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1386 results found
0 votes
Thank you for your submission. However, this does not have enough demand in order to be prioritized.
0 votes
This is an interesting feature! However, it is for power users and does not have enough demand or impact in order to be prioritized.
We will reconsider with additional feedback.
0 votes
Thanks for the submission. I’m not sure we understand the user problem. Please add your feedback in the comments and we will reconsider.
Clarify in collaborators list which users are active and inactive
Our admin accidentally transferred data from an account to a deactivated account causing collaborators to temporarily lose access.
She pointed out that she could not tell from the list of collaborators which users were deactivated that have something like that would have prevented her from making that mistake.
7 votesThank you for the request! If we hear this from additional users, we will consider this again.
Allow users to determine when task assignees are notified of assigned tasks today).
As opposed to non-configurable email reminder.
0 votesI would like more information on the use cases before adding this to our backlog.
Email Notification Frequency Options - Immediate, Daily Digest, Weekly, etc.
Box currently provides email notifications as options for end users to 'subscribe' to email notification alerts when content is uploaded, downloaded, previewed, deleted, or commented on. Box currently only provides one 'type' of email notification: instant (which includes automatic batching when events occur within a few minutes of each other).
REQUEST: Add the ability for users to choose the 'type' of email notification they'd like to enable at the folder level (via Folder Settings):
--Real-time emails (what we already have today)
--Daily digest (1 email per day)
--Additional weekly option (optional)30 votesThank you for the feedback, this is something we would like to do in the future, but don’t currently have a timeline planned for this.
0 votes
Unfortunately we aren’t able to prioritize this ask at this time. Thanks though for the feedback and keep them coming!
0 votes
This is not currently planned. We will let you know if anything changes.
Ask people accessing shared link to put in name and email
Our admin wants to know who is opening the shared links
0 votesThis is not currently planned for development. We will consider this with additional customer demand.
0 votes
Thank you for this feedback! This is not currently planned. We will reconsider this with additional demand.
0 votes
Thank you for this feedback! This is not currently planned. We will reconsider this with additional demand.
Request to add an Address book feature when adding or @mentioning users.
Currently, there are only 5 suggestions displayed when adding, @mentioning users.
There are more than 5 users with the same name and it is hard to filter out the exact user.
We would like an address book feature so we can filter out the users to invite. Address book should include user name, Organization name, groups, etc.
4 votesThis is currently not on the roadmap as we have not heard this request from many other customers.
We will consider it in the future if there is increased customer demand.
New Preview File Type: Microsoft Office Template Files
Word - .dotx
PowerPoint - .potx
Excel - .xltx1 vote -
Remove external collaborator after certain period of inactivity
We invite many external collaborators onto projects and it is tedious to remove them after projects end. Setting a global "remove external collaborator" time period does not always work because some projects last much longer than others.
Request:Ability to set a "remove collaborator if inactive within Domain for x time"
17 votesThank you for the use case! Because there are a few ways to remove collaborators, it is unlikely we will prioritize this in our roadmap.
Ability to Obsolete Folders & Notify Owner
Add an option under the folder settings ([?] button), under Sharing, add an item for Obsolete Folder which upon selecting would go to a simple page stating that clicking Ok will notify the Folder Owner(s) that you believe this folder is obsolete and should be deleted.
Additionally, when selecting Remove, to Remove as Collaborator, that page can also have an option to notify the Owner(s) that the folder looks to be obsolete and is suggested to be deleted.
1 voteThis addresses a narrow use case without adding value to a significant amount of our users.
There is also a current way to achieve this by emailing the owner to ask them to delete the folder.
Remove all Collaborators from Folder
We have a commonly changing set of external collaborators that need to be in a folder. This list may change every week or every month. Some of the folders may have large numbers of collaborators and there is no way to bump them all out if needed other than removing the folder completely.
0 votesThis currently seems like a much more narrow use case than the other requests we have gotten so it will not be prioritized in the short term.
We will reconsider with additional use cases and customer demand.
Folder-Level Activity Reporting: Ability to Report on Activity and Access Stats at the Folder Level
Add an 'export' option available for folder Owners & Co-Owners to export various items at the folder level (meaning in the webapp - not the Admin Console) for
--Activity (uploads, download, moves, previews, create shared link, invite collaborators, etc.) in the folder
--Etc.317 votesThis suggestion is under consideration by the Product Team for future development, however, it is not on our roadmap. Please share additional feedback and use cases to help us understand the importance of this release.
Ability to see notifications for Deleted comments in the Notifications tab
We would like to be able to know which comments have been deleted by users in the Notifications tab. Currently, Notifications appear only when comments are added.
0 votesThis request addresses a relatively narrow use case, so we will not be prioritizing it. Most often, users delete comments since they do not want others to view them.
What use cases would this feature serve?
Apply "sort by name" function to shared links and collaboration invites.
It is challenging for external clients to locate the proper folder.
0 votesThank you for the suggestion! We’re not planning to change the defaults for users without Box accounts.
The recipient can choose to sort by name instead using the “View Options” button at the top of the files list.
Option to request access to a folder
Request: If an external or internal user is forwarded a Box folder invite and they are not a current collaborator, they should have a mechanism to request the access and such request should automatically go to folder Owner/Co-owner for approval or decline. This should be done in a way that does not display or communicate the folder owners name.
Rationale: We have many external users that are part of large teams. Adding all (and maintaining) in the team is not feasible. These external users often forward the folder invites.
48 votesI would like to understand the use case better. Is the folder being shared externally using the shared link feature?
- Don't see your idea?