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210 results found

  1. Box Shield Alert for Anomalous Deletion of Folders or Data

    We would like an alert to be created if a user deletes an anomalous amount of data. We recently had an employee leave the company under bad terms and found that before we could let her go, she had deleted a bunch of folders from Box. We were able to recover them, but this would be an indicator (much like anomalous download alerts) that something is up with this employee and we should be digging in deeper.

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  2. Shield admin notifications to other admins when files are marked safe, etc

    Interest in letting all Shield admins know when a file has been marked safe, useable, etc by another Shield admin

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  3. Allow admins to be able to exclude specific folders from scanning policies

    Be able to safelist individual folders and their content, in case the latter are part of normal operational activities of specific teams, and to reduce false positives/noise to SecOps teams.

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  4. Shield Requests

    Currently Box sheild has the capability to Scan only newly updated/created files or only if the existing file is modified. In simple terms the scan happens only for the newly created version of the files and not any existing files before Box shield is being implemented.

    Feature request:

    1. We need to have the option of Scanning all the files at rest & transit in Box irrespective of when it was created/ modified, etc so that it can detect any malware on already available files as well.

    2. Currently Box only encrypts the file with a red banner on top if malware…

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  5. 2 votes

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  6. Ability to map Box Groups to Information Barrier Segments

    The current requirement for uniqueness in Information Barrier segments only allows Box Admins to add individual users to segments, not user groups. This process can increase the long-term maintenance.

    Ideally, customers should be able to use attributes from Active Directory that are then synced to Box Groups. Ultimately, the Box Groups would be used to update Information Barrier segment membership automatically. If the group update breaks the requirement that a user can only belong to one segment, Box could produce an error message.

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  7. Enhanced Auto Classification and File Criteria for All File Types in Box

    We would like to have the ability to specify all file types in the file criteria for auto classification. Since there is currently no way to cascade classifications to all files excluding folders (categorizing confidential info on a file-by-file basis), I would like a feature where all files can be classified.

    With the current individual extension specifications, it is not possible to use wildcard characters, so we would like to reduce the potential for information leakage due to intentional extension changes.

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    0 comments  ·  Shield  ·  Admin →
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  8. File criteria exclusion list for Box Shield classification policies

    When setting up classification policies, Omnicell, Inc., would like to be able to create a list of custom terms to exclude, in addition to the existing ability to designate file criteria that will trigger application of a classification label. This would reduce the number of documents that will incorrectly have a classification applied when auto-classification is enabled. For example, Omnicell has a lot of content with dummy PHI in their environment - this content is allowed to be stored in Box and should not be classified; however, they also want to protect actual PHI that may be stored in Box,…

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  9. Ability to scope Malicious Content Rules by User/Group/Shield Lists

    Currently malicious content rules apply to all users. To test moving from an audit/detection-only stance to enforcement, it would be useful to be able to create multiple rules that are scoped to specific users/groups/Shield Lists.
    This will allow us to keep most users in an audit/detection-only rule, while we test enforcement with a pilot group in another rule.

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  10. Display settings for classification labels

    We would like to be able to temporarily not display (not disclose) classification labels within a tenant after they are created, but in that case, we need to delete all classification label settings, and it is time-consuming to set them each time, so we would like to be able to select whether to show or hide them.

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  11. Whitelisting file types in Malicious Content scanning in Box Shield

    We are currently seeing a large number of non-malicious files being marked by Deep Scan as malicious, resulting in a lot of false positives. These are files such as .gif or .doc. The primary way to reduce the false positive rate would be to improve Deep Scan's scanning capability. However, I think it would also be beneficial to be able to exclude certain file types that are unlikely to include malware (e.g. .gif) from being scanned.

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    1 comment  ·  Shield  ·  Admin →
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  12. Create an audit only mode for classification policies

    Auto-classification policies can receive an audit only mode similar to Shield Access Policies. Essentially an auto-classification policy in audit only mode will return a list of files that would have triggered an auto-classification upon upload or interaction. Shield administrators can then review the list of files that would have been classified and review for accuracy.

    Decreases risk of misclassifying content due to policy misconfigurations.

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  13. Shield Blocked Email Addresses (Not only Domains)

    As of right now it is not possible to block a specific user with the external collaboration access policy restriction. This is only applicable for blocking domains. This request is to be able to add a specific user to the blocked list by email address.

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  14. Control Outbound Collaboration in Box Shield

    Box shield collaboration policies only seem to apply to inbound collaboration (i.e. sharing from one's own tenant to an external account). We need the ability to have fine-grained controls on what invites a managed user can accept from external tenants.

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  15. Ability to update/add definition of Virus/Malware

    Ability to submit a malicious file so it can be added to the definition for Virus Scan feature.

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  16. Box Shield temporary user-level Suspicious Location exemptions (e.g. team member is traveling)

    Box Shield temporary user-level Suspicious Location exemptions (e.g. team member is traveling)

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  17. Information barrier - Increase segments

    Currently, Box ethical walls have a limit of 10 segments, Which needs to be increased. Many companies like us have more business units, Hence we need more segments to handle it.

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  18. Remove Approved Integration API as Suspicious in Shield Suspicious Location

    Similar to the pulse below, I would like Shield Suspicious Location to not mark already integrated application IP address as suspicious because there are too many noise due to this.

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  19. I want to be able to set Relay triggers for folders as well.

    Due to Relay specifications, only "files that triggered the flow" can be selected.
    In our business, we want to copy uploaded folders to another folder automatically, but it is time-consuming to manually select the destination folder each time.
    Therefore, we would like to be able to set triggers for folders.

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  20. Enable default classification of MIP / Purview marked content from outside our tenant

    We have multiple Microsoft Tenants and one Box EID. The challenge with this is that Shield only enables us to map sensitivity labels from one tenant. As a result we have a lot of information in our Box environment that is MIP marked but carries no Shield classification. It would be ideal to enable a default Shield classification for to be applied to data that has come from outside our MIP tenant. That way we can at notify users that additional controls may affect the document beyond those that Shield is enforcing, and smooth the gaps between our multi-tenancy in…

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