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9145 results found

  1. Support for Qualified electronic signature (QES)

    Supporting Qualified Electronic Signature through 3rd-party identity validation would be incredibly useful as it's required within the EU for some categories of processes

    26 votes
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  2. Global Metadata Variable

    Provide functionality for metadata variables to be referenced globally within other metadata templates.

    For example, company regions change annually. If we need to add a new region (South) to our current regions (Central, East, West), we have to update each individual template with a region field. It would be ideal if we could update the regions in one global variable that can then be referenced in all metadata templates. This process today is time consuming, decentralized, and error prone.

    26 votes
    1 comment  ·  Metadata  ·  Admin →
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    While we recognize the importance of this feature, it is not something we plan to introduce in the near term. We will certainly keep this in mind for future roadmap inclusion and we will keep the status of this request updated to accurately reflect our current position.

  3. Set "SSO Required"/"SSO Enabled" for each user

    The current "SSO Required" is for all managed users.
    When creating "administrator user and general user" as a managed user, there are the following problems.
    -It is necessary to create an administrator user ID on the IdP side.
    -When accessing as an administrative user, it takes time and effort to log in from the IdP and access Box.
    -A license fee will also be charged on the IdP side.

    If we can set "SSO required" and "SSO enabled" for each user, the problem will be solved.

    26 votes
    3 comments  ·  Security  ·  Admin →
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  4. Box for Office - Access to Collections

    Now that we can organise our files in Box using Collections, it would be good to be able to access this functionality in the Office Apps. This is 'mainly' relevant to the Outlook Box add-in that comes as part of Box for Office for when you want to save to Box or insert from Box.
    Excel/Word/PowerPoint - I would argue that the best experience is opening from Edge/Chrome using Box Edit.

    26 votes
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  5. Add ability to manage tags

    Admins need a way to mass edit tags. Sometimes people misspell tags when they're adding them, or sometimes an entire tag itself needs to change completely, and everything that has that tag should be updated. (Check out how Zenhub handles tags for inspiration!)

    26 votes
    researching  ·  1 comment  ·  Admin Console  ·  Admin →
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  6. Restrict assigning higher level permissions to external users

    we would like a control to restrict external users from having anything above a set permission level.

    It would also be great if we could review on one screen, external users to see what permission levels is assigned

    26 votes
    4 comments  ·  Web App  ·  Admin →
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  7. API endpoint to return ALL objects (recursively) but simplified to create browser tree

    I am using the jstree library in my application to create a full browser tree of a user's BOX resources. Please create an endpoint to return ALL objects (recursive) available to an authenticated user inside one root folder . These objects would only require the object ID, TYPE, NAME, VERSION and PARENT(parent-id as string instead of parent object). The jstree lib can take this data and create an entire file browsing tree and then users would call up more information when they click on an object. This would greatly reduce the number of API calls to your server and possibly…

    26 votes
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  8. Allow reorganization of received collaborated folders

    I would like to request that all users are allowed, as non-folder owners, to place shared folders inside non-shared folders. This allows for better organization for users and therefore an overall better user experience. All other cloud services that I am a part of allow this.

    I own the folders "fruit" and "orange." Someone else owns the folder "apple" and shares it with me. Currently, I cannot place the folder "apple" inside of my "fruit" folder. I would like to request this is changed.

    Currently, Box permissions (and as it was explained to me, security) does not allow it.…

    26 votes
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  9. remove the character limit on invite messages. the message portion is vital my account and sending specific instructions on folder use

    remove the character limit on invite messages. the message portion is vital my account and we need to sending specific instructions on folder use and access. this is best when included with the link to the folder as sent by box. ALSO there is nowhere on the site or in the share section that even states there is now a character limit, instead it's just kicking back the invite and preventing it from being sent.

    26 votes
    not planned  ·  3 comments  ·  Web App  ·  Admin →
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  10. Allow folder owner to report on collaborators in their folders

    We would like the ability to have a folder owner search for a specific collaborator to see all the folders (that is owned by the folder owner) that they are collaborating on

    26 votes
    1 comment  ·  Web App  ·  Admin →
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  11. 26 votes
    0 comments  ·  Box Drive  ·  Admin →
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    not planned  ·  Anonymous responded

    We currently do not have this planned on our roadmap. Please keep the feedback & use cases coming to help us prioritize this in the future!

  12. End user controlled reporting capabilities

    Allow users to run reports on content they own.

    26 votes
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  13. box for slack:Image preview is not displayed in Slack Canvas

    When using the Box+Slack integration, if I paste an image into Slack Canvas, no preview is displayed, only the file name is displayed. This is different from Slack messages.
    Request:A preview of the image is displayed in Slack Canvas as well.

    25 votes
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  14. Hubs Template

    Make a Hub a template to then copy and paste the Hub in order to share with different groups of stakeholders.

    25 votes
    researching  ·  0 comments  ·  Box Hubs  ·  Admin →
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  15. A user with folder owner or co-owner privileges outputs a “Collaboration Report”.

    Currently, only administrators can output the "Collaborations Report" .

    In order to see who is collaborating, we want to allow users with folder owner or co-owner privileges can output a "Collaborations Report" for the appropriate folder.

    (in Japanese)



    25 votes
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  16. Exclude file movement in Box Drive from Box shield's anomalous download detection

    When I move a folder with multiple files stored in Box Drive, Box Shield's anomalous download detection works.
    Since the purpose of the detection of anomalous download is to detect downloads that are taken out of the system, this specification is not the behavior we are looking for.
    Therefore, I would like to see Box Shield exclude moving files in Box Drive from the detection of anomalous download.

    In Japanese:
    Box Driveで複数ファイルが格納されているフォルダを移動すると、Box Shieldの「異常なダウンロード」検知が動作してしまいます。
    そのため、Box Driveの移動はBox Shieldの異常なダウンロード検知の対象外にしてほしいです。

    25 votes
    2 comments  ·  Shield  ·  Admin →
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  17. Comment Reply Thread and integration with Office Comments

    I have recently had to stop people from using the Box comment feature, as it was adding unnecessary tasks to my workflow, because it does not allow the author to respond to comments, and when i open a word document to edit, the comments disappear. Commenting feature needs to integrate with Office in order to be useful for reviewing MS office documents. As the author i 'must' be able to respond, and close comments, AND when i open the document for edit, i MUST be able to see the comments. The MS Office comment feature is fantastic and if Box…

    25 votes
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  18. Request improvement so that users who do not have output permission do not display the download button for Content Insight activities

    For users who cannot create a folder in the root folder in a closed environment, pressing the "Download" button on the Content Insights activity will result in the error message "Sorry, the report could not be generated. Please try again." .
    If the download button is displayed, users who do not have the output authority will mistakenly think that they can download the report, and error messages will appear and the number of inquiries to the administrator will increase.
    Therefore, we would like to see improvements.


    25 votes
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  19. Enable option to turn on Optimal Character Recognition (OCR) for all documents

    Enable option to turn on Optimal Character Recognition (OCR) for all documents.

    This is important for Search and Data Leakage Prevention (DLP)/Ethical Walls.

    E.g. a Driver's License, Passport, etc. image gets uploaded, then Box DLP doesn't recognize this today.

    25 votes
    4 comments  ·  Security  ·  Admin →
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  20. Language of signature requests

    I would like to choose the language in which a signature request is sent. could be English by default but if we know the person speaks a different language then we can select that language.

    25 votes
    0 comments  ·  Box Sign  ·  Admin →
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