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9088 results found

  1. Unable to add a content to a Hub site due to folder settings and Enterprise settings

    When an user who is invited as editor to contents at folder level or file level tries to choose q folder or file to add a Hub site, those files and folders are grayed out and unable to choose.
    this is due to the invite is limited at enterprise setting or folder setting as below.

    / At Enterprise settings, Box amin checks "only the admin, fokder owner and co-owers can nvite collaborators"
    /At folder settings, "only folder owenrs and co-owners can send collaborators invites" is checked

    This is bit strange because the user is editor, but it seems that…

    39 votes
    not planned  ·  3 comments  ·  Box Hubs  ·  Admin →
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  2. Restricted export of content insight reports by non-administrative users.

    There is a function to export Content Insights access statistics, but if you restrict content creation and prohibit the creation of first-level folders, you will not be able to export it.
    However, anyone who owns a folder called "Box Reports" can export Content Insights Reports, even if they don't have admin permissions.

    As stated in the article, restrict non-admin users from exporting Content Insights reports.
    *Do not make an exception for the owner of the "Box Reports" folder
    We do not want users without administrative privileges to be able to export this report, as this would reduce the…

    14 votes
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  3. Sheild > [Download and Print Restriction], if "For Box Desktop" is enabled, the Office co-editing function should be available via a browser

    Sheild > [Download and Print Restriction], if "For Box Desktop" is enabled, the Office co-editing function should be available via a browser.

    We have applied Box Shield's [Download and Print Restriction] to "For Box Desktop" and [Microsoft Office Coauthoring Basics] via browser is also disabled.
    Microsoft Office Coauthoring Basics] via a browser is also disabled.
    Similarly, Office co-editing functions that are opened via a browser should not be restricted, since access in BoxEdit is not restricted.
    Errors in opening the file in the browser cause confusion for the user.
    Also, please add the following explanation to the Access Policy Settings…

    29 votes
    researching  ·  1 comment  ·  Shield  ·  Admin →
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  4. access Deny Authority

    The permissions of the parent folder are inherited by the subordinate folder, but I want to be able to add a setting to deny access only to specific users or groups in the subordinate folder. Or I want to be able to set the permission settings so that they are not inherited by subordinates. This is a function that can be realized with existing file servers.


    15 votes
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  5. We would like the usage standards for Box Connector for Microsoft Graph to be relaxed.

    Currently, the Box Connector for Microsoft Graph requires fewer than 10,000 Box users, but the improved interoperability between Box and Microsoft products is more beneficial for larger tenants.
    I would like the user limit to be increased or eliminated.

    Additionally, We can currently search and display Box content (up to 20,000 recent items) across the Microsoft ecosystem, but this amount of content is not very searchable, so we'd like to see as many as possible.

    Box Connector for Microsoft Graphの利用基準を緩和してほしい

    現在、Box Connector for Microsoft Graphを利用するにはBoxユーザーが10,000人未満であることが条件ですが、Box製品とMicrosoft製品間の相互運用性の向上は、大人数のテナントでより効果的です。

    また現在は、Microsoftのエコシステム全体でBoxのコンテンツ (最大20,000の最新項目) を検索して表示できますが、このコンテンツ数では検索性が低いため、可能な限り多くしてほしいです。

    57 votes
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  6. In the Enterprise settings for device protection, add the global IP address used during client connection to the device trust requirements.

    I would like to add the global IP address that the client connects to as a target in the device trust requirements of the policies that can be set in the Enterprise settings for device protection. Currently, it is possible to apply for allowed IP addresses individually on a tenant basis, but it is not feasible to respond appropriately each time. By making it possible to set this as an item in this function, it will be possible to respond quickly and control the target in a limited manner, thereby improving operational management convenience and enhancing security. Please consider this.

    8 votes
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  7. Editing Box Hubs: Adding a description to a file or folder

    I'd like to be able to add a short description to each file and folder I add to the Hub.
    For example, a description is added just below the file or folder icon, or a speech bubble appears when you hover the cursor over the file or folder icon.

    16 votes
    0 comments  ·  Box Hubs  ·  Admin →
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  8. We want to be able to see the origin folder of a file request link.

    By implementing features such as a button that allows users to navigate to the originating folder from the file request link, We would like to make it clear which folder the file request link was issued from.

    (In Japanese)


    10 votes
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  9. Please relax the recommended number of collaboration users per item

    We would like the recommended number of collaboration users per item to be relaxed.
    With the current recommended value of 15,000, we are having trouble with being able to invite all employees.


