bulk manage Shared Links
Provide a way for all shared links in an account to have their permission levels / access levels / expiry dates modified in bulk, rather than having to change each one individually which is extremely time consuming for large doc sets.

Hugo Silva commented
This is a key security requirement to avoid data breach, so that we can find and remove these links in bulk.
AdminAnonymous (Admin, Box) commented
Bulk Shared link management by admins have been delivered via the new Admin Insights experience as of 09/18/2023.
Ability for end users to manage shared link in bulk is part of 2024 roadmap. -
Anonymous commented
Am I correct in understanding that the following feature is on the roadmap as well?
Bulk Shared Link Generation
https://pulse.box.com/forums/909778-help-shape-the-future-of-box/suggestions/39568591-bulk-shared-link-generation -
Anonymous commented
Please make this feature available ASAP - we have hundreds of links set to expire, it is impossible to go through all of them manually, one-by-one.
Anonymous commented
This is a key security requirement so that we can find and remove these links in bulk where a company does not have access to development resources that can do this through the API
Anonymous commented
Yogi Schaffner - WDC Our company needs this feature Now! We have many Folders with 200-300 names and everyone was defaulted to Editor permission . Then someone accidentally moves, or worse, deletes a folder. That's disruption at a major level. Simply allow the one Owner to bulk set "the Masses" to be Viewer or Viewer/Download. Any else "the Few" can be manually changed. Thank you. ps - You have comments on this dated Feb 2019. What are you waiting for?
Anonymous commented
This is a serious need... if a folder owner is trusted with the authority to set permission levels for new links, logically they need the ability to reset existing links to bring those into compliance. Currently there is no way to get a folder into compliance if policies become more restrictive.
From what I understand, users can currently restrict all existing links through Account Settings> Sharing> Shared Links> "Allow Shared Links for", by setting that dropdown to "Nothing, restrict sharing"
However, that disables the ability to share links altogether (existing or new), AND if you later change that setting to something less restrictive, the old links are restored with their original settings. That forces a folder owner to abandon external collaboration capability across a huge body of documents if they need to address security concerns buried (and nearly impossible to locate) throughout the folder.
Anonymous commented
As security features change and get more and more tight, our clients are demanding more and more security measures. One specific client of ours, that we've worked with for years, has implemented new policies of having ZERO un-password Protected links "out there." As you can imagine, going through hundreds of folders nested within hundreds of folders is a daunting task to say the least. This would be a very welcome addition to your platform.
Roger Ison-Haug commented
This should have been implemented the same time BOX introduced shared links.
It is a ticking bom for data leakege -
Eddie Santana commented
Though we set default expiration on the link and Invite People Only, some users unchecked the defaults and set to anyone with a link (without password) which creates a huge security risk. Currently, we have to
1) create a shared link report
2) filter per user, link type, etc.
3) create a custom email to each user +their report
4) Hope that user click on each link and unshare it.
5) If they do not, admins rerun reports and unshare individually.Ideal if either
- A link in their Box Account settings that generates the user report.
- Or the ability to bulk Unshare.
Dan Cole commented
You can do this with the Box CLI.
Anonymous commented
please add this urgently. We have over 200,000 files at risk. An employee shared files without being conscious of her act.
Anonymous commented
We will be leaving box.com to Microsoft because box.com lacks this feature. Microsoft has this and many more enterprise-grade features for admins.
Box administrator commented
That would be extremely useful! I have loads of links I want to get rid of due to MXHero for instance!
jocollins commented
Yes, please make this happen if at least for enterprise group admins.
Anonymous commented
If we want to change all our shared links from Editor to View Only would be nice as well. We have found cases where we need to do this throughout a folder structure. Having the ability to force that change from a top level folder on down would be really nice.
Jay Gallman commented
I fully agree with Matt, the need for user level self-service in critical in what is envisioned as a service that enables users to collaborate without requiring IT's direct intervention. But that is stymied by the product's current lack of user level controls and reporting when it comes to things like shared links. or even being able to show a pane of "my shared folders/files.
Matt Royal commented
This could be implemented with a variety of different scopes: an entire enterprise; a selected part of an enterprise (e.g. "All public links that meet certain criteria"); or scoped to an individual user account or users in a group. More flexibility is better.
Sean Moe commented
I just posted a comment on this idea: https://pulse.box.com/forums/909778-help-shape-the-future-of-box/suggestions/36108763-a-way-to-easily-disable-many-shared-links-at-once
My ideal scenario would be to disable public link sharing for all managed users and then be able to enable a few specific users to share links publicly.
Whether it is intentional or not, I have users publicly sharing documents that shouldn't be shared that way. I have no good way to clean up those links and bulk management would be handy.
Anonymous commented
That would be a huge benefit, I have literally hundreds of links to hundreds of documents in Box all of which are now not operational.
Thanks so much
James Robertson