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  1. Automatically add date and time to all signature fields

    Currently, you need to manually add the date field to a sign request. The date field and timestamp of signature should automatically be added to all signature fields, as this information is always needed to validate a signature as an official document. The signing log, where this information is collected today, is often separated from the signed file and calls into question official status of the signature.

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  2. Customizing Sender in Ready Sign Link

    When Box Sign is initiated via Ready Sign Link, the Template Creator currently becomes the Sender of the sign request.

    However, depending on the document or process, we may want the user who initiates the Ready Sign Link to be the Sender. To address this, it would be helpful if the Sender could be customizable when generating the Ready Sign Link (e.g., choose either the Template Creator or the Ready Sign Link Initiator as the Sender).

    As a workaround, we are currently using a Service Account user to create the template, so the Sender appears as something like "ACME Sign…

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  3. Prefill company, email, name and date field in the document automatically when BOX a user that is connected signs a document

    Some people, have a lot of documents to sign . It will greatly speed up the process if some fields are prefilled in the document to sign ,if the signer is connected to his BOX account when signing the document: name, date, company, email. That information is available in BOX

    Today, they have to fill those fields manually. Only the signature and initials can be adopted. It is hindering adoption

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  4. Enable/Disable Part11 compliant BoxSign per request

    Request to add the functionality to enable/disable Part11 compliant feature per e-sigunature request.


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  5. Repeatable custom form fields

    Box Sign needs repeatable custom form fields (e.g. the signer fills out the custom field once, and then the field will generate the signer's input multiple times across the document. This is an extraordinarily basic function that most other signing services like Adobe Sign, DocuSign, and DropBox sign already have, and now that we've discovered Box doesn't have it, we're being forced to go to a third-party company and pay more money for what should be a basic function.

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  6. Status drop down in Sign has no way to filter for "Error"

    The Status drop down has no option to filter for a error. It took 17 days before it emailed a contract had an error. I have no way of filtering if there are others with a error.

    Can Error be added to the Status filter?

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  7. Calculated Fields in Box Sign

    Box Sign does not currently have a way to calculate numbers that are filled out within specific fields. Examples include: setting up an order form, automatically populating contract term expiration date, and signing up forms with multiple choices.

    Here's Adobe Acrobat Sign's functionality:

    And DocuSign's functionality:

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  8. Dynamically name signed documents based on metadata: signer's full name, company, email and others

    When there are documents in the same folder or templates that are repeatably signed with the same name (Ready Sign Link, Batch Send), Box Sign adds a number and () to the filename to note the different/unique files.

    There needs to be a better way to name the files - perhaps using metadata or using the unique id of the sign request. And then all files - signed docs and signed log would be renamed with the same name. Otherwise it's very hard to tell files apart when they all have the same name with just a number and ()…

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  9. Link Box sign requests

    The ability to link several Sign Requests as one. When scanning a form a user needs to authenticate that the scan is a true copy and there is no errors. if there is an error e.g. page ten was crumpled and not readable then it has to be rescanned. FDA demand all sign requests are kept. even ones that failed. today there is not way to link different sign requests

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  10. Change the Send From Email

    Have the ability to send from another email, so instead of sending a contract from a specific user, i can send from a company email instead. Additionally we have multiple emails we send contracts from so i would like to select which email to send as.

    These are branded so its important its coming from the correct brand.

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  11. New Template Field Types and Configuration Options

    We are hoping to replicate some templates we have in our other e-sign platform. We are looking to add calculated/formula fields, be able to mask text field values, and conditionally render fields based on other fields values. Thank you!

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  12. Release a new Sign template that does not pin documents to prevent file duplication

    Box Sign allows the creation of templates that replace the underlying document within a signature request / template while keeping the existing field placeholders in place.
    However, using a different document than the pre-set document will result in duplicate files identical to the original document in the destination folder of the Sign document.
    This means that one unnecessary file is generated each time the template is used once.
    If a template is used 100 times, there can be as many as 100 unnecessary files!
    Of course, this will not occur if no files are replaced. However, it is common to…

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  13. Enabling Public API for CFR Part 11

    if a CFR-enabled user is initiates a request from the Public API, the request should be CFR-compliant.

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  14. Box Sign - locking authentication methods across all signature requests in enterprise

    The ability to lock specific authentication methods by admin across the enterprise for any signature request sent by sender.

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  15. Auto populate the signor's name within the company when I start typing in their email

    It would be nice if Box auto populated the signor's name when I start typing in their email when they are a Box user within the company and not just a collaborator on the file.

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  16. Custom notification for box relay and box sign.

    Would be good to have more flexibility in selecting notifications, and have the users select which notification is essential for them. There is too much notification when using box relay and box sign, especially when the relay is used within a team.

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  17. Box Sign - Checkbox should allow multiple options & multi-select

    The checkbox option should operate similarly to the radio button option, allowing the form editor to create multiple checkbox options at once. The only difference would be that the checkbox option would allow multi-select, while the radio button option offers only single-select.

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  18. Box Sign - Radio button for Template Tags

    We need radio button for Box Sign template tags. We use checkbox for required field instead. When signer forget to check, we need to send another request again.

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  19. Box Sign Admin Reporting

    Various standard and custom reports setting out the activity and usage of users, signature requests etc., specific to Box Sign for the admin to view and track.

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  20. Box Sign is not certified by the Legal Affairs Bureau in Japan

    <In order to use Box Sign for registration applications, certification from the Legal Department must be obtained.>

    We usually use Box Sign to conduct our business.
    We are considering using Box Sign to approve and sign minutes of board of directors meetings, etc., and to submit the minutes signed with Box Sign as an attachment when registering with the Legal Affairs Bureau.
    However, Box Sign is not yet certified by the Legal Affairs Bureau in Japan at this time, and thus cannot be used in this way.

    We would like to use Box Sign for our registration application at the…

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