    9 votes
    0 comments  ·  Web App  ·  Admin →
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  10. Hubs Template

    Make a Hub a template to then copy and paste the Hub in order to share with different groups of stakeholders.

    25 votes
    researching  ·  0 comments  ·  Box Hubs  ·  Admin →
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  11. Visualize the description field on the metadata input screen

    Visualize the description field on the metadata input screen

    Currently, when you open metadata attached to a file, the description field is not displayed and you cannot view it unless you hover the cursor over the item.
    When entering metadata, you want to refer to the description, so it is inconvenient that the description disappears when the cursor is not over it.
    I would like them to change it so that the description field is always visible to the user, like before.



    8 votes
    0 comments  ·  Metadata  ·  Admin →
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  12. We want BoxRelay to work with the privileges of the user who actually started the workflow, not the user who created the workflow.

    In the current specification, workflows in BoxRelay operate under the authority of the user who created the flow, not the user who executed the flow.
    This causes confusion because there is a discrepancy with the actual operation performed. We would like to improve this so that Relay can correctly confirm who started the flow.



    10 votes
    0 comments  ·  Workflow  ·  Admin →
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  13. I would like the restrictions on Box AI to be lifted or reduced.

    It's great that the Box AI query limit has been lifted.
    Next, we would like to see the following three limits lifted or reduced.
    ・Limited to 1,000 characters per question
    ・Text content size limit is 1MB, with larger files only processing the first 1MB of text
    ・Non-English languages may produce lower quality results

    Of course, we would also like to see the accuracy of the AI ​​improved. (Especially Bax AI for Hubs)

    23 votes
    0 comments  ·  Box AI  ·  Admin →
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  14. Records management certificate of destruction

    In order to support a variety of compliant content management use cases, GxP validation, and fulfill various audit requirements, Box should provide business-centric proof that a record (one to many files with versioned metadata) has been properly disposed according to a retention schedule. Business leaders engaged in a GxP audit need more visibility into records beyond what is available in technical solutions like the Event Stream API and / or Box admin-level reporting.

    14 votes
    0 comments  ·  Governance  ·  Admin →
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  15. Automatically add date and time to all signature fields

    Currently, you need to manually add the date field to a sign request. The date field and timestamp of signature should automatically be added to all signature fields, as this information is always needed to validate a signature as an official document. The signing log, where this information is collected today, is often separated from the signed file and calls into question official status of the signature.

    123 votes
    on roadmap  ·  12 comments  ·  Box Sign  ·  Admin →
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  16. Enhancing MIP Integration: Applying DLP Policy Controls to Box Drive Access

    We use Microsoft's MIP integration (DLP policy application).
    Currently, DLP policy controls are not applied when opening from Box Drive.
    This makes MIP integration pointless and poses security problems.
    It is desirable for DLP policy controls to be applied even when opening from Box Drive.

    <MIP 統合の強化: Box Drive アクセスへの DLP ポリシー制御の適用>

    現在の仕様では、Box Drive から開く場合には、DLPポリシーの制御が適用されません。
    Box Drive から開く場合にも、DLPポリシーの制御が適用されるのが望ましいです。

    10 votes
    0 comments  ·  Box Drive  ·  Admin →
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  17. About the Box Hubs home screen

    I would like to be able to change the display position of each hub and group them by category on the Box Hubs home screen.

    13 votes
    0 comments  ·  Box Hubs  ·  Admin →
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  18. Addition report of additional information for functions

    Addition report of additional information for functions

    The format of file names and folder names in report output is created using a fixed wording.
    Because the report is not output immediately and is output periodically,
    I would like a function to add additional information so that I can understand what the intention was when outputting.

    Specifically, I think it would be good to do the following:
    - When outputting a report, add an arbitrary suffix to file and folder names to differentiate them.
    ・When outputting a report, provide a comment input field and add it to the description field…

    8 votes
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  19. Copilot support in Office Online/Office desktop applications for files on Box

    Currently, Copilot (Copilot in Word/Excel/PowerPoint) is not supported for Office files in Box.

    The following must be supported for files in Box

    (1) Copilot in Office Online

    (2) Copilot in Office desktop applications (with or without co-authoring)


    26 votes
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  20. Improvement of search within the trash

    We want to search the contents of the Trash in the Search window, as before.
    In the new UI, we need to open the search panel first to specify the trash as a destination.
    This is inconvenient, and we would like it to be improved as before.


    14 votes
    0 comments  ·  New UI  ·  Admin →
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