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358 results found
Review Document button unreadable in desktop Outlook
When a sign request email is sent, the "Review Document" button renders as a black-and-blue square without any text in the desktop Outlook client (tested on Version 2401 build 17231.20194, but widely repeatable across our company). Downloading Pictures (a common fix for Outlook formatting issues) does not fix this issue.
Opening the same email in Outlook for Web, Outlook Mobile, Gmail, and other email clients renders the Review Document button correctly. Competitor products all render their equivalent of the Review Document button correctly in all variants of Outlook.
Given the prevalence of Outlook in corporate environments, this makes documents sent…
2 votes -
Filter "In Progress" Box Sign Requests that are currently pending my signature.
Ability from Filters for Box Sign Request to select ones that are currently pending my signature at that time.
5 votes -
Box Sign requests default "my requests" folder
Box Sign requests default to save into a "my requests" folder for all users. We don't always need the sign request saved into our regular Box folder structure and having a separate place for each user to send their requests to would be more beneficial.
29 votes -
Send Box Sign requests on behalf of another person.
I would like to be able to have someone send a sign request on my behalf from my email address. I would like to be able to approve a document for signature, then have an Exec Asst send the request out as if it came from me.
1 vote -
Scheduling documents with Box Sign
It would be very beneficial for us to be able to schedule documents that require review and signature to be sent at a predetermined time. We use SIgn to send people involved in our investigations (higher ed Title IX) documents, so it is easier to preschedule things then have to do them at various times.
1 vote -
Feature to lock the signed document in Box automatically
Hi - Once a document is signed by all parties and when the signed version of document is generated, is there a way in settings we can make the signed document to be locked.
Once the document is signed, I can see the option to lock the document. Wondering if this could be done through settings and not manually every time a document is signed.
There should be a settings on the Box sign, which could make this automatic.
2 votes -
Ability for admin to configure expiry duration of open links that are sent to recipient's
Box Sign uses open links to distribute completed agreements to all recipients. This open link expires after 14 days. Some customers want to make this shorter or zero to protect sensitive information and some other customers want to make it longer as recipient's dont want to create accounts in order to access the agreement after the 14 day period.
Please add a feature in admin console so that the admin can decide the expiry period for their enterprise
6 votes -
Dynamic File name for Signed document
When requesting sign from a template, it would be nice if the signed document file name is stored with fields from the document.
3 votes -
Salesforce Box Sign - Custom Objects
Currently, only the Contact object records can be linked as Signer for Box Sign docs. Can you please consider having this feature for custom objects.
Here's the document for reference:
1 vote -
Ability to save a sign request as a draft | draft sign request
When preparing documents, there is no feature for draft-saving. This would be very helpful to have.
18 votes -
Support for PDF files based on vector graphics, vectorial
Bonjour / Hello,
In our business, we manipulate PDF files based on vector graphics. Box Sign currently does not support these types of files. Even in the case of Box preview, it does not handle the preview very well (on Chrome, the browser tends to freeze when a zoom of 70% is applied). Would it be possible to support these fairly large files (more than A0)?
Dans notre activité, nous manipulons des fichiers PDF basé sur des graphiques vectoriels. Box Sign actuellement ne supporte pas ce genre de fichiers. Même dans le cas de Box preview, il ne le gère…
2 votes -
Offline signing
The ability to setup a sign document workflow for offline signing (when you do not have network access). This could be app based for signing on a mobile device, document is surface via a box drive (available offline) functionality; once reconnected to the network the documents are synced to box and stored as expected.
1 vote -
Doc visibility - Select which recipients receive which documents
When sending a Box Sign request that includes more than one document there should be an option to decide which recipients can see / receive each document. So for example you could send two documents in the same request where there are signatories who have to sign both docs, but also those who would only sign one and therefore only see or receive the one they need to sign.
18 votes -
Adding Templates using Base64 encoded strings
Docusign has the ability to add documents via Base64 encoded strings. Linked is the support article from docusign:
1 vote -
Prepare documents for signature within the embedded signing experience
My prospect is a software company for freight, shipping & analytics looking to revamp their doc management and eSign process. They have a high volume of docs, like rate confirmations letters, that need to be sent from brokers to carriers for signature. We have run into a technical gap that Box Platform + Box Sign do not have an API for doc prep in an iFrame. Doc Prep URL as it stands today cannot be embedded. Prospect does not want brokers to go outside of portal to a Box URL window.
3 votes -
Add specific users as approvers
To be able to manage Box Signs created within a tenant, I want to ensure that a specific user is always added as an approver to the Signs created by users in the target group.
For example, in the Enterprise settings, if you specify a specific user for each group, when a user in the group creates a BoxSign, I would like to have the specified user automatically added to the approver Japanese
例えばEnterprise設定でグループごとに特定のユーザーを指定すると、グループ内のユーザーがBoxSignを作成したとき自動的に承認者の欄に指定したユーザーが追加されているというような形にしたい。1 vote -
Add "Date Received" field to My Requests for Box Sign
Showcase a field in Box Sign when a Box Sign request was received and not just when the document was initially sent.
The current fields are: "Title", "Sent", "Last Updated", "Status"
Ideal state would be: "Title", "Sent", "Received", "Last Updated", "Status"
1 vote -
Using Box Sign for forms
It would be helpful to leverage Box Sign to fill out forms. Currently, Box Sign does not allow for the Sign process to proceed unless a signature field is dropped into the document. We have a scenario where we wanted to have someone fill out text fields with various information as a step before a signature is placed. Perhaps a separate feature called Box Forms which allows those fields to be dropped in and populated onto a document before it gets to Sign?
26 votes -
Restrict Box Sign to internal use only
[Request contents]
Please add the ability to restrict recipients to Box Sign "options".
I would like the scope of restrictions to be selectable only by internal users and invited users, similar to shared links.[Background]
If you restrict Box Sign to internal use only, security incidents may occur without the above features.(Japanese)
Box Signの"オプション"に受信者を制限する機能を追加してほしい。
Box Signを社内利用のみに制限している場合、上記の機能がない場合セキュリティインシデントが発生する可能性があるため。54 votes -
Ability to apply Box Sign template to document that is generated from another system of record to execute for signature
Currently a document is generated from a system of record pre-filled with fields such as customer name, date, claim number, etc. Within DocuSign, you have the ability to apply a template to the document so that the signer fills out the remaining fields and signs the document.
14 votes
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