customizable - add options to choose custom date ranges, etc.
3. Allow for a 'double click' into the charts to see far more information - for example, don't just show me the top 5 users by storage total (like we do now) -- also allow me to 'double click' on that chart to see my top 100 or 500 even.1 voteWe intend to improve the Insights dashboard to provide more interactivity and customization. We will be working on the prerequisites to enable those improvements this year and will revisit these suggestions once they have been completed.
Query-less search
Add intelligent search by location, date, etc. but the Search API requires a query. I recommended setting the query to the file extension.
1 vote -
Enhanced Error Page when Standard App is DISABLED & Box for EMM is ENABLED
In companies that have the standard Box App disabled due to using Box for EMM, the current error page when users attempt to log into the regular Box app (that they download from their phone's app store) isn't intuitive at all - it simply tells them that this app is disabled and to contact their admin.
In EIDs where Box for EMM is used, this error page should instead let users know that their company uses Box for EMM and to go to their company's app store to download Box for EMM.
1 voteThe error message is generic because it includes several states where you can get into this incorrect flow. A change would take a significant amount of effort that currently is lower priority than other items on our roadmap.
Automatic warning when generating "people with link" shared link
Generating a shared link with "people with link" settings is very easy for end users, to the point where they might not realize the degree to which they open that content up to hard-to-mitigate, external distribution. An automatic warning, when an end user selects" people with link," is required per company security policy.
1 voteWe understand the concern and believe the proper way to implement this is to either allow the admins to default shared links to “people in my company” and/or when a user selects “people with link” and admin can select a setting to pop up a warning message. We wouldn’t want to implement this by default to all customers since this is adding friction to sharing which will have a negative effect on that action.
The ability to schedule when Sync updates files/folders
Our user would like to be able to sync content only when they need to, to reduce their memory usage throughout the day when they are working.
1 voteThank you for the suggestion! This is not currently planned. We will let you know if anything changes.
Allow special characters within Box Bookmarks
Allow URLs to contain special characters when creating Bookmarks within Box
1 voteThis is not planned for our near or long term roadmap. We will reconsider with added use cases and/or customer demand.
1 vote
Add JAMF as supported EMM provider
Currently, JAMF login flow is not the same as actual supported EMM providers (like Okta)
2 votes -
Allow password reset emails to bypass email suppression list
In order to provide a better user experience the box email suppression list should allow password reset requests. The suppression list is good for marketing or other automated emails but a password reset request should not be blocked from sending since this is a user requested support action.
0 votes -
excel online
I want to set up a specific Excel file so that it can only be opened in Excel Online. I want to reduce the risk of disrupting collaborative editing.
特定のExcelファイルを、Excel Onlineでのみ開けるように設定したい。共同編集の妨げになるリスクを減らしたい。0 votes -
Ability to save/copy to my local box when a public link is shared with me
When someone shares a public link to me via Box, I am unable to add/copy the file to my local Box. I have to download from the web then reupload to Even though I am signed into I am unable to save/copy locally to my file structure. (conversely, if someone shares with my box email directly I then see it in my Recents, but this is not always the case)
0 votes
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