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9097 results found

  1. Ability to add a parameter to control the visibility of the zoom button when creating expiring embed links

    Most of the time, when viewing on mobile, it appears that the zoom button doesn't do much when pressed. Only when zoomed out does it seem to fit the document to the screen. Raymond James would like the ability to disable this when creating expiring embed links.

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  2. Multi-tenant support for Box Graph Connector

    It is a very common configuration to have a single Microsoft 365 tenant and a multi-tenant Box, but the Box Graph Connector is only available for one Box tenant.
    Box Graph Connector should be supported even if Microsoft 365 is single-tenant and Box is multi-tenant.

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  3. Add Mac capability for BoxSign CAC/PIV

    Would like to be able to have Mac interoperability for BoxSign to utilize CAC/PIV.

    8 votes
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  4. Box Admin Notifications and Box Shield

    Please allow the Box Admin to decide receive which notification from specific Box services

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  5. Risk Score Based Trigger for Box Shield Malicious Content Detection Rule

    I would love an option to set Risk Score Based Triggers for Box Shield Malicious Content Detection Rules. This would allow me to prioritize alerts based on the risk score and/or only be notified when a file received a risk score above a certain threshold I could set.

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  6. Add an option to check declined reason for Box Sign

    When requesting a signature to a multiple signer in sequence, and the signature is declined, the user who signed in the middle can't see the rejected reason except in the Signing logs.
    Therefore, we'd like to have a different option to check declined reason for requester and signer.
    e.g. Show declined reason at Box Sign's "Sent Requests" or "Shared with Me" screens.

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  7. Please reflect "Notify affected users" setting change on the security logs report

    Currently, "Notify affected users: x days before expiration" setting change does not get reflected on the security logs report.

    <Repro steps:>

    1. Go to Admin Console > Enterprise Settings > [Content & Sharing] tab.
    2. Make sure "Automatically remove invited collaborators" is ON.
    3. Turn on or off "Notify affected users: x days before expiration" checkbox and save the setting, with "Automatically remove invited collaborators" kept ON.
    4. Run the security logs report.

    Currently the change does not get logged on the security logs report.
    Please reflect this "Notify affected users" setting change on the security logs report.

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  8. Request to change token_type content when obtaining access token with API

    When obtaining an access token for the Box API, the specification returns the value "bearer" with the first "B" in lowercase as the tokentype parameter, but if you set "bearer ${accesstoken}" to the value of the authorization header and execute the Box API, a 400 Bad Request will be returned. If "bearer" is changed to "Bearer", it will be processed correctly.
    I would like the obtained token_type value to be "Bearer", which can be processed normally by Box API.

    Box APIのアクセストークン取得時、tokentypeパラメータとして先頭の"B"が小文字で"bearer"という値が返却される仕様だが、authorizationヘッダーの値に"bearer ${accesstoken}"をセットしてBox APIを実行すると400 Bad Requestとなる。"bearer"を"Bearer"とすると正常に処理される。
    取得されるtoken_typeの値を、Box APIで正常処理できる"Bearer"にしてもらいたい。

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  9. Forcing the Microsoft Authenticator App

    Allow for the ability to force the Microsoft Authenticator App (or any other Admin-specified Authenticator App), as opposed to allowing the end user to choose their preferred Authenticator App.

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  10. Fix your "Sort by Name" function

    FIX YOUR *. Sort by name is broken! What a *** app!

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  11. Relay Failure Notifications

    It would be extremely helpful if when a relay fails to execute, or stalls for an extended length of time, the admin gets a notification. Currently if a relay fails, or stalls indefinitely, noone is actually notified, and the only record of the failure or stall is in the tracking log of the individual relay. It would be far more efficient for me as an admin to be proactively notified of the issue.

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  12. Admin Insight User Activity of Hubs

    We strongly request the addition of admin insights regarding user activity in the hubs. While we can see the number of people viewing each hub in the gallery, we lack detailed information about their engagement.
    Content insights(the contents in each hub) provide us with information about activities, but they are insufficient because not everyone who opens a hub previews each file.

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  13. Function to display a list of files that failed to upload when uploading large amounts of content

    In the course of work, there are many opportunities to upload folders or large numbers of files at once.
    Some files may fail to upload, but the Box Web screen does not allow you to extract information about only the files that failed to upload.
    This means that it can be time-consuming to identify files that have failed to upload among a large number of uploaded files.
    Please implement a function to display a list of contents that have failed to upload.
    If it is difficult to display the list on the screen, please implement a function to export the…

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  14. Share Box Forms with co-owners

    Can you enable the ability to share a Box Form with another user as a co-owner or editor?

    For example, if I create a Form, and then leave the company, a co-owner could still use it or make edits.

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  15. Box for Salesforce - Add Field Api Name Support to Box Embed

    Add support to override the default folder Id FRUP mapping and dynamically pass in a folder id using a Field Api Name

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  16. Box for Salesforce - Add Field Api Name Support to all UI Elements

    Currently, the only UI Element that supports passing in the Field API Name is Content Preview. It would be very helpful to be able to add support for Content Explorer, Content Picker, Content Uploader

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  17. Pop up message when users try to move Large folders to a trash

    Hi Could you consider displaying a pop-up message when users try to move a lot of contents to a trash?

    Currently, a pop up message appears when large folders are moved to oher folders. But no message appears when a user tries to move contents to a trash.

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  18. Open edit screens of multiple files on Box at once /Box上の複数ファイルの編集画面を一度に開く

    When creating documents, we often have to open multiple documents on Box, and we have to open each one and operate them one by one.
    This method of operation requires a lot of time just to open the editing screen, so we would like to have a function that allows us to preview and open the editing screen for all files at once after selecting them.

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  19. Integration with PageUp

    We need an integration of Box (Specifically Box Sign) with HR software called "PageUp"

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  20. We would like to search by the entered email address from the selected user in the drop-down list.

    Recently, a new feature has been added to the Admin Console, allowing users to filter by selecting 'External Users' and 'Unmanaged Users' from the drop-down list in the 'Users & Groups' tab. This is a fantastic improvement.

    We would like to request the following three additional enhancements:

    1) When 'External Users' is selected from the drop-down list, it should be possible to search by email address in the top search field, and the results should display only 'External Users'.

    2) When 'Unmanaged Users' is selected from the drop-down list, it should be possible to search by email address in the…

